Table of Contents



Corneil du Plessis
GitHub: corneil Twitter: corneil
Blog :

About me

Software Architect with #SkinInTheGame at JumpCO
Passionate about developer experience, and an organizer at JoziJUG
I’m also a regular speaker at user groups and conferences in South Africa. I haven’t been lucky enough to land an invite to an international conference.

I was lucky enough to attend JavaOne in 2005. Sharing the Mosconi centre hall with 15000 people was incredible. It was the 10th birthday of Java and John Gage had the original team on stage.

I work mostly in JVM languages like Java, Groovy, Kotlin and some Scala. My current favourite is Kotlin. My first Java application when into production in early 1999 soon after the release of 1.2. Before Java I did most of my work in C++ for Windows, OS/2 and embedded systems. We were one of the first teams to embed C++ on the 80186.

Before C++ came C, Clipper, Pascal, Fortran and COBOL.

I’m a relative newbie to modern functional programming terminology. However as I learn I realize we did a lot of what would be classified as functional programming that in C and C++.

Day 00: kotlin

Hello World

Hello World!

Kotlin has extension functions that can be used to extend existing classes. Like in this case File.readText():String. This function is not available in The Kotlin compiler will generate the proper call to the function make the relevant object available as thise. Think of like a named Lambda.


val input = File("input.txt").readText()
println("Greatings $input")

A trick for creating a Gradle project from multiple subprojects in different folders

def days = ['day00', 'day01', 'day02', 'day03', 'day04', 'day05', 'day06', 'day07']

days.each { day ->
    project(":solution-$day").projectDir = file("../$day/kotlin/corneil")

Day 01: kotlin

The Tyranny of the Rocket Equation

Part 1 - Calculation of fuel for modules.

The calculation of fuel for a specific module.

Fuel required to launch a given module is based on its mass. Specifically, to find the fuel required for a module, take its mass, divide by three, round down, and subtract 2.

fun calculateFuel(mass: Long) = (mass / 3L) - 2L

Reading file input file.

    val massValues = mutableListOf<Long>()
    BufferedReader(FileReader(File("input.txt"))).use { reader ->
        reader.readLines().forEach { line ->
            val mass = line.trim()
            if (mass.isNotEmpty()) {

Calculating the fuel required for the modules.

    val moduleFuel = { calculateFuel(it) }.sum()
    println("Module Fuel=${moduleFuel}")
Part2 - Calculation of fuel for fuel and modules.

Calculating the fuel required for the fuel is a recursive function.

fun calculateFuelForMass(mass: Long): Long {
    val fuel = calculateFuel(mass)
    if (fuel <= 0) {
        return 0
    return fuel + calculateFuelForMass(fuel)
Solution source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day1


// tag::calc1[]
fun calculateFuel(mass: Long) = (mass / 3L) - 2L
// end::calc1[]

// tag::calc3[]
fun calculateFuelForMass(mass: Long): Long {
    val fuel = calculateFuel(mass)
    if (fuel <= 0) {
        return 0
    return fuel + calculateFuelForMass(fuel)

fun main() {
    // tag::read[]
    val massValues = mutableListOf<Long>()
    BufferedReader(FileReader(File("input.txt"))).use { reader ->
        reader.readLines().forEach { line ->
            val mass = line.trim()
            if (mass.isNotEmpty()) {
    // end::read[]

    assert(calculateFuel(100756L) == 33583L)
    // tag::calc2[]
    val moduleFuel = { calculateFuel(it) }.sum()
    println("Module Fuel=${moduleFuel}")
    // end::calc2[]
    assert(calculateFuelForMass(1969L) == 966L)
    assert(calculateFuelForMass(100756L) == 50346L)
    // tag::calc4[]
    val totalFuel = { calculateFuelForMass(it) }.sum()
    println("Total Fuel=${totalFuel}")
    // end::calc4[]

Day 02: kotlin

1202 Program Alarm

It will be simple to add more operation with the support for an operation lambda.

I find this style of breaking down into functions still useful it worked well 35 years ago in Pascal.

I can see that I might be refactoring elements of the IntCode program into classes as this thing moves forward.

Solution source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day2


fun readProgram(input: String) = input.split(",").map { it.toInt() }

fun readProgram(input: File) = readProgram(input.readText().trim())

fun deref(input: List<Int>, address: Int): Int = input[input[address]]

fun assign(input: MutableList<Int>, address: Int, value: Int) {
    input[input[address]] = value

fun applyOperation(input: MutableList<Int>, pc: Int, operation: (Int, Int) -> Int): Int {
    val result = operation(deref(input, pc + 1), deref(input, pc + 2))
    assign(input, pc + 3, result)
    return pc + 4

fun readAndExecute(pc: Int, input: MutableList<Int>): Int {
    return when (val opcode = input[pc]) {
        1    -> applyOperation(input, pc) { a, b -> a + b }
        2    -> applyOperation(input, pc) { a, b -> a * b }
        99   -> input.size
        else -> error("Invalid opcode $opcode")

fun executeProgram(input: MutableList<Int>): List<Int> {
    var pc = 0
    while (pc < input.size) {
        pc = readAndExecute(pc, input)
    return input.toList()

// We make a copy of the original for testing an iteration.
fun executeIteration(program: List<Int>, noun: Int, verb: Int): List<Int> {
    val copyX = program.toMutableList()
    copyX[1] = noun
    copyX[2] = verb
    return executeProgram(copyX)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val fileName = if (args.size > 1) args[0] else "input.txt"
    val program = readProgram(File(fileName)).toMutableList()

    val output = executeIteration(program, 12, 2)
    assert(output[0] == 5866714)
    // This is a brute force but with no more than 1000 iteration it isn't a problem. Solvers can wait
    mainLoop@ for (i in 0..99) {
        for (j in 0..99) {
            try {
                val result = executeIteration(program, i, j)
                if (result[0] == 19690720) {
                    val answer = 100 * i + j
            } catch (x: Throwable) {
                println("Iteration failed:$x")

Day 03: kotlin

Crossed Wires

I chose to model a Grid with Cells. Each movement will result in activity on a cell and create them as needed. Steps was later added to the cells for each wire and recorded as the grid was populated. There are some flaws in the when you have 3 wires a total value cannot be used to indicate an intersection. The intersections will have to be recorded in a different mechanism.

Solution source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day3

import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min

data class Coord(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
    fun distance(target: Coord): Int {
        return abs(x - target.x) + abs(y - target.y)

data class Cell(val coord: Coord, val value: Int, val steps: MutableMap<Int, Int> = mutableMapOf())

fun translateInstruction(instruction: String): Pair<Char, Int> {
    val direction = instruction[0]
    val amount = instruction.substring(1).toInt()
    return Pair(direction, amount)

class Grid {
    val cells = mutableMapOf(Coord(0, 0) to Cell(Coord(0, 0), 0))
    private fun addCell(x: Int, y: Int, value: Int, steps: Int) {
        if (!(x == 0 && y == 0)) {
            val key = Coord(x, y)
            val existing = cells[key]
            if (existing != null) {
                if (existing.value != value) {
                    cells[key] = existing.copy(value = value + existing.value)
                val existingSteps = cells[key]!!.steps[value]
                if (existingSteps == null) {
                    cells[key]!!.steps[value] = steps
            } else {
                cells[key] = Cell(key, value, mutableMapOf(value to steps))

    private fun addEntriesX(startX: Int, endX: Int, y: Int, value: Int, steps: Int): Coord {
        var stepsCounted = steps
        if (startX < endX) {
            for (x in startX..endX) {
                addCell(x, y, value, stepsCounted)
                stepsCounted += 1
        } else {

            for (x in startX downTo endX) {
                addCell(x, y, value, stepsCounted)
                stepsCounted += 1
        return Coord(endX, y)

    private fun addEntriesY(startY: Int, endY: Int, x: Int, value: Int, steps: Int): Coord {
        var stepsCounted = steps
        if (startY < endY) {
            for (y in startY..endY) {
                addCell(x, y, value, stepsCounted)
                stepsCounted += 1
        } else {
            for (y in startY downTo endY) {
                addCell(x, y, value, stepsCounted)
                stepsCounted += 1
        return Coord(x, endY)

    fun updateGrid(trace: List<String>, line: Int) {
        var position = Coord(0, 0)
        var stepsCounted = 0
        trace.forEach { instruction ->
            val direction = translateInstruction(instruction)
            position = when (direction.first) {
                'R'  -> addEntriesX(position.x, position.x + direction.second, position.y, line, stepsCounted)
                'L'  -> addEntriesX(position.x, position.x - direction.second, position.y, line, stepsCounted)
                'U'  -> addEntriesY(position.y, position.y + direction.second, position.x, line, stepsCounted)
                'D'  -> addEntriesY(position.y, position.y - direction.second, position.x, line, stepsCounted)
                else -> error("Unknown instruction $instruction")
            stepsCounted += direction.second

    fun findNearest(coord: Coord, minValue: Int): Cell {
        val closest = cells.values.filter { cell ->
            cell.value > minValue
        }.minBy { cell ->
        requireNotNull(closest) { "Could not find any cells!!!" }
        return closest

    fun findLowestStepsIntersection(minValue: Int): Int {
        val best = cells.values.filter { cell ->
            cell.value > minValue
        }.minBy { cell ->
        requireNotNull(best) { "Expected a minimum value" }
        return best.steps.values.sum()

    fun findClosestManhattenDistance(coord: Coord, minValue: Int): Int {
        return coord.distance(findNearest(coord, minValue).coord)

    fun printGrid(): List<String> {
        val minX = min( { it.coord.x }.min() ?: 0, 0) - 1
        val maxX = max( { it.coord.x }.max() ?: 0, 0) + 1
        val lines = cells.values.groupBy { it.coord.y }.toSortedMap()
        return { entry ->
            val lineOut = StringBuilder()
            val lineCells = { it.coord.x to it }.toMap()
            for (x in minX..maxX) {
                val cellX = lineCells[x]
                if (cellX != null) {
                } else {

fun stringToInstructions(input: String): List<String> {
    return input.split(',').map { it.trim() }

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val fileName = if (args.size > 1) args[0] else "input.txt"
    val lines = BufferedReader(FileReader(File(fileName))).readLines().mapNotNull {
        val line = it.trim()
        if (line.isNotEmpty()) line else null
    val grid = Grid()
    lines.forEachIndexed { index, line ->
        grid.updateGrid(stringToInstructions(line), index + 1)
    val start = Coord(0, 0)
    val distance = grid.findClosestManhattenDistance(start, lines.size)
    val best = grid.findLowestStepsIntersection(lines.size)
    // then

Day 04: kotlin

Secure Container

I decided to keep it simple on not try and use regex to do the validations.

Solution source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day4

fun passwordCriteriaLength(input: String): Boolean {
    return input.length == 6

fun passwordCriteriaDoubleDigits(input: String): Boolean {
    var prevChar = input[0]
    for (i in 1 until input.length) {
        val c = input[i]
        if (c == prevChar) {
            return true
        prevChar = c
    return false

fun passwordCriteriaMustHaveAtLeastOneOnlyDoubleDigitsAndNoMore(input: String): Boolean {
    var prevChar = input[0]
    var matchCount = 0
    for (i in 1 until input.length) {
        val c = input[i]
        if (c == prevChar) {
            matchCount += 1
        } else {
            if (matchCount == 1) {
                return true
            matchCount = 0
        prevChar = c
    return matchCount == 1

fun passwordCriteriaIncrease(input: String): Boolean {
    var prevChar = input[0]
    for (i in 1 until input.length) {
        val c = input[i]
        if (c < prevChar) {
            return false
        prevChar = c
    return true

val functions1 = arrayOf(

val functions2 = arrayOf(

fun validPassword(input: String): Boolean {
    for (validationFunction in functions1) {
        if (!validationFunction(input)) {
            return false
    return true

fun validPassword2(input: String): Boolean {
    for (validationFunction in functions2) {
        if (!validationFunction(input)) {
            return false
    return true

fun main() {

    val valid = (256310..732736).count { validPassword(it.toString()) }

    println("Valid in range=$valid")

    val valid2 = (256310..732736).count { validPassword2(it.toString()) }

    println("Valid2 in range=$valid2")

Day 05: kotlin

Sunny with a Chance of Asteroids

I found a phrase in the description ambiguous.

Parameters that an instruction writes to will never be in immediate mode.

When in reality the value refered to in the parameter is always the address. In my reading this means it is always in immediate mode.

I have a class the represents the program counter ProgramCounter and a class for the executing state ProgramState The program state loads the code into mutable memory and resets the program counter. Each instruction modifies memory and returns a new program counter.

I couldn’t decide if the program counter belongs in the program state or if it should be passed along.

Solution source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day5

import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.Program
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.readProgram

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val fileName = if (args.size > 1) args[0] else "input.txt"
    val program = Program(readProgram(File(fileName)))

    val result1 = program.executeProgram(mutableListOf(1L))

    val result2 = program.executeProgram(mutableListOf(5L))

IntCode source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode

import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.ParameterMode.IMMEDIATE
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.ParameterMode.POSITION
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.ParameterMode.RELATIVE

enum class ParameterMode(val mode: Int) {

data class ParameterModes(private val modes: List<ParameterMode>) {
    operator fun get(index: Int) = if (modes.size > index) {
    } else {

fun parameterMode(mode: Int) = ParameterMode.values().find {
    it.mode == mode
} ?: error("Invalid mode $mode")

fun paramModesFrom(mode: Long): ParameterModes {
    var remainingMode = mode
    val result = mutableListOf<ParameterMode>()
    while (remainingMode > 0) {
        result.add(parameterMode((remainingMode % 10).toInt()))
        remainingMode /= 10
    return ParameterModes(result)

fun readProgram(input: String) = input.split(",").map { it.toLong() }

fun readProgram(input: File) = readProgram(input.readText().trim())

data class ProgramCounter(val pc: Int, val run: Boolean) {
    fun add(value: Int): ProgramCounter = copy(pc = pc + value)
    fun jump(target: Int): ProgramCounter = copy(pc = target)
    fun halt(): ProgramCounter = copy(run = false)
typealias InputProvider = () -> Long
typealias OutputProvider = (Long) -> Unit

class ProgramState(
    private val memory: MutableList<Long>,
    private val inputs: MutableList<Long> = mutableListOf(),
    private val fetchInput: InputProvider? = null,
    private val outputHandler: OutputProvider? = null
) {
    var counter = ProgramCounter(0, true)
        private set
    var waitingInput = false
        private set
    private var base = 0L
    private val output = mutableListOf<Long>()
    fun memory() = memory.toList()
    fun memory(index: Int): Long = memory[index]
    fun outputs() = output.toList()
    fun extractOutput(): List<Long> {
        val result = output.toList()
        return result

    fun isHalted() = !

    private fun paramModes() = paramModesFrom(read(counter.pc.toLong()) / 100L)

    private fun deref(parameterMode: ParameterMode, address: Long): Long {
        return when (parameterMode) {
            IMMEDIATE -> address
            POSITION  -> read(address)
            RELATIVE  -> read(base + address)

    private fun read(address: Long): Long = if (address < memory.size) memory[address.toInt()] else 0L

    private fun assign(address: Long, value: Long) {
        require(address >= 0) { "Memory address cannot be negative" }
        while (memory.size < address + 1) {
        memory[address.toInt()] = value

    private fun paramValue(index: Int): Long {
        val parameterModes = paramModes()
        return deref(parameterModes[index - 1], read((counter.pc + index).toLong()))

    private fun paramAddress(index: Int): Long {
        val parameterModes = paramModes()
        val address = read((counter.pc + index).toLong())
        return if (parameterModes[index - 1] == RELATIVE) {
            base + address
        } else {

    private fun applyOperation(operation: (Long, Long) -> Long): ProgramCounter {
        val value1 = paramValue(1)
        val value2 = paramValue(2)
        val result = operation(value1, value2)
        assign(paramAddress(3), result)
        return counter.add(4)

    private fun saveInput(): ProgramCounter {
        val value = if (inputs.isEmpty() && fetchInput != null) {
        } else {
            if (inputs.isEmpty()) {
                waitingInput = true
                return counter
            } else {
        assign(paramAddress(1), value)
        return counter.add(2)

    private fun operationLessThan(): ProgramCounter {
        val value1 = paramValue(1)
        val value2 = paramValue(2)
        val result = if (value1 < value2) 1 else 0
        assign(paramAddress(3), result.toLong())
        return counter.add(4)

    private fun operationEquals(): ProgramCounter {
        val value1 = paramValue(1)
        val value2 = paramValue(2)
        val result = if (value1 == value2) 1 else 0
        assign(paramAddress(3), result.toLong())
        return counter.add(4)

    private fun jumpIfTrue(): ProgramCounter {
        val value = paramValue(1)
        val target = paramValue(2)
        return if (value != 0L) counter.jump(target.toInt()) else counter.add(3)

    private fun jumpIfFalse(): ProgramCounter {
        val value = paramValue(1)
        val target = paramValue(2)
        return if (value == 0L) counter.jump(target.toInt()) else counter.add(3)

    private fun outputValue(): ProgramCounter {
        val value = paramValue(1)
        if (outputHandler != null) {
        } else {
        return counter.add(2)

    private fun halt() = counter.halt()
    private fun adjustBase(): ProgramCounter {
        base += paramValue(1).toInt()
        return counter.add(2)

    private fun readAndExecute(): ProgramCounter {
        return when (val opcode = (memory[counter.pc] % 100L).toInt()) {
            1    -> applyOperation { a, b -> a + b }
            2    -> applyOperation { a, b -> a * b }
            3    -> saveInput()
            4    -> outputValue()
            5    -> jumpIfTrue()
            6    -> jumpIfFalse()
            7    -> operationLessThan()
            8    -> operationEquals()
            9    -> adjustBase()
            99   -> halt()
            else -> error("Invalid opcode $opcode")

    fun reset() {
        counter = ProgramCounter(0, true)

    fun execute(): ProgramState {
        waitingInput = false
        counter = ProgramCounter(0, true)
        while ( && counter.pc < memory.size && !waitingInput) {
            counter = readAndExecute()
        return this

    // Not that this removes the output from program state and returns the output
    fun executeUntilOutput(input: List<Long>): List<Long> {
        waitingInput = false
        while ( && counter.pc < memory.size && output.isEmpty() && !waitingInput) {
            counter = readAndExecute()
        return extractOutput()

    fun executeUntilInput(input: List<Long>) {
        waitingInput = false
        while ( && counter.pc < memory.size && !waitingInput) {
            counter = readAndExecute()

    fun setMemory(index: Int, value: Long) {
        memory[index] = value

class Program(
    private val code: List<Long>,
    private val globalFetchInput: (() -> Long)? = null,
    private val globalOutputHandler: ((Long) -> Unit)? = null
) {

    fun executeProgram(
        input: List<Long>,
        fetchInput: (() -> Long)? = null,
        outputHandler: ((Long) -> Unit)? = null
    ): ProgramState {
        val state = ProgramState(
            fetchInput ?: globalFetchInput,
            outputHandler ?: globalOutputHandler
        return state

    fun createProgram(
        input: List<Long> = emptyList(),
        fetchInput: (() -> Long)? = null,
        outputHandler: ((Long) -> Unit)? = null
    ): ProgramState {
        return ProgramState(
            fetchInput ?: globalFetchInput,
            outputHandler ?: globalOutputHandler

Day 06: kotlin

Universal Orbit Map

My test cases matched the supplied cases.

My answer for the number of transfer was 2 lower than the "correct" answer.

Full source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day6


class OrbitData {
    fun addOrbit(obj: String, orbiting: String) {
        assert(orbits[orbiting] == null)
        orbits[orbiting] = Orbit(
            objects[obj] ?: createObj(obj),
            objects[orbiting] ?: createObj(orbiting)

    private fun createObj(obj: String): Orbitable {
        val o = Orbitable(obj)
        objects[obj] = o
        return o

    val objects: MutableMap<String, Orbitable> = mutableMapOf()
    val orbits: MutableMap<String, Orbit> = mutableMapOf()
    fun findOrbits(obj: String): List<Orbit> {
        val orbiting = orbits[obj]
        return if(orbiting == null) emptyList() else listOf(orbiting) + findOrbits(

    fun findTransfers(start: String, end: String): List<Pair<Orbitable, Orbitable>> {
        val startOrbits = findOrbits(start)
        val endOrbits = findOrbits(end)
        val shared = startOrbits.find { orbit -> endOrbits.any { it == orbit } }
        requireNotNull(shared) { "Expected a shared orbit" }
        val inward = startOrbits.subList(0, startOrbits.indexOf(shared))
        val outward = endOrbits.subList(0, endOrbits.indexOf(shared))
        val transfers = { it.orbits to it.centre } + { it.centre to it.orbits }
        return transfers.subList(0, transfers.size - 2)

    fun findOrbit(obj: String): Orbit {
        return orbits[obj] ?: error("Expected to find $obj orbiting something")

data class Orbitable(val name: String)

data class Orbit(
    val centre: Orbitable,
    val orbits: Orbitable

fun prepareData(input: String): List<String> {
    return input.split('\n').map { it.trim() }.toList()

fun loadOrbits(input: List<String>): OrbitData {
    val data = OrbitData()
    input.forEach { line ->
        val items = line.split(')')
        data.addOrbit(items[0], items[1])
    return data

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val fileName = if (args.size > 1) args[0] else "input.txt"
    val orbits = loadOrbits(File(fileName).readLines().map { it.trim() })
    val allOrbits = orbits.objects.keys.flatMap { orbits.findOrbits(it) }
    val you2san = orbits.findTransfers("YOU", "SAN")
    val you = orbits.findOrbit("YOU")
    val san = orbits.findOrbit("SAN")
    val transfer = orbits.findTransfers(,
    println(transfer.joinToString("\n") { + " -> " + })

Day 07: kotlin

Amplification Circuit

Permutation generation was the biggest challenge. The examples I found of Heap’s Algorithm for generating permutations sent me in circles. Eventually I did a brute force implementation that works.

Solution Source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day7

import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.Program
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.readProgram

fun phaseAmplifierTest(code: List<Long>, sequence: LongArray): Long {
    val program = Program(code)
    var amplifierInput = 0L
    sequence.forEach { phase ->
        val result = program.executeProgram(listOf(phase, amplifierInput))
        amplifierInput = result.outputs().first()
    return amplifierInput

fun phaseAmplifierFeedback(code: List<Long>, sequence: LongArray): Long {
    val program = Program(code)
    var lastOutput = 0L
    var amplifierInput = listOf(0L)
    val amplifiers = { phase -> program.createProgram(listOf(phase)) }
    do {
        amplifiers.forEach { amp ->
            if (!amp.isHalted()) {
                val result = amp.executeUntilOutput(amplifierInput)
                if (result.isNotEmpty()) {
                    lastOutput = result.last()
                    amplifierInput = result
    } while (amplifiers.count { !it.isHalted() } == amplifiers.size)
    return lastOutput

// found on
fun <T> permute(input: List<T>): List<List<T>> {
    if (input.size == 1) return listOf(input)
    val perms = mutableListOf<List<T>>()
    val toInsert = input[0]
    for (perm in permute(input.drop(1))) {
        for (i in 0..perm.size) {
            val newPerm = perm.toMutableList()
            newPerm.add(i, toInsert)
    return perms

fun permutationGeneration(start: Long, end: Long): List<LongArray> {
    return permute((start..end).toList()).map { it.toLongArray() }

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val fileName = if (args.size > 1) args[0] else "input.txt"
    val code = readProgram(File(fileName))
    val maxOutput = permutationGeneration(0L, 4L).map { seq -> phaseAmplifierTest(code, seq) }.max()
    println("Max Output = $maxOutput")
    val maxOutput2 = permutationGeneration(5L, 9L).map { seq -> phaseAmplifierFeedback(code, seq) }.max()
    println("Max Output = $maxOutput2")
IntCode source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode

import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.ParameterMode.IMMEDIATE
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.ParameterMode.POSITION
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.ParameterMode.RELATIVE

enum class ParameterMode(val mode: Int) {

data class ParameterModes(private val modes: List<ParameterMode>) {
    operator fun get(index: Int) = if (modes.size > index) {
    } else {

fun parameterMode(mode: Int) = ParameterMode.values().find {
    it.mode == mode
} ?: error("Invalid mode $mode")

fun paramModesFrom(mode: Long): ParameterModes {
    var remainingMode = mode
    val result = mutableListOf<ParameterMode>()
    while (remainingMode > 0) {
        result.add(parameterMode((remainingMode % 10).toInt()))
        remainingMode /= 10
    return ParameterModes(result)

fun readProgram(input: String) = input.split(",").map { it.toLong() }

fun readProgram(input: File) = readProgram(input.readText().trim())

data class ProgramCounter(val pc: Int, val run: Boolean) {
    fun add(value: Int): ProgramCounter = copy(pc = pc + value)
    fun jump(target: Int): ProgramCounter = copy(pc = target)
    fun halt(): ProgramCounter = copy(run = false)
typealias InputProvider = () -> Long
typealias OutputProvider = (Long) -> Unit

class ProgramState(
    private val memory: MutableList<Long>,
    private val inputs: MutableList<Long> = mutableListOf(),
    private val fetchInput: InputProvider? = null,
    private val outputHandler: OutputProvider? = null
) {
    var counter = ProgramCounter(0, true)
        private set
    var waitingInput = false
        private set
    private var base = 0L
    private val output = mutableListOf<Long>()
    fun memory() = memory.toList()
    fun memory(index: Int): Long = memory[index]
    fun outputs() = output.toList()
    fun extractOutput(): List<Long> {
        val result = output.toList()
        return result

    fun isHalted() = !

    private fun paramModes() = paramModesFrom(read(counter.pc.toLong()) / 100L)

    private fun deref(parameterMode: ParameterMode, address: Long): Long {
        return when (parameterMode) {
            IMMEDIATE -> address
            POSITION  -> read(address)
            RELATIVE  -> read(base + address)

    private fun read(address: Long): Long = if (address < memory.size) memory[address.toInt()] else 0L

    private fun assign(address: Long, value: Long) {
        require(address >= 0) { "Memory address cannot be negative" }
        while (memory.size < address + 1) {
        memory[address.toInt()] = value

    private fun paramValue(index: Int): Long {
        val parameterModes = paramModes()
        return deref(parameterModes[index - 1], read((counter.pc + index).toLong()))

    private fun paramAddress(index: Int): Long {
        val parameterModes = paramModes()
        val address = read((counter.pc + index).toLong())
        return if (parameterModes[index - 1] == RELATIVE) {
            base + address
        } else {

    private fun applyOperation(operation: (Long, Long) -> Long): ProgramCounter {
        val value1 = paramValue(1)
        val value2 = paramValue(2)
        val result = operation(value1, value2)
        assign(paramAddress(3), result)
        return counter.add(4)

    private fun saveInput(): ProgramCounter {
        val value = if (inputs.isEmpty() && fetchInput != null) {
        } else {
            if (inputs.isEmpty()) {
                waitingInput = true
                return counter
            } else {
        assign(paramAddress(1), value)
        return counter.add(2)

    private fun operationLessThan(): ProgramCounter {
        val value1 = paramValue(1)
        val value2 = paramValue(2)
        val result = if (value1 < value2) 1 else 0
        assign(paramAddress(3), result.toLong())
        return counter.add(4)

    private fun operationEquals(): ProgramCounter {
        val value1 = paramValue(1)
        val value2 = paramValue(2)
        val result = if (value1 == value2) 1 else 0
        assign(paramAddress(3), result.toLong())
        return counter.add(4)

    private fun jumpIfTrue(): ProgramCounter {
        val value = paramValue(1)
        val target = paramValue(2)
        return if (value != 0L) counter.jump(target.toInt()) else counter.add(3)

    private fun jumpIfFalse(): ProgramCounter {
        val value = paramValue(1)
        val target = paramValue(2)
        return if (value == 0L) counter.jump(target.toInt()) else counter.add(3)

    private fun outputValue(): ProgramCounter {
        val value = paramValue(1)
        if (outputHandler != null) {
        } else {
        return counter.add(2)

    private fun halt() = counter.halt()
    private fun adjustBase(): ProgramCounter {
        base += paramValue(1).toInt()
        return counter.add(2)

    private fun readAndExecute(): ProgramCounter {
        return when (val opcode = (memory[counter.pc] % 100L).toInt()) {
            1    -> applyOperation { a, b -> a + b }
            2    -> applyOperation { a, b -> a * b }
            3    -> saveInput()
            4    -> outputValue()
            5    -> jumpIfTrue()
            6    -> jumpIfFalse()
            7    -> operationLessThan()
            8    -> operationEquals()
            9    -> adjustBase()
            99   -> halt()
            else -> error("Invalid opcode $opcode")

    fun reset() {
        counter = ProgramCounter(0, true)

    fun execute(): ProgramState {
        waitingInput = false
        counter = ProgramCounter(0, true)
        while ( && counter.pc < memory.size && !waitingInput) {
            counter = readAndExecute()
        return this

    // Not that this removes the output from program state and returns the output
    fun executeUntilOutput(input: List<Long>): List<Long> {
        waitingInput = false
        while ( && counter.pc < memory.size && output.isEmpty() && !waitingInput) {
            counter = readAndExecute()
        return extractOutput()

    fun executeUntilInput(input: List<Long>) {
        waitingInput = false
        while ( && counter.pc < memory.size && !waitingInput) {
            counter = readAndExecute()

    fun setMemory(index: Int, value: Long) {
        memory[index] = value

class Program(
    private val code: List<Long>,
    private val globalFetchInput: (() -> Long)? = null,
    private val globalOutputHandler: ((Long) -> Unit)? = null
) {

    fun executeProgram(
        input: List<Long>,
        fetchInput: (() -> Long)? = null,
        outputHandler: ((Long) -> Unit)? = null
    ): ProgramState {
        val state = ProgramState(
            fetchInput ?: globalFetchInput,
            outputHandler ?: globalOutputHandler
        return state

    fun createProgram(
        input: List<Long> = emptyList(),
        fetchInput: (() -> Long)? = null,
        outputHandler: ((Long) -> Unit)? = null
    ): ProgramState {
        return ProgramState(
            fetchInput ?: globalFetchInput,
            outputHandler ?: globalOutputHandler

Day 08: kotlin

Space Image Format

Kotlin made this one very straight forward, especially minBy

Things a learned 30 years ago directly manipulating the screen memory on my PC came in handy.

Thanks to Mr Norton.

Full Source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day8


typealias ImageLayer = List<Int>

data class Image(val width: Int, val height: Int, val layers: List<ImageLayer>)

fun readImage(width: Int, height: Int, input: String): Image {
    val dim = width * height
    val layersCount = input.length / dim
    val layers = (0 until layersCount).map { l ->
        input.substring(l * dim, (l + 1) * dim).map {
    return Image(width, height, layers)

fun printImage(image: Image) {
    for (y in 0 until image.height) {
        for (x in 0 until image.width) {
            val offset = x + (y * image.width)
            val pixel = (image.layers.indices).map {
            }.find { it != 2 } ?: 0
            print(if (pixel == 1) "*" else " ")

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val fileName = if (args.size > 1) args[0] else "input.txt"
    val image = readImage(25, 6, File(fileName).readText().trim())
    val minZeros = image.layers.minBy { layer -> layer.count { it == 0 } }
    requireNotNull(minZeros) { "Expected to find a layer with 0" }
    val result = minZeros.count { it == 1 } * minZeros.count { it == 2 }
    println("Result = $result")

Day 09: kotlin

Sensor Boost

Updated program to support Long for input and output. Added opcodes. Relative in conjunction with assignment tripped me up a little.

Solution source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day9

import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.Program
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.readProgram

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val fileName = if (args.size > 1) args[0] else "input.txt"
    val code = readProgram(File(fileName))

    val output = Program(code).executeProgram(listOf(1L))
    println("Output = ${output.outputs()}")

    val output2 = Program(code).executeProgram(listOf(2L))
    println("Output = ${output2.outputs()}")
IntCode source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode

import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.ParameterMode.IMMEDIATE
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.ParameterMode.POSITION
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.ParameterMode.RELATIVE

enum class ParameterMode(val mode: Int) {

data class ParameterModes(private val modes: List<ParameterMode>) {
    operator fun get(index: Int) = if (modes.size > index) {
    } else {

fun parameterMode(mode: Int) = ParameterMode.values().find {
    it.mode == mode
} ?: error("Invalid mode $mode")

fun paramModesFrom(mode: Long): ParameterModes {
    var remainingMode = mode
    val result = mutableListOf<ParameterMode>()
    while (remainingMode > 0) {
        result.add(parameterMode((remainingMode % 10).toInt()))
        remainingMode /= 10
    return ParameterModes(result)

fun readProgram(input: String) = input.split(",").map { it.toLong() }

fun readProgram(input: File) = readProgram(input.readText().trim())

data class ProgramCounter(val pc: Int, val run: Boolean) {
    fun add(value: Int): ProgramCounter = copy(pc = pc + value)
    fun jump(target: Int): ProgramCounter = copy(pc = target)
    fun halt(): ProgramCounter = copy(run = false)
typealias InputProvider = () -> Long
typealias OutputProvider = (Long) -> Unit

class ProgramState(
    private val memory: MutableList<Long>,
    private val inputs: MutableList<Long> = mutableListOf(),
    private val fetchInput: InputProvider? = null,
    private val outputHandler: OutputProvider? = null
) {
    var counter = ProgramCounter(0, true)
        private set
    var waitingInput = false
        private set
    private var base = 0L
    private val output = mutableListOf<Long>()
    fun memory() = memory.toList()
    fun memory(index: Int): Long = memory[index]
    fun outputs() = output.toList()
    fun extractOutput(): List<Long> {
        val result = output.toList()
        return result

    fun isHalted() = !

    private fun paramModes() = paramModesFrom(read(counter.pc.toLong()) / 100L)

    private fun deref(parameterMode: ParameterMode, address: Long): Long {
        return when (parameterMode) {
            IMMEDIATE -> address
            POSITION  -> read(address)
            RELATIVE  -> read(base + address)

    private fun read(address: Long): Long = if (address < memory.size) memory[address.toInt()] else 0L

    private fun assign(address: Long, value: Long) {
        require(address >= 0) { "Memory address cannot be negative" }
        while (memory.size < address + 1) {
        memory[address.toInt()] = value

    private fun paramValue(index: Int): Long {
        val parameterModes = paramModes()
        return deref(parameterModes[index - 1], read((counter.pc + index).toLong()))

    private fun paramAddress(index: Int): Long {
        val parameterModes = paramModes()
        val address = read((counter.pc + index).toLong())
        return if (parameterModes[index - 1] == RELATIVE) {
            base + address
        } else {

    private fun applyOperation(operation: (Long, Long) -> Long): ProgramCounter {
        val value1 = paramValue(1)
        val value2 = paramValue(2)
        val result = operation(value1, value2)
        assign(paramAddress(3), result)
        return counter.add(4)

    private fun saveInput(): ProgramCounter {
        val value = if (inputs.isEmpty() && fetchInput != null) {
        } else {
            if (inputs.isEmpty()) {
                waitingInput = true
                return counter
            } else {
        assign(paramAddress(1), value)
        return counter.add(2)

    private fun operationLessThan(): ProgramCounter {
        val value1 = paramValue(1)
        val value2 = paramValue(2)
        val result = if (value1 < value2) 1 else 0
        assign(paramAddress(3), result.toLong())
        return counter.add(4)

    private fun operationEquals(): ProgramCounter {
        val value1 = paramValue(1)
        val value2 = paramValue(2)
        val result = if (value1 == value2) 1 else 0
        assign(paramAddress(3), result.toLong())
        return counter.add(4)

    private fun jumpIfTrue(): ProgramCounter {
        val value = paramValue(1)
        val target = paramValue(2)
        return if (value != 0L) counter.jump(target.toInt()) else counter.add(3)

    private fun jumpIfFalse(): ProgramCounter {
        val value = paramValue(1)
        val target = paramValue(2)
        return if (value == 0L) counter.jump(target.toInt()) else counter.add(3)

    private fun outputValue(): ProgramCounter {
        val value = paramValue(1)
        if (outputHandler != null) {
        } else {
        return counter.add(2)

    private fun halt() = counter.halt()
    private fun adjustBase(): ProgramCounter {
        base += paramValue(1).toInt()
        return counter.add(2)

    private fun readAndExecute(): ProgramCounter {
        return when (val opcode = (memory[counter.pc] % 100L).toInt()) {
            1    -> applyOperation { a, b -> a + b }
            2    -> applyOperation { a, b -> a * b }
            3    -> saveInput()
            4    -> outputValue()
            5    -> jumpIfTrue()
            6    -> jumpIfFalse()
            7    -> operationLessThan()
            8    -> operationEquals()
            9    -> adjustBase()
            99   -> halt()
            else -> error("Invalid opcode $opcode")

    fun reset() {
        counter = ProgramCounter(0, true)

    fun execute(): ProgramState {
        waitingInput = false
        counter = ProgramCounter(0, true)
        while ( && counter.pc < memory.size && !waitingInput) {
            counter = readAndExecute()
        return this

    // Not that this removes the output from program state and returns the output
    fun executeUntilOutput(input: List<Long>): List<Long> {
        waitingInput = false
        while ( && counter.pc < memory.size && output.isEmpty() && !waitingInput) {
            counter = readAndExecute()
        return extractOutput()

    fun executeUntilInput(input: List<Long>) {
        waitingInput = false
        while ( && counter.pc < memory.size && !waitingInput) {
            counter = readAndExecute()

    fun setMemory(index: Int, value: Long) {
        memory[index] = value

class Program(
    private val code: List<Long>,
    private val globalFetchInput: (() -> Long)? = null,
    private val globalOutputHandler: ((Long) -> Unit)? = null
) {

    fun executeProgram(
        input: List<Long>,
        fetchInput: (() -> Long)? = null,
        outputHandler: ((Long) -> Unit)? = null
    ): ProgramState {
        val state = ProgramState(
            fetchInput ?: globalFetchInput,
            outputHandler ?: globalOutputHandler
        return state

    fun createProgram(
        input: List<Long> = emptyList(),
        fetchInput: (() -> Long)? = null,
        outputHandler: ((Long) -> Unit)? = null
    ): ProgramState {
        return ProgramState(
            fetchInput ?: globalFetchInput,
            outputHandler ?: globalOutputHandler

Day 10: kotlin

Monitoring Station

Thanks to Michael Simons I could finish the 2nd part.

Solution source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day10

import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.math.RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN
import kotlin.math.atan2
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.pow
import kotlin.math.sqrt

data class Coord(val x: Int, val y: Int)

data class AsteroidMap(val width: Int, val height: Int, val asteroidLocations: List<Coord>) {
    fun contains(point: Coord): Boolean {
        return point.y >= 0 && point.y < height && point.x in 0 until width

fun readMap(input: List<String>): AsteroidMap {
    var width = 0
    val result = mutableListOf<Coord>()
    input.forEachIndexed { y, line ->
        line.trim().forEachIndexed { x, c ->
            width = max(width, x + 1)
            if (c == '#') {
                result.add(Coord(x, y))
    return AsteroidMap(width, input.size, result)

// I had to look at other solutions to do the 2nd part. Tx Michael Simons
fun direction(start: Coord, end: Coord) = Coord(end.x - start.x, end.y - start.y)

fun distance(pt: Coord): Double = sqrt(pt.x.toDouble().pow(2.0) + pt.y.toDouble().pow(2.0))
typealias Normalized = Pair<BigDecimal, BigDecimal>

fun normalized(pt: Coord): Normalized {
    val dist = distance(pt)
    return Pair(
        BigDecimal(pt.x.toDouble() / dist).setScale(4, HALF_EVEN),
        BigDecimal(pt.y / dist).setScale(4, HALF_EVEN)

fun prepareOtherAsteroids(map: AsteroidMap, coord: Coord): Map<Normalized, MutableList<Pair<Coord, Double>>> {
    val result = mutableMapOf<Normalized, MutableList<Pair<Coord, Double>>>()
    map.asteroidLocations.filter { it != coord }.forEach {
        val dir = direction(coord, it)
        val dist = distance(dir)
        val norm = normalized(dir)
        val target = Pair(it, dist)
        if (result.containsKey(norm)) {
        } else {
            result[norm] = mutableListOf(target)
    result.forEach { entry ->
        entry.value.sortBy { it.second }
    return result

fun findLineOfSightCount(map: AsteroidMap, coord: Coord): Int {
    return prepareOtherAsteroids(map, coord).size

fun shootInOrder(map: AsteroidMap, laser: Coord): List<Coord> {
    val list = prepareOtherAsteroids(map, laser)
    val visiting = list.keys.sortedBy { atan2(it.first.toDouble(), it.second.toDouble()) }.reversed()
    val shot = mutableListOf<Coord>()
    while (shot.size < map.asteroidLocations.size - 1) {
        visiting.forEach { direction ->
            val targets = list[direction] ?: mutableListOf()
            if (targets.isNotEmpty()) {
    return shot

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val fileName = if (args.size > 1) args[0] else "input.txt"
    val map = readMap(File(fileName).readLines().map { it.trim() })
    val counts = { it to findLineOfSightCount(map, it) }
    val best = counts.maxBy { it.second }
    println("Best = $best")
    val shot = shootInOrder(map, best!!.first)
    val shot200 = shot[199]
    val answer = shot200.x * 100 + shot200.y

Normalizing the angle and then using atan2 to order to angles made simple work of the rest.

You do not want to know which depths I have explored today!

Day 11: kotlin

Space Police

Robot source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day11

import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day11.DIRECTION.EAST
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day11.DIRECTION.NORTH
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day11.DIRECTION.SOUTH
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day11.DIRECTION.WEST
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.Program
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.readProgram

enum class DIRECTION(val direction: Char) {

data class Cell(val color: Int = 0, val painted: Boolean = false)
data class Coord(val x: Int, val y: Int)
data class Robot(var position: Coord, var direction: DIRECTION) {
    fun turn(direction: Int) {
        if (direction == 0) {
        } else {

    fun advance() {
        position = when (direction) {
            NORTH -> position.copy(y = position.y - 1)
            EAST  -> position.copy(x = position.x + 1)
            SOUTH -> position.copy(y = position.y + 1)
            WEST  -> position.copy(x = position.x - 1)

    fun turnLeft() {
        direction = when (direction) {
            NORTH -> WEST
            WEST  -> SOUTH
            SOUTH -> EAST
            EAST  -> NORTH

    fun turnRight() {
        direction = when (direction) {
            NORTH -> EAST
            EAST  -> SOUTH
            SOUTH -> WEST
            WEST  -> NORTH

data class Grid(val cells: MutableMap<Coord, Cell> = mutableMapOf()) {
    fun cellColor(pos: Coord): Int {
        val cell = cells[pos] ?: Cell()
        return cell.color

    fun paintCell(pos: Coord, color: Int) {
        cells[pos] = Cell(color, true)

fun runRobot(input: List<Long>, startingColor: Int): Int {
    val robot = Robot(Coord(0, 0), NORTH)
    val grid = Grid()
    var outputState = false
    val code = Program(input)
    val program = code.createProgram(listOf(startingColor.toLong()), fetchInput = {
    }) { output ->
        if (!outputState) {
            grid.paintCell(robot.position, output.toInt())
            outputState = true
        } else {
            outputState = false
    do {
    } while (!program.isHalted())
    return grid.cells.values.count { it.painted }

fun printGrid(grid: Grid) {
    val maxX = grid.cells.keys.maxBy { it.x }?.x ?: 0
    val minX = grid.cells.keys.minBy { it.x }?.x ?: 0
    val maxY = grid.cells.keys.maxBy { it.y }?.y ?: 0
    val minY = grid.cells.keys.minBy { it.y }?.y ?: 0
    for (y in minY..maxY) {
        for (x in minX..maxX) {
            val color = grid.cellColor(Coord(x, y))
            print(if (color == 0) ' ' else '#')

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val fileName = if (args.size > 1) args[0] else "input.txt"
    val code = readProgram(File(fileName))
    val painted = runRobot(code, 0)
    println("Painted = $painted")
    runRobot(code, 1)
IntCode source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode

import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.ParameterMode.IMMEDIATE
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.ParameterMode.POSITION
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.ParameterMode.RELATIVE

enum class ParameterMode(val mode: Int) {

data class ParameterModes(private val modes: List<ParameterMode>) {
    operator fun get(index: Int) = if (modes.size > index) {
    } else {

fun parameterMode(mode: Int) = ParameterMode.values().find {
    it.mode == mode
} ?: error("Invalid mode $mode")

fun paramModesFrom(mode: Long): ParameterModes {
    var remainingMode = mode
    val result = mutableListOf<ParameterMode>()
    while (remainingMode > 0) {
        result.add(parameterMode((remainingMode % 10).toInt()))
        remainingMode /= 10
    return ParameterModes(result)

fun readProgram(input: String) = input.split(",").map { it.toLong() }

fun readProgram(input: File) = readProgram(input.readText().trim())

data class ProgramCounter(val pc: Int, val run: Boolean) {
    fun add(value: Int): ProgramCounter = copy(pc = pc + value)
    fun jump(target: Int): ProgramCounter = copy(pc = target)
    fun halt(): ProgramCounter = copy(run = false)
typealias InputProvider = () -> Long
typealias OutputProvider = (Long) -> Unit

class ProgramState(
    private val memory: MutableList<Long>,
    private val inputs: MutableList<Long> = mutableListOf(),
    private val fetchInput: InputProvider? = null,
    private val outputHandler: OutputProvider? = null
) {
    var counter = ProgramCounter(0, true)
        private set
    var waitingInput = false
        private set
    private var base = 0L
    private val output = mutableListOf<Long>()
    fun memory() = memory.toList()
    fun memory(index: Int): Long = memory[index]
    fun outputs() = output.toList()
    fun extractOutput(): List<Long> {
        val result = output.toList()
        return result

    fun isHalted() = !

    private fun paramModes() = paramModesFrom(read(counter.pc.toLong()) / 100L)

    private fun deref(parameterMode: ParameterMode, address: Long): Long {
        return when (parameterMode) {
            IMMEDIATE -> address
            POSITION  -> read(address)
            RELATIVE  -> read(base + address)

    private fun read(address: Long): Long = if (address < memory.size) memory[address.toInt()] else 0L

    private fun assign(address: Long, value: Long) {
        require(address >= 0) { "Memory address cannot be negative" }
        while (memory.size < address + 1) {
        memory[address.toInt()] = value

    private fun paramValue(index: Int): Long {
        val parameterModes = paramModes()
        return deref(parameterModes[index - 1], read((counter.pc + index).toLong()))

    private fun paramAddress(index: Int): Long {
        val parameterModes = paramModes()
        val address = read((counter.pc + index).toLong())
        return if (parameterModes[index - 1] == RELATIVE) {
            base + address
        } else {

    private fun applyOperation(operation: (Long, Long) -> Long): ProgramCounter {
        val value1 = paramValue(1)
        val value2 = paramValue(2)
        val result = operation(value1, value2)
        assign(paramAddress(3), result)
        return counter.add(4)

    private fun saveInput(): ProgramCounter {
        val value = if (inputs.isEmpty() && fetchInput != null) {
        } else {
            if (inputs.isEmpty()) {
                waitingInput = true
                return counter
            } else {
        assign(paramAddress(1), value)
        return counter.add(2)

    private fun operationLessThan(): ProgramCounter {
        val value1 = paramValue(1)
        val value2 = paramValue(2)
        val result = if (value1 < value2) 1 else 0
        assign(paramAddress(3), result.toLong())
        return counter.add(4)

    private fun operationEquals(): ProgramCounter {
        val value1 = paramValue(1)
        val value2 = paramValue(2)
        val result = if (value1 == value2) 1 else 0
        assign(paramAddress(3), result.toLong())
        return counter.add(4)

    private fun jumpIfTrue(): ProgramCounter {
        val value = paramValue(1)
        val target = paramValue(2)
        return if (value != 0L) counter.jump(target.toInt()) else counter.add(3)

    private fun jumpIfFalse(): ProgramCounter {
        val value = paramValue(1)
        val target = paramValue(2)
        return if (value == 0L) counter.jump(target.toInt()) else counter.add(3)

    private fun outputValue(): ProgramCounter {
        val value = paramValue(1)
        if (outputHandler != null) {
        } else {
        return counter.add(2)

    private fun halt() = counter.halt()
    private fun adjustBase(): ProgramCounter {
        base += paramValue(1).toInt()
        return counter.add(2)

    private fun readAndExecute(): ProgramCounter {
        return when (val opcode = (memory[counter.pc] % 100L).toInt()) {
            1    -> applyOperation { a, b -> a + b }
            2    -> applyOperation { a, b -> a * b }
            3    -> saveInput()
            4    -> outputValue()
            5    -> jumpIfTrue()
            6    -> jumpIfFalse()
            7    -> operationLessThan()
            8    -> operationEquals()
            9    -> adjustBase()
            99   -> halt()
            else -> error("Invalid opcode $opcode")

    fun reset() {
        counter = ProgramCounter(0, true)

    fun execute(): ProgramState {
        waitingInput = false
        counter = ProgramCounter(0, true)
        while ( && counter.pc < memory.size && !waitingInput) {
            counter = readAndExecute()
        return this

    // Not that this removes the output from program state and returns the output
    fun executeUntilOutput(input: List<Long>): List<Long> {
        waitingInput = false
        while ( && counter.pc < memory.size && output.isEmpty() && !waitingInput) {
            counter = readAndExecute()
        return extractOutput()

    fun executeUntilInput(input: List<Long>) {
        waitingInput = false
        while ( && counter.pc < memory.size && !waitingInput) {
            counter = readAndExecute()

    fun setMemory(index: Int, value: Long) {
        memory[index] = value

class Program(
    private val code: List<Long>,
    private val globalFetchInput: (() -> Long)? = null,
    private val globalOutputHandler: ((Long) -> Unit)? = null
) {

    fun executeProgram(
        input: List<Long>,
        fetchInput: (() -> Long)? = null,
        outputHandler: ((Long) -> Unit)? = null
    ): ProgramState {
        val state = ProgramState(
            fetchInput ?: globalFetchInput,
            outputHandler ?: globalOutputHandler
        return state

    fun createProgram(
        input: List<Long> = emptyList(),
        fetchInput: (() -> Long)? = null,
        outputHandler: ((Long) -> Unit)? = null
    ): ProgramState {
        return ProgramState(
            fetchInput ?: globalFetchInput,
            outputHandler ?: globalOutputHandler

Day 12: kotlin

The N-Body Problem

Part 1

The first part was fairly easy.

class Moon(
    val id: Int,
    val pos: Position,
    val vel: Velocity
) {
    fun move() {
        pos.x += vel.x
        pos.y += vel.y
        pos.z += vel.z

    fun applyGravity(moons: List<Moon>) {
        vel.x += moons.count { pos.x < it.pos.x } - moons.count { pos.x > it.pos.x }
        vel.y += moons.count { pos.y < it.pos.y } - moons.count { pos.y > it.pos.y }
        vel.z += moons.count { pos.z < it.pos.z } - moons.count { pos.z > it.pos.z }
    fun totalEnergy(): Int = pos.potentialEnergy() * vel.kineticEnergy()

class Orbits(val moons: List<Moon> ) {
    fun advanceOrbit() {
        moons.forEach { moon ->
        moons.forEach { moon ->

    fun totalEnergy() = moons.sumBy { it.totalEnergy() }


fun main() {
    // input not shown
    val orbits = readOrbits(input.split('\n'))
    repeat(1000) {
    val totalEnergy = orbits.totalEnergy()
    println("Total Energy=$totalEnergy")
Part 2

This was much more difficult.

class Orbit {
    // additional functions
    fun copy() = Orbits( { it.copy() })
    fun sameAs(original: Orbits): Boolean {
        return moons.filterIndexed { index, moon ->
            val orig = original.moons[index]
            moon.pos == orig.pos && moon.vel == orig.vel
        }.count() == moons.size
// Brute force counting
val orbits = readOrbits(input.split('\n'))
val original = orbits.copy()
var count = 0
do {
} while (!orbits.sameAs(original))

This doesn’t work because the number seems to be much higher as described in problem statement.

I first tried to optimize the code but realized there has to be a different solution.

The hint was that each pair of position and velocity will cycle separately. We then need to find the lowest common multiplier of the cycles.

Extracting a snapshot of each axis into a map of list of pairs of ints. Advance the orbits until a snapshot matches and you have a cycle count.

I refactored the Position and Velocity to IntArray typealias as Axis to reduce the amount of code for snapshot and calcuations in orbit.

typealias SnapShot = List<Pair<Int, Int>>

typealias Axis = IntArray

class Moon {
    // additional function
    fun snapShot(index: Int) = Pair(pos[index], vel[index])
class Orbit {
    // additional functions
    fun snapShot(index: Int): SnapShot {
        return { it.snapShot(index) }

    fun makeSnapShot(): Map<Int, SnapShot> =
        (0..2).map {
            it to snapShot(it)

fun findCycles(orbits: Orbits): List<Long> {
    val snap = orbits.makeSnapShot().toMutableMap()
    val cycle = mutableListOf<Long>()
    var counter = 0L
    do {
        for (x in 0..2) {
            if (snap.containsKey(x)) {
                if (snap[x] == orbits.snapShot(x)) {
    } while (snap.isNotEmpty())
    return cycle

BigInteger to the rescue. This will find the lowest common multiplier of each element and the following in the list.

fun lowestCommonMultiplier(v1: BigInteger, v2: BigInteger): BigInteger {
    return (v1 * v2).abs() / v1.gcd(v2)

fun lowestCommonMultiplier(list: List<BigInteger>): BigInteger {
    return if (list.size == 2) {
        lowestCommonMultiplier(list[0], list[1])
    } else {
        val lcds = mutableListOf<BigInteger>()
        for (i in 0 until list.size - 1) {
            lcds.add(lowestCommonMultiplier(list[i], list[i + 1]))
Solution Source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day12

import java.math.BigInteger
import java.util.*
import kotlin.math.abs

typealias Axis = IntArray

fun Int = this.sumBy { abs(it) }
fun Axis.copy() = this.toList().toIntArray()

class Moon(
    val id: Int,
    val pos: Axis,
    val vel: Axis
) {
    init {
        require(pos.size == 3)
        require(vel.size == 3)

    fun applyGravity(moons: List<Moon>) {
        for (i in 0..2) {
            vel[i] += moons.count { pos[i] < it.pos[i] } - moons.count { pos[i] > it.pos[i] }

    fun move() {
        for (i in 0..2) {
            pos[i] += vel[i]

    fun totalEnergy(): Int = *

    fun copy() = Moon(id, pos.copy(), vel.copy())

    fun snapShot(index: Int) = Pair(pos[index], vel[index])

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

        other as Moon

        if (!pos.contentEquals(other.pos)) return false
        if (!vel.contentEquals(other.vel)) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = pos.contentHashCode()
        result = 31 * result + vel.contentHashCode()
        return result

typealias SnapShot = List<Pair<Int, Int>>

class Orbits(val moons: List<Moon>) {
    fun advanceOrbit() {
        moons.forEach { moon ->
        moons.forEach { moon ->

    fun totalEnergy() = moons.sumBy { it.totalEnergy() }

    fun sameAs(original: Orbits): Boolean {
        return moons.filterIndexed { index, moon ->
            val orig = original.moons[index]
            moon == orig
        }.count() == moons.size

    fun copy() = Orbits( { it.copy() })

    fun snapShot(index: Int): SnapShot {
        return { it.snapShot(index) }

    fun makeSnapShot(): Map<Int, SnapShot> = (0..2).map { it to snapShot(it) }.toMap()

fun readBlock(line: String): Map<String, String> {
    val tokens = StringTokenizer(line, "=,<>", true).toList().map { it as String }
    var name = ""
    var value = ""
    val result = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
    for (i in tokens.indices) {
        when (tokens[i]) {
            "="      -> {
                name = tokens[i - 1].trim()
                require(name.isNotEmpty()) { "Expected name to be not empty" }
                value = tokens[i + 1].trim()
                require(value.isNotEmpty()) { "Expected value for $name to be not empty" }
            ">", "," -> result[name] = value
            else     -> Unit
    return result

fun readOrbits(lines: List<String>): Orbits {
    return Orbits( { line ->
        readBlock(line).map { it.key to it.value.toInt() }.toMap()
    }.map {
        arrayOf(it["x"] ?: error("Expected x"), it["y"] ?: error("expected y"), it["z"] ?: error("expected z")).toIntArray()
    }.mapIndexed { i, pos ->
        Moon(i, pos, arrayOf(0, 0, 0).toIntArray())

fun mapAxis(input: Map<String, String>): Axis {
    return {
        it.key to it.value.toInt()
    }.toMap().let {
        arrayOf(it["x"] ?: error("expected x"), it["y"] ?: error("expected y"), it["z"] ?: error("expected z")).toIntArray()

fun readPosition(line: String): Pair<Axis, Axis> {
    val position = mapAxis(readBlock(line.substringAfter("pos=").substringBefore(", vel=")))
    val velocity = mapAxis(readBlock(line.substringAfter("vel=")))
    return Pair(position, velocity)

// Find how often each axis cycles by comparing to a snapshot of the start.
fun findCycles(orbits: Orbits): List<Long> {
    val snap = orbits.makeSnapShot().toMutableMap()
    val cycle = mutableListOf<Long>()
    var counter = 0L
    do {
        for (x in 0..2) {
            if (snap.containsKey(x) && snap[x] == orbits.snapShot(x)) {
    } while (snap.isNotEmpty())
    return cycle

fun lowestCommonMultiplier(v1: BigInteger, v2: BigInteger): BigInteger {
    return (v1 * v2).abs() / v1.gcd(v2)

// This will work for any number of values
fun lowestCommonMultiplier(list: List<BigInteger>): BigInteger {
    return if (list.size == 2) {
        lowestCommonMultiplier(list[0], list[1])
    } else {
        val lcds = mutableListOf<BigInteger>()
        for (i in 0 until list.size - 1) {
            lcds.add(lowestCommonMultiplier(list[i], list[i + 1]))

fun main() {
    val input = """
        <x=14, y=2, z=8>
        <x=7, y=4, z=10>
        <x=1, y=17, z=16>
        <x=-4, y=-1, z=1>

    val orbits = readOrbits(input.split('\n'))
    val original = orbits.copy()
    repeat(1000) {
    val totalEnergy = orbits.totalEnergy()
    println("Total Energy=$totalEnergy")
    // Ensure still valid after refactoring
    require(totalEnergy == 9139)

    val totalOrbits = lowestCommonMultiplier(findCycles(original).map { it.toBigInteger() })
    println("Total = $totalOrbits")
    // Ensure still valid after refactoring
    require(totalOrbits == BigInteger("420788524631496"))
Test Code
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day12

import assertk.assertThat
import assertk.assertions.isEqualTo
import org.junit.Test

class TestNBodyProblem {
    fun test1() {
        val input = """
            <x=-1, y=0, z=2>
            <x=2, y=-10, z=-7>
            <x=4, y=-8, z=8>
            <x=3, y=5, z=-1>
        val orbits = readOrbits(input.split('\n'))
        val step0 = """
            pos=<x=-1, y=  0, z= 2>, vel=<x= 0, y= 0, z= 0>
            pos=<x= 2, y=-10, z=-7>, vel=<x= 0, y= 0, z= 0>
            pos=<x= 4, y= -8, z= 8>, vel=<x= 0, y= 0, z= 0>
            pos=<x= 3, y=  5, z=-1>, vel=<x= 0, y= 0, z= 0>
        assertPositionAndVelocity(orbits, step0.split('\n').map { readPosition(it) })

        val step1 = """
            pos=<x= 2, y=-1, z= 1>, vel=<x= 3, y=-1, z=-1>
            pos=<x= 3, y=-7, z=-4>, vel=<x= 1, y= 3, z= 3>
            pos=<x= 1, y=-7, z= 5>, vel=<x=-3, y= 1, z=-3>
            pos=<x= 2, y= 2, z= 0>, vel=<x=-1, y=-3, z= 1>
        assertPositionAndVelocity(orbits, step1.split('\n').map { readPosition(it) })

        val step2 = """
            pos=<x= 5, y=-3, z=-1>, vel=<x= 3, y=-2, z=-2>
            pos=<x= 1, y=-2, z= 2>, vel=<x=-2, y= 5, z= 6>
            pos=<x= 1, y=-4, z=-1>, vel=<x= 0, y= 3, z=-6>
            pos=<x= 1, y=-4, z= 2>, vel=<x=-1, y=-6, z= 2>
        assertPositionAndVelocity(orbits, step2.split('\n').map { readPosition(it) })

        val step3 = """
            pos=<x= 5, y=-6, z=-1>, vel=<x= 0, y=-3, z= 0>
            pos=<x= 0, y= 0, z= 6>, vel=<x=-1, y= 2, z= 4>
            pos=<x= 2, y= 1, z=-5>, vel=<x= 1, y= 5, z=-4>
            pos=<x= 1, y=-8, z= 2>, vel=<x= 0, y=-4, z= 0>
        assertPositionAndVelocity(orbits, step3.split('\n').map { readPosition(it) })
        for (i in 4..10) {
        val step10 = """
            pos=<x= 2, y= 1, z=-3>, vel=<x=-3, y=-2, z= 1>
            pos=<x= 1, y=-8, z= 0>, vel=<x=-1, y= 1, z= 3>
            pos=<x= 3, y=-6, z= 1>, vel=<x= 3, y= 2, z=-3>
            pos=<x= 2, y= 0, z= 4>, vel=<x= 1, y=-1, z=-1>
        assertPositionAndVelocity(orbits, step10.split('\n').map { readPosition(it) })
        val totalEnergy = orbits.totalEnergy()

    fun test2() {
        val input = """<x=-1, y=0, z=2>
            <x=2, y=-10, z=-7>
            <x=4, y=-8, z=8>
            <x=3, y=5, z=-1>""".trimIndent()
        val orbits = readOrbits(input.split('\n'))
        val original = orbits.copy()
        var count = 0
        do {
        } while (!orbits.sameAs(original))


    fun test3() {
        val input = """<x=-1, y=0, z=2>
            <x=2, y=-10, z=-7>
            <x=4, y=-8, z=8>
            <x=3, y=5, z=-1>""".trimIndent()
        val orbits = readOrbits(input.split('\n'))
        val count = lowestCommonMultiplier(findCycles(orbits).map { it.toBigInteger() })


    fun test4() {
        val input = """
            <x=-8, y=-10, z=0>
            <x=5, y=5, z=10>
            <x=2, y=-7, z=3>
            <x=9, y=-8, z=-3>
        val orbits = readOrbits(input.split('\n'))
        val count = lowestCommonMultiplier(findCycles(orbits).map { it.toBigInteger() })


    private fun assertPositionAndVelocity(
        orbits: Orbits,
        positions1: List<Pair<Axis, Axis>>
    ) {
        orbits.moons.forEachIndexed { index, moon ->

Day 13: kotlin

Care Package

Part 1

The first part was simple leveraging previous components.

Part 2

I used the JANSI library from

to control screen output and added an output handler that only prints the modified cells.

I added a fetchHandler to provide the input keeping the paddle under the ball. Then I realized the program doesn’t stop running when all the blocks are cleared so I adapted the IntCode computer to exit waiting for input and then the next input is determined after checking if there are any blocks left.

cd corneil
./gradlew :solution-day13:build
tar xvf ../day13/kotlin/corneil/build/distributions/solution-day13.tar
cp ../day13/kotlin/corneil/input.txt .
game recording
Solution Source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day13

import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day13.TILE.BALL
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day13.TILE.BLOCK
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day13.TILE.EMPTY
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day13.TILE.PADDLE
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day13.TILE.WALL
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.Program
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.readProgram
import org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi
import org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi.Color.BLACK
import org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi.Color.WHITE
import org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi.Erase.FORWARD
import org.fusesource.jansi.AnsiConsole

enum class TILE(val tile: Int) {

fun fromValue(input: Int): TILE {
    for (v in TILE.values()) {
        if (input == v.tile) {
            return v
    error("Invalid TILE $input")

data class Coord(val x: Int, val y: Int)
data class Cell(val pos: Coord, val tile: TILE)
data class Grid(var score: Int, val cells: MutableMap<Coord, Cell> = mutableMapOf()) {
    fun setTile(pos: Coord, tile: TILE): Cell {
        val cell = Cell(pos, tile)
        cells[pos] = cell
        return cell

    fun hasBlocks(): Boolean {
        return cells.values.any { it.tile == BLOCK }

    fun findTile(tile: TILE): Coord {
        return cells.values.find { it.tile == tile }?.pos ?: Coord(-1, -1)

fun printCell(cell: Cell) {
    print(Ansi.ansi().saveCursorPosition().cursor(cell.pos.y, cell.pos.x))
    when (cell.tile) {
        EMPTY  -> print(Ansi.ansi().render(" "))
        WALL   -> print(Ansi.ansi().render("#"))
        BLOCK  -> print(Ansi.ansi().bg(WHITE).fg(BLACK).render("$").reset())
        PADDLE -> print(Ansi.ansi().render("_"))
        BALL   -> print(Ansi.ansi().render("o"))

fun determineInput(grid: Grid): Int {
    val maxY = grid.cells.keys.maxBy { it.y }?.y ?: 40
    val ball = grid.findTile(BALL)
    val paddle = grid.findTile(PADDLE)
    return when {
        ball.x > paddle.x -> {
            print(Ansi.ansi().cursor(maxY, 1).fgBlue().render(">> ").reset())
        ball.x < paddle.x -> {
            print(Ansi.ansi().cursor(maxY, 1).fgGreen().render("<< ").reset())
        else              -> {
            print(Ansi.ansi().cursor(maxY, 1).render(".. "))

fun runGame(code: List<Long>): Grid {
    val grid = Grid(0)
    val program = Program(code)
    val output = mutableListOf<Long>()
    val state = program.executeProgram(emptyList()) {
        // outputHandler
        if (output.size == 3) {
            val x = output.removeAt(0).toInt()
            val y = output.removeAt(0).toInt()
            val tile = output.removeAt(0).toInt()
            if (x == -1 && y == 0) {
                grid.score = tile
                print(Ansi.ansi().cursor(0, 0).render(grid.score.toString() + " ").eraseLine(FORWARD))
            } else {
                val cell = grid.setTile(Coord(x, y), fromValue(tile))
    val input = mutableListOf<Long>()
    do {
        if (grid.score > 0 && !grid.hasBlocks()) {

    } while (!state.isHalted())

    return grid

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val fileName = if (args.size > 1) args[1] else "input.txt"
    val code = readProgram(File(fileName))
    val grid = runGame(code)
    val tiles = grid.cells.count { it.value.tile == BLOCK }
    println("Tiles = $tiles")

    val free = code.toMutableList()
    free[0] = 2L

Day 14: kotlin

Space Stoichiometry

Part 1

This was relatively easy and I was number 996 to get Star 1.

Part 2

This took a little longer. I had a mistake and it ran very long. Then I thought there was some trick to it. This led me astray for a while until I found the mistake and saw the straight forward solution doesn’t run that long.

I did add some optimisation to reduce the time.

Solution Source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day14


typealias ChemicalQty = Pair<Long, String>

data class ReactionFormula(val inputs: List<ChemicalQty>, val output: ChemicalQty)

fun readChemicalQty(it: String): ChemicalQty {
    val tokens = it.trim().split(" ")
    require(tokens.size == 2)
    return ChemicalQty(tokens[0].toLong(), tokens[1].trim())

fun readReaction(input: String): ReactionFormula {
    val inputs = input.substringBefore("=>").split(",").map {
    return ReactionFormula(inputs, readChemicalQty(input.substringAfter("=>")))

fun readReactions(input: List<String>) = { readReaction(it) }

fun add(value: MutableMap<String, Long>, output: ChemicalQty) {
    val qty = value[output.second]
    if (qty != null) {
        value[output.second] = qty + output.first
    } else {
        value[output.second] = output.first

fun produce(
    output: ChemicalQty,
    formulae: Map<String, ReactionFormula>,
    sideEffect: MutableMap<String, Long>,
    used: MutableMap<String, Long>
) {
    val remain = sideEffect[output.second]
    if (remain != null && remain > 0L) {
        useRemainingChemicals(remain, output, formulae, sideEffect, used)
    } else {
        val formula = formulae[output.second]
        if (formula != null) {
            applyFormula(output, formula, formulae, sideEffect, used)
        } else {
            // This is usually the ORE
            add(used, output)

fun useRemainingChemicals(
    remain: Long,
    output: ChemicalQty,
    formulae: Map<String, ReactionFormula>,
    sideEffect: MutableMap<String, Long>,
    used: MutableMap<String, Long>
) {
    if (remain >= output.first) {
        val qty = remain - output.first
        sideEffect[output.second] = qty
        require(qty >= 0) { "Expected Qty to be zero or greater for ${output.second} not $qty" }
    } else {
        produce(ChemicalQty(output.first - remain, output.second), formulae, sideEffect, used)

fun applyFormula(
    output: ChemicalQty,
    formula: ReactionFormula,
    formulae: Map<String, ReactionFormula>,
    sideEffect: MutableMap<String, Long>,
    used: MutableMap<String, Long>
) {
    val repeats = if (output.first < formula.output.first) {
    } else {
        output.first / formula.output.first +
                if (output.first % formula.output.first == 0L) 0L else 1L
    val produced = apply(formula, repeats, formulae, sideEffect, used)
    if (output.first < produced.first) {
        sideEffect[output.second] = produced.first - output.first

fun apply(
    formula: ReactionFormula,
    repeats: Long,
    formulae: Map<String, ReactionFormula>,
    sideEffect: MutableMap<String, Long>,
    used: MutableMap<String, Long>
): ChemicalQty {
    formula.inputs.forEach {
        produce(ChemicalQty(it.first * repeats, it.second), formulae, sideEffect, used)
    return ChemicalQty(formula.output.first * repeats, formula.output.second)

fun determineInputForOutput(input: String, output: ChemicalQty, formulae: List<ReactionFormula>): Long {
    val formula = { it.output.second to it }.toMap()
    val used = mutableMapOf<String, Long>()
    val sideEffect = mutableMapOf<String, Long>()
    produce(output, formula, sideEffect, used)
    println("$output = $used, Side Effects = $sideEffect")
    return used[input] ?: 0L

fun executeReactions(
    increment: Long,
    input: ChemicalQty,
    output: String,
    formula: Map<String, ReactionFormula>,
    used: MutableMap<String, Long>
): Pair<Long, Long> {
    val sideEffect = mutableMapOf<String, Long>()
    var inc = increment
    var counter = 0L
    while (input.first > used[input.second] ?: 0L) {
        produce(ChemicalQty(inc, output), formula, sideEffect, used)
        counter += inc
        if (counter % 10000L == 0L) {
            print("produce $output for $input = $counter\r")
        val usedSoFar = used[input.second] ?: 0L
        if (inc == 100L && (10L * usedSoFar / input.first > 7L)) {
            inc = 10L
        } else if (inc == 10L && (10L * usedSoFar / input.first > 8L)) {
            inc = 1L
    println("Used = $used, Side Effect = $sideEffect")
    return Pair(counter, inc)

fun determineOuputForInput(input: ChemicalQty, output: String, formulae: List<ReactionFormula>): Long {
    val formula = { it.output.second to it }.toMap()
    val used = mutableMapOf<String, Long>()
    var increment = 1000L // Start with 100 and drop down to save some time
    var counter: Long
    do {
        increment /= 10L
        val pair = executeReactions(increment, input, output, formula, used)
        counter = pair.first
        increment = pair.second
    } while (increment > 1L) // If last increment isn't 1 redo
    val result = if (used[input.second] == input.first) counter else counter - 1L
    println("output $input = $result")
    return result

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val fileName = if (args.size > 1) args[0] else "input.txt"
    val formulae = readReactions(File(fileName).readLines())
    val output = determineInputForOutput("ORE", ChemicalQty(1L, "FUEL"), formulae)
    println("Output = ORE = $output")
    require(output == 612880L) // ensure check for refactoring
    val fuel = determineOuputForInput(ChemicalQty(1000000000000L, "ORE"), "FUEL", formulae)
    println("Fuel = $fuel")
    require(fuel == 2509120L)
Test Code
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day14

import assertk.assertThat
import assertk.assertions.isEqualTo
import org.junit.Test

class TestStoichiometry {
    fun test1() {
        val input = """
            10 ORE => 10 A
            1 ORE => 1 B
            7 A, 1 B => 1 C
            7 A, 1 C => 1 D
            7 A, 1 D => 1 E
            7 A, 1 E => 1 FUEL
        val formulae = readReactions(input.split('\n'))
        val output = determineInputForOutput("ORE", ChemicalQty(1L, "FUEL"), formulae)

    fun test2() {
        val input = """
            9 ORE => 2 A
            8 ORE => 3 B
            7 ORE => 5 C
            3 A, 4 B => 1 AB
            5 B, 7 C => 1 BC
            4 C, 1 A => 1 CA
            2 AB, 3 BC, 4 CA => 1 FUEL
        val formulae = readReactions(input.split('\n'))
        val output = determineInputForOutput("ORE", ChemicalQty(1L, "FUEL"), formulae)

    fun test3() {
        val input = """
            157 ORE => 5 NZVS
            165 ORE => 6 DCFZ
            44 XJWVT, 5 KHKGT, 1 QDVJ, 29 NZVS, 9 GPVTF, 48 HKGWZ => 1 FUEL
            12 HKGWZ, 1 GPVTF, 8 PSHF => 9 QDVJ
            179 ORE => 7 PSHF
            177 ORE => 5 HKGWZ
            7 DCFZ, 7 PSHF => 2 XJWVT
            165 ORE => 2 GPVTF
            3 DCFZ, 7 NZVS, 5 HKGWZ, 10 PSHF => 8 KHKGT
        val formulae = readReactions(input.split('\n'))
        val output = determineInputForOutput("ORE", ChemicalQty(1L, "FUEL"), formulae)
        val fuel = determineOuputForInput(ChemicalQty(1000000000000L, "ORE"), "FUEL", formulae)

    fun test4() {
        val input = """
            2 VPVL, 7 FWMGM, 2 CXFTF, 11 MNCFX => 1 STKFG
            17 NVRVD, 3 JNWZP => 8 VPVL
            53 STKFG, 6 MNCFX, 46 VJHF, 81 HVMC, 68 CXFTF, 25 GNMV => 1 FUEL
            22 VJHF, 37 MNCFX => 5 FWMGM
            139 ORE => 4 NVRVD
            144 ORE => 7 JNWZP
            5 MNCFX, 7 RFSQX, 2 FWMGM, 2 VPVL, 19 CXFTF => 3 HVMC
            5 VJHF, 7 MNCFX, 9 VPVL, 37 CXFTF => 6 GNMV
            145 ORE => 6 MNCFX
            1 NVRVD => 8 CXFTF
            1 VJHF, 6 MNCFX => 4 RFSQX
            176 ORE => 6 VJHF
        val formulae = readReactions(input.split('\n'))
        val output = determineInputForOutput("ORE", ChemicalQty(1L, "FUEL"), formulae)
        val fuel = determineOuputForInput(ChemicalQty(1000000000000L, "ORE"), "FUEL", formulae)

    fun test5() {
        val input = """
            171 ORE => 8 CNZTR
            7 ZLQW, 3 BMBT, 9 XCVML, 26 XMNCP, 1 WPTQ, 2 MZWV, 1 RJRHP => 4 PLWSL
            114 ORE => 4 BHXH
            14 VRPVC => 6 BMBT
            6 BHXH, 18 KTJDG, 12 WPTQ, 7 PLWSL, 31 FHTLT, 37 ZDVW => 1 FUEL
            6 WPTQ, 2 BMBT, 8 ZLQW, 18 KTJDG, 1 XMNCP, 6 MZWV, 1 RJRHP => 6 FHTLT
            15 XDBXC, 2 LTCX, 1 VRPVC => 6 ZLQW
            13 WPTQ, 10 LTCX, 3 RJRHP, 14 XMNCP, 2 MZWV, 1 ZLQW => 1 ZDVW
            5 BMBT => 4 WPTQ
            189 ORE => 9 KTJDG
            1 MZWV, 17 XDBXC, 3 XCVML => 2 XMNCP
            12 VRPVC, 27 CNZTR => 2 XDBXC
            15 KTJDG, 12 BHXH => 5 XCVML
            3 BHXH, 2 VRPVC => 7 MZWV
            121 ORE => 7 VRPVC
            7 XCVML => 6 RJRHP
            5 BHXH, 4 VRPVC => 5 LTCX
        val formulae = readReactions(input.split('\n'))
        val output = determineInputForOutput("ORE", ChemicalQty(1L,"FUEL"), formulae)
        val fuel = determineOuputForInput(ChemicalQty(1000000000000L, "ORE"), "FUEL", formulae)

Day 15: kotlin

Oxygen System

Part 1

After spending half a day trying to get it working with the wrong input file, I eventually realized I need to just walk the maze with a simple strategy to discover the structure and then use a Graph shortest path algorithm to solve.

I found a reasonable implementation of Dijkstra’s algoritm at I made if Generic so now I can reuse as I need.

Run with -p to see the robot walk the maze.

Solution Source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day15

import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.common.Graph
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.common.Graph.Edge

import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day15.DIRECTION.EAST
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day15.DIRECTION.NORTH
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day15.DIRECTION.SOUTH
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day15.DIRECTION.WEST

import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day15.RobotStatus.MOVED
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day15.RobotStatus.OXYGEN
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day15.RobotStatus.UNKNOWN
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day15.RobotStatus.WALL
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day15.STRATEGY.ALTERNATE
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day15.STRATEGY.LEFT
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day15.STRATEGY.RANDOM
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day15.STRATEGY.RIGHT

import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.Program
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.readProgram
import org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi
import org.fusesource.jansi.AnsiConsole
import kotlin.random.Random

data class Coord(val x: Int, val y: Int) : Comparable<Coord> {
    override fun compareTo(other: Coord): Int {
        var result = y.compareTo(other.y)
        if (result == 0) {
            result = x.compareTo(other.x)
        return result

    fun move(direction: DIRECTION): Coord {
        return when (direction) {
            NORTH -> copy(y = y - 1)
            SOUTH -> copy(y = y + 1)
            EAST  -> copy(x = x + 1)
            WEST  -> copy(x = x - 1)

enum class DIRECTION(val value: Int) {

    fun nextLeft(): DIRECTION = when (this) {
        NORTH -> WEST
        WEST  -> SOUTH
        SOUTH -> EAST
        EAST  -> NORTH

    fun nextRight(): DIRECTION = when (this) {
        NORTH -> EAST
        EAST  -> SOUTH
        SOUTH -> WEST
        WEST  -> NORTH

enum class STRATEGY {

fun direction(direction: DIRECTION): String {
    return when (direction) {
        NORTH -> "^"
        WEST  -> "<"
        SOUTH -> "v"
        EAST  -> ">"

fun directionFrom(input: Int): DIRECTION {
    return DIRECTION.values().find { it.value == input } ?: error("Invalid direction $input")

enum class RobotStatus(val input: Int) {

fun robotStatusFrom(input: Int): RobotStatus {
    return RobotStatus.values().find { it.input == input } ?: error("Invalid RobotStatus $input")

val random = Random(System.currentTimeMillis())

data class Cell(val pos: Coord, val status: RobotStatus, var visits: Int = 0)

class Robot(
    var location: Coord,
    dir: DIRECTION,
    var prevLocation: Coord = Coord(0, 0),
    var prev: DIRECTION = NORTH,
    var moves: Int = 0,
    var prevChoice: Boolean = false
) {
    var direction: DIRECTION = dir
        set(value) {
            prev = direction
            field = value

    fun move() {
        prevLocation = location
        location = location.move(direction)
        moves += 1

    fun next(strategy: STRATEGY): DIRECTION {
        prev = direction
        return when (strategy) {
            LEFT      -> direction.nextLeft()
            RIGHT     -> direction.nextRight()
            ALTERNATE -> {
                val choice = if (prevChoice) direction.nextRight() else direction.nextLeft()
                prevChoice = !prevChoice
            RANDOM    -> directionFrom(random.nextInt(4) + 1)

data class Grid(
    val cells: MutableMap<Coord, Cell> = mutableMapOf(),
    var maxX: Int = 0,
    var minX: Int = 0,
    var maxY: Int = 0,
    var minY: Int = 0
) {
    fun determineSize() {
        maxX = (cells.keys.maxBy { it.x }?.x ?: 0)
        minX = (cells.keys.minBy { it.x }?.x ?: 0)
        maxY = (cells.keys.maxBy { it.y }?.y ?: 0)
        minY = (cells.keys.minBy { it.y }?.y ?: 0)

    fun printCell(cell: Cell, robot: Robot) {
        when {
            cell.status == UNKNOWN       -> print(" ")
            cell.pos == robot.location &&
                    cell.status == WALL  -> print("%")
            cell.status == WALL          -> print("#")
            cell.pos == robot.location &&
                    cell.status == MOVED -> print(direction(robot.direction))
            cell.status == MOVED         -> print(".")
            cell.status == OXYGEN        -> print("O")

    fun printGrid(robot: Robot) {
        print(Ansi.ansi().eraseScreen().cursor(1, 1))
        for (y in minY..maxY) {
            for (x in minX..maxX) {
                val location = Coord(x, y)
                val cell = cells[location] ?: Cell(location, UNKNOWN)
                printCell(cell, robot)

    fun setStatus(pos: Coord, status: RobotStatus): Cell {
        val cell = cells[pos] ?: Cell(pos, status)
        if (status != UNKNOWN) {
            cell.visits += 1
        cells[pos] = cell
        return cell

    fun findPosition(robot: Robot, direction: DIRECTION): Coord {
        return robot.location.move(direction)

    fun goStraightOrFindOpen(robot: Robot): DIRECTION {
        val location = findPosition(robot, robot.direction)
        val cell = cells[location] ?: Cell(location, UNKNOWN)
        if (cell.status == UNKNOWN) {
            return robot.direction
        return findOpenSpace(robot)

    fun findOpenSpace(robot: Robot): DIRECTION {
        var test = robot.direction
        val tried = mutableSetOf<Cell>()
        val valid = mutableSetOf<Pair<DIRECTION, Cell>>()
        do {
            val location = findPosition(robot, test)
            val cell = cells[location] ?: Cell(location, UNKNOWN)
            if (cell.status == MOVED || cell.status == UNKNOWN) {
                valid.add(Pair(test, cell))
            test = test.nextRight()
        } while (test != robot.direction)
        if (valid.isNotEmpty()) {
            return findMinVisit(valid)
        error("Cannot move from ${robot.location} tried:$tried")

    fun findMinVisit(valid: Collection<Pair<DIRECTION, Cell>>): DIRECTION {
        val minVisit = valid.minBy { it.second.visits }!!
        val minVisits = valid.filter { it.second.visits == minVisit.second.visits }
        if (minVisits.size > 1) {
            return minVisits[random.nextInt(minVisits.size)].first
        return minVisit.first

    fun modified(maxX: Int, minX: Int, maxY: Int, minY: Int): Boolean {
        return this.maxX != maxX || this.minX != minX || this.maxY != maxY || this.minY != minY

    fun isComplete(): Boolean {
        val width = maxX - minX
        val height = maxY - minY
        val hasOxygen = cells.values.any { it.status == OXYGEN }
        return width * height == cells.size && hasOxygen

fun determinResponse(grid: Grid, robot: Robot, status: RobotStatus, strategy: STRATEGY): Int {
    grid.setStatus(grid.findPosition(robot, robot.direction), status)
    if (status != WALL) {
    return when (status) {
        OXYGEN, MOVED -> grid.goStraightOrFindOpen(robot).value
        WALL          -> grid.findOpenSpace(robot).value
        else          -> error("Unexpected response:$status")

fun printGrid(grid: Grid, robot: Robot, cell: Cell?, printAll: Boolean) {
    val maxX = (grid.cells.keys.maxBy { it.x }?.x ?: 0)
    val minX = (grid.cells.keys.minBy { it.x }?.x ?: 0)
    val maxY = (grid.cells.keys.maxBy { it.y }?.y ?: 0)
    val minY = (grid.cells.keys.minBy { it.y }?.y ?: 0)
    if (printAll || grid.modified(maxX, minX, maxY, minY)) {
    } else {
        if (cell != null) {
            print(Ansi.ansi().cursor(cell.pos.y - minY + 1, cell.pos.x - minX + 1))
            grid.printCell(cell, robot)
    val totalVisits = grid.cells.values.sumBy { it.visits }
    print(Ansi.ansi().cursor(maxY - minY + 2, 1).render("Total Visits:$totalVisits, Cells = ${grid.cells.size}"))

data class OperationRecord(val start: Coord, val direction: DIRECTION, val response: RobotStatus, val end: Coord)

fun discoverGrid(
    printOutput: Boolean,
    code: List<Long>,
    initial: DIRECTION,
    strategy: STRATEGY,
    grid: Grid
): List<OperationRecord> {
    val robot = Robot(Coord(0, 0), initial)
    val program = Program(code).createProgram()
    val record = mutableListOf<OperationRecord>()
    do {
        if (printOutput) {
            printGrid(grid, robot, grid.cells[robot.prevLocation], false)
            printGrid(grid, robot, grid.cells[robot.location], false)
        val start = robot.location
        val initialDirection = robot.direction
        val output = program.executeUntilOutput(listOf(initialDirection.value.toLong()))
        val response = robotStatusFrom(output.first().toInt())
        val direction = determinResponse(grid, robot, response, strategy)
        robot.direction = directionFrom(direction)
        record.add(OperationRecord(start, initialDirection, response, robot.location))
        if (printOutput) {
            printGrid(grid, robot, grid.cells[robot.prevLocation.move(robot.prev)], false)
    } while (!grid.isComplete())
    printGrid(grid, robot, grid.cells[robot.location], true)
    return record

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    var printOutput = false
    if (args.contains("-p")) {
        printOutput = true
    val code = readProgram(File("input.txt"))
    var grid = Grid()
    val edges = mutableListOf<Edge<Coord>>()

    val result = discoverGrid(printOutput, code, NORTH, LEFT, grid)
    result.forEach { record ->
        edges.add(Edge(record.start, record.end, 1))
    var oxygenLocation = result.find { it.response == OXYGEN }?.end
    requireNotNull(oxygenLocation) { "Could not find Oxygen" }

    val spaces = result.filter { it.response == MOVED || it.response == OXYGEN }.map { it.end }
    val robotLocation = result.first().start
    val graph = Graph(edges, true)
    val path = graph.findPath(robotLocation, oxygenLocation!!)
    println("From ${path.first()} -> ${path.last()}")
    val moves = path.last().second
    require(moves == 250)

    val graph2 = Graph(edges, true)
    val distances = spaces.mapNotNull {
        val path = graph2.findPath(it)
    val furthest = distances.maxBy { it.second }
    val minutes = furthest!!.second
    println("Minutes = $minutes")
    require(minutes == 332)


Day 16: kotlin

Flawed Frequency Transmission

Part 1

I got to the first part in about an hour

Part 2

After seeing that we now have input of 650 characters that has to be repeated 10000 times to be the input signal I realized that 42 249 993 500 000 calculations for a single phase is going to be a problem.

It looks like the name FFT is the hint because there are parts of Fast fourier transform that uses a technique called Chinese number theorem to reduce the number of calculations.

I just need to figure out how it works. It is a public holiday. My brain is also on holiday. Will revisit this when I feel sharper.

Turns out that because of the size the mutliplier from the base pattern isn’t in the picture. It becomes like an inverted Pascal tower. Accumulating from the end include the digit before the offset.

Solution Source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day16

import kotlin.math.abs

val basePattern = arrayOf(0, 1, 0, -1).toIntArray()
val bpLen = basePattern.size
inline fun expand(index: Int, pos: Int): Int {
    val offset = ((index + 1) / pos % bpLen)
    return basePattern[offset]

fun calculatePhasePart(value: String, offset: Int): String {
    val input = (offset until value.length).map { index ->
    val result = StringBuilder(value.length)
    result.append(value.substring(0 until offset))
    for (i in (input.size - 2) downTo 0) {
        input[i] = abs(input[i] + input[i + 1]) % 10L
    input.forEach {
    return result.toString()

fun calculatePhase(value: String): String {
    val input = { it.toString().toLong() }.toTypedArray().toLongArray()
    var result = StringBuilder()
    val size = input.size
    for (pos in 1..size) {
        var line = 0L
        for (index in 0 until size) {
            val mul = expand(index, pos)
            if (mul != 0) {
                line += input[index % input.size] * mul.toLong()
        result.append(abs(line) % 10L)
    return result.toString()

fun calculatePhases(value: String, phases: Int): String {
    var input = value
    var phase = 0
    repeat(phases) {
        phase += 1
        input = calculatePhase(input)
        require(input.length == value.length)
    return input

fun calculatePhasesPart(value: String, phases: Int, offset: Int): String {
    var input = value
    repeat(phases) {
        input = calculatePhasePart(input, offset)
    return input

fun createSignal(input: String, repeats: Int): String {
    val result = StringBuilder()
    repeat(repeats) {
    return result.toString()

fun interpretSignal(input: String): String {
    val offset = input.substring(0, 7).toInt()
    val signal = createSignal(input, 10000)
    val message = calculatePhasesPart(signal, 100, offset)
    return message.substring(offset until offset + 8)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val input =
    val result = calculatePhases(input, 100)
    val answer1 = result.substring(0, 8)
    require(answer1 == "36627552") // ensure not broken
    val answer2 = interpretSignal(input)
    require(answer2 == "79723033") // Ensure not broken

Test Code
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day16

import assertk.assertThat
import assertk.assertions.isEqualTo
import org.junit.Test

class TestFFT {
    fun testExpandShift() {
        val expanded = (0 until 12).map { expand(it, 2) }
        assertThat(expanded).isEqualTo(listOf(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0))
        val expanded2 = (0 until 12).map { expand(it, 3) }
        assertThat(expanded2).isEqualTo(listOf(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0))

    fun test1() {
        val input = "12345678"
        val p1 = calculatePhase(input)
        val p2 = calculatePhase(p1)
        val p3 = calculatePhase(p2)
        val p4 = calculatePhase(p3)

    fun test2() {
        val result = calculatePhases("80871224585914546619083218645595", 100)
        assertThat(result.substring(0, 8)).isEqualTo("24176176")
        val result2 = calculatePhases("19617804207202209144916044189917", 100)
        assertThat(result2.substring(0, 8)).isEqualTo("73745418")
        val result3 = calculatePhases("69317163492948606335995924319873", 100)
        assertThat(result3.substring(0, 8)).isEqualTo("52432133")

    fun test3() {
        val result = interpretSignal("03036732577212944063491565474664")

    fun test4() {
        val result = interpretSignal("02935109699940807407585447034323")
    fun test5() {
        val result = interpretSignal("03081770884921959731165446850517")

Day 17: kotlin

Set and Forget

Part 1

First part went quick. My algorithm found 7 solutions for the sample input.

Part 2

I had a solution that I could trace by hand but it would fail all the time. Eventually I created a new instance of the program before executing the cleaning program and it worked!

Solution Source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day17

import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.common.Combinations
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.Program
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.ProgramState
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.readProgram
import kotlin.math.abs

data class Robot(val pos: Coord, val direction: Char)

data class Coord(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
    fun left() = copy(x = x - 1)
    fun right() = copy(x = x + 1)
    fun top() = copy(y = y - 1)
    fun bottom() = copy(y = y + 1)
    fun surrounds() = listOf(left(), right(), top(), bottom())
    fun north(distance: Int) = copy(y = y - distance)
    fun south(distance: Int) = copy(y = y + distance)
    fun west(distance: Int) = copy(x = x - distance)
    fun east(distance: Int) = copy(x = x + distance)
    fun distance(target: Coord): Int = abs(target.x - x) + abs(target.y - y)

data class Movement(val movement: Char, val distance: Int) {
    fun output() = if (movement.toInt() != 0) "$movement,$distance" else "$distance"

data class CleaningProgram(val mainRoutine: List<Char>, val subroutines: Map<Char, List<Movement>>) {
    init {
        require(mainRoutine.toSet() == subroutines.keys)

    fun printToString(): String {
        val sw = StringWriter()
        sw.use {
            PrintWriter(it).use { pw ->
                val main = mainString()
                pw.println("Main Routine=${main}: ${createIntCodeInput(main)}")
                names().forEach { name ->
                    val functionString = subRoutine(name)
                    val functionInput = createIntCodeInput(functionString)
                    pw.println("Function $name: $functionString: $functionInput")
        return sw.toString()

    fun names() = subroutines.keys.toList().sorted()
    fun mainString(): String = mainRoutine.joinToString(",")
    fun subRoutine(name: Char): String =
        (subroutines[name] ?: error("Expected $name in $subroutines")).joinToString(",") { it.output() }

    fun movements(): List<Movement> {
        return mainRoutine.flatMap { subroutines[it] ?: error("Expected $it in $subroutines") }

class Grid(val cells: MutableMap<Coord, Char> = mutableMapOf()) {
    fun printToString(): String {
        val sw = StringWriter()
        sw.use {
            PrintWriter(sw).use { pw ->
                val maxY = cells.keys.maxBy { it.y }?.y ?: 0
                val maxX = cells.keys.maxBy { it.x }?.x ?: 0
                for (y in 0..maxY) {
                    for (x in 0..maxX) {
                        val cell = cells[Coord(x, y)] ?: ' '
        return sw.toString()

fun loadGrid(output: List<Long>): Grid {
    val grid = Grid()
    var x = 0
    var y = 0
    output.forEach { out ->
        if (out == 10L) {
            x = 0
            y += 1
        } else {
            val coord = Coord(x, y)
            x += 1
            grid.cells[coord] = out.toChar()
    return grid

fun isScaffold(c: Char) = when (c) {
    '#', '^', '>', 'v', '<' -> true
    else                    -> false

fun isRobot(c: Char) = when (c) {
    '^', '>', 'v', '<' -> true
    else               -> false

fun isIntersection(coord: Coord, grid: Grid): Boolean {
    val left = grid.cells[coord.left()] ?: ' '
    val right = grid.cells[coord.right()] ?: ' '
    val top = grid.cells[] ?: ' '
    val bottom = grid.cells[coord.bottom()] ?: ' '
    return isScaffold(left) && isScaffold(right) && isScaffold(top) && isScaffold(bottom)

fun calculateAlignment(grid: Grid): Long {
    val intersections = grid.cells.filter { isScaffold(it.value) && isIntersection(it.key, grid) }
    return { it.x * it.y }.sum().toLong()

fun robotLocation(grid: Grid): Coord {
    val locs = grid.cells.filter { isRobot(it.value) }
    require(locs.size == 1)
    return locs.keys.first()

fun turnLeft(direction: Char): Char {
    return when (direction) {
        '^'  -> '<'
        '>'  -> '^'
        'v'  -> '>'
        '<'  -> 'v'
        else -> error("Invalid direction $direction")

fun turnRight(direction: Char): Char {
    return when (direction) {
        '^'  -> '>'
        '>'  -> 'v'
        'v'  -> '<'
        '<'  -> '^'
        else -> error("Invalid direction $direction")

fun nextMovement(direction: Char, movement: Char): Char {
    return if (movement == 'L') {
    } else {

fun determineMovement(robotDirection: Char, direction: Char): Char {
    return when {
        robotDirection == direction            -> 0.toChar()
        turnLeft(robotDirection) == direction  -> 'L'
        turnRight(robotDirection) == direction -> 'R'
        else                                   -> '*'

fun determineDirection(robot: Coord, next: Coord): Char {
    return when {
        robot.x == next.x && next.y > robot.y -> 'v'
        robot.x == next.x && next.y < robot.y -> '^'
        robot.y == next.y && next.x > robot.x -> '>'
        robot.y == next.y && next.x < robot.x -> '<'
        else                                  -> error("Expect difference $robot, $next")

fun isValidDirection(robotDirection: Char, robot: Coord, next: Coord): Boolean {
    val direction = determineDirection(robot, next)
    return determineMovement(robotDirection, direction) != '*'

fun scaffoldDirection(robot: Robot, grid: Grid): Movement? {
    val surrounds = robot.pos.surrounds().toSet()
    val potential = grid.cells.filter {
    }.filter {
    }.filter {
        isValidDirection(robot.direction, robot.pos, it.key)
    val movements = {
        createMovementUntilEnd(robot, it.key, grid)
    if (movements.size > 1) {
        println("Found multiple movements:$movements")
    return movements.maxBy { it.distance }

fun createMovementUntilEnd(robot: Robot, next: Coord, grid: Grid): Movement {
    val diffX = next.x - robot.pos.x
    val diffY = next.y - robot.pos.y
    var step = Coord(next.x + diffX, next.y + diffY)
    while (isScaffold(grid.cells[step] ?: ' ')) {
        step = step.copy(x = step.x + diffX, y = step.y + diffY)
    val movement = determineMovement(robot.direction, determineDirection(robot.pos, next))
    return Movement(movement, step.distance(next))

fun determineRouteInstructions(grid: Grid): List<Movement> {
    val result = mutableListOf<Movement>()
    val robotLocation = robotLocation(grid)
    val robotDirection = grid.cells[robotLocation] ?: error("Expected robot at $robotLocation")
    var robot = Robot(robotLocation, robotDirection)
    do {
        val direction = scaffoldDirection(robot, grid)
        if (direction == null) {
            println("End = $robot")
        robot = walk(robot, direction)
    } while (true)
    return result

fun walk(robot: Robot, direction: Movement): Robot {
    val newDirection = nextMovement(robot.direction, direction.movement)
    val newLocation = when (newDirection) {
        '^'  -> robot.pos.north(direction.distance)
        '>'  -> robot.pos.east(direction.distance)
        'v'  -> robot.pos.south(direction.distance)
        '<'  -> robot.pos.west(direction.distance)
        else -> error("Invalid direction $newDirection")
    return Robot(newLocation, newDirection)

data class Attempt(var name: Char, val movements: List<Movement>) {
    fun output() = movements.joinToString(",") { it.output() }
    fun len() = output().length
    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false
        other as Attempt
        if (movements != other.movements) return false
        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        return movements.hashCode()

fun attemptMove(attempt: Attempt, movements: List<Movement>): Boolean {
    if (attempt.movements.size <= movements.size) {
        val compare = movements.subList(0, attempt.movements.size)
        return attempt.movements == compare
    return false

fun attemptRoute(sets: Set<Attempt>, movements: List<Movement>): Pair<Boolean, List<Char>> {
    for (attempt in sets) {
        if (attemptMove(attempt, movements)) {
            if (attempt.movements.size == movements.size) {
                return Pair(true, listOf(
            val attemptMovements = movements.subList(attempt.movements.size, movements.lastIndex + 1)
            val result = attemptRoute(sets, attemptMovements)
            if (result.first) {
                return Pair(true, listOf( + result.second)
    return Pair(false, emptyList())

fun checkValidAndResults(sets: Set<Attempt>, movements: List<Movement>): Pair<Boolean, List<Attempt>> {
    val attemptMap = { to it }.toMap()
    val result = attemptRoute(sets, movements)
    return Pair(result.first, { attemptMap[it] ?: error("Expected $it in $attemptMap") })

fun createIntCodeInput(functionString: String) = { it.toLong() } + 10L

fun createCleaningProgram(instructionSet: Pair<Set<Attempt>, List<Attempt>>): CleaningProgram {
    val names = { it to }.toMap()
    require(instructionSet.second.all { names.keys.contains(it) })
    require(names.size == names.size)
    val mainRoutine = { names[it] ?: error("Expected $it in $names") }
    require(mainRoutine.toSet().size == names.size)
    val subroutines = { to it.movements }.toMap()
    return CleaningProgram(mainRoutine, subroutines)

fun findRepeating(
    totalSets: Int,
    maxOutput: Int,
    movements: List<Movement>
): List<CleaningProgram> {
    val attempts = createAttempts(movements, maxOutput)
    println("Potential Subroutines = ${attempts.size}")
    val attemptArray = attempts.keys.toTypedArray()
    val combinations = Combinations(totalSets, attempts.size)
    val attemptSets = { combination ->
        combination.mapIndexed { index, attempt ->
            attemptArray[attempt].copy(name = ('A'.toInt() + index).toChar())
    println("Testing combinations = ${attemptSets.size}")
    val validCombinations = {
        Pair(it, checkValidAndResults(it, movements))
    }.filter {
        it.second.first && it.second.second.size * 2 <= maxOutput
    }.map {
        Pair(it.first, it.second.second)
    }.sortedBy { it.second.size }

    println("Valid Combindations=${validCombinations.size}")
    val programs = { createCleaningProgram(it) }
    programs.forEachIndexed { index, cleaningProgram ->
        require(movements == cleaningProgram.movements()) { "Expected $movements == ${cleaningProgram.movements()}" }
    return programs

fun createAttempts(
    movements: List<Movement>,
    maxOutput: Int
): MutableMap<Attempt, Int> {
    val attempts = mutableMapOf<Attempt, Int>()
    for (i in movements.indices) {
        for (j in (i + 2)..movements.size) {
            val attempt = Attempt(0.toChar(), movements.subList(i, j))
            if (attempt.len() < maxOutput) {
                val count = attempts[attempt] ?: 0
                attempts[attempt] = count + 1
    return attempts

fun executeInstructions(program: ProgramState, cleaningProgram: CleaningProgram) {
    program.setMemory(0, 2L)
    val totalInput = mutableListOf<Long>()
    cleaningProgram.names().forEach { name ->
    println("All Input = $totalInput")
    do {
        val output = program.extractOutput()
        if (output.size == 1) {
        } else {
            val str = output.joinToString("") { if (it < 256L) it.toChar().toString() else it.toString() }
    } while (!program.isHalted())

fun main() {
    val code = readProgram(File("input.txt"))
    val program = Program(code).executeProgram(emptyList())
    val grid = loadGrid(program.extractOutput())
    val ap = calculateAlignment(grid)
    println("Alignment Parameter = $ap")
    val movements = determineRouteInstructions(grid)
    val instructions = movements.joinToString(",") { it.output() }
    val programs = findRepeating(3, 20, movements)
    programs.forEach { cleaningProgram ->
        executeInstructions(Program(code).createProgram(), cleaningProgram)
Test Source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day17

import assertk.assertThat
import assertk.assertions.isEqualTo
import org.junit.Test
import kotlin.test.assertTrue

class TestRobot {
    fun testLoad() {
        val input = """
        val output = { it.toLong() }
        val grid = loadGrid(output)
        val movements = determineRouteInstructions(grid)
        val mov = { it.output() }.joinToString(",")
        var found = false
        val instructionSets = findRepeating(3, 20, movements)
        instructionSets.forEach { instructionSet ->
            val routines = instructionSet.names().map { instructionSet.subRoutine(it) }.toSet()
            if (routines.contains("R,8,R,8") &&
                routines.contains("R,4,R,4,R,8") &&
            ) {
                found = true

Day 18: kotlin

Many-Worlds Interpretation

Part 1

This is like the traveling salesman. I could not get an algorithm that passed all the tests. The one that had some success ran far too long. Too many permutations to consider.

Trying to think how a search will work when the tree is not a binary tree.

I now have a recursive search that works but runs a long.

Started looking around at solutions by other people and found one I could understand and why I as failing. Thanks to

Solution source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day18

import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.common.permutations
import java.util.*

fun BitSet.copy(extra: BitSet? = null): BitSet {
    val result = BitSet(this.size())
    if (extra != null) {
    return result

data class Coord(val x: Int, val y: Int) : Comparable<Coord> {
    fun left() = copy(x = x - 1)
    fun right() = copy(x = x + 1)
    fun top() = copy(y = y - 1)
    fun bottom() = copy(y = y + 1)
    fun surrounds() = listOf(left(), right(), top(), bottom())
    override fun compareTo(other: Coord): Int {
        var result = x.compareTo(other.x)
        if (result == 0) {
            result = y.compareTo(other.y)
        return result

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Coord($x,$y)"


data class Cell(val c: Char, val pos: Coord) : Comparable<Cell> {
    override fun compareTo(other: Cell): Int {
        var result = c.compareTo(other.c)
        if (result == 0) {
            result = pos.compareTo(other.pos)
        return result

    fun isDoor() = c.isLetter() && c.isUpperCase()
    fun isKey() = c.isLetter() && c.isLowerCase()
    fun isEntrance() = c == '@' || c.isDigit()
    fun isWall() = c == '#'

    fun toBit(): Int {
        return when {
            isKey()  -> c - 'a'
            isDoor() -> c - 'A'
            else     -> error("Didn't expected to support toBit for $c")

    fun toBitSet(): BitSet {
        val result = BitSet()
        if (isKey() || isDoor()) {
        return result

    fun isFloor(): Boolean {
        return c == '.'

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Cell($c:${pos.x},${pos.y})"

data class Route(val node: Cell, val distance: Int, val doors: BitSet = BitSet(26)) {
    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Route(node=$node, distance=$distance, doors=$doors)"

    fun makeCopy(node: Cell, distance: Int, doors: BitSet? = null): Route {
        return Route(node, distance, doors ?: this.doors.copy())

data class Step(val node: Cell, val distance: Int, val visits: BitSet = BitSet(26)) {
    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Step(${node.c}, $distance, $visits)"

data class MultiStep(val nodes: Set<Cell>, val distance: Int, val visits: BitSet = BitSet(26)) {
    override fun toString(): String {
        return "MultiStep(${ { it.c }.joinToString(",")}, $distance, $visits)"

data class Visit(val distance: Int, val doors: BitSet) {
    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Visit($distance, $doors)"

data class Grid(val cells: MutableMap<Coord, Cell>) {

    fun printToString(): String {
        val output = StringBuilder()
        val maxX = cells.keys.maxBy { it.x }?.x ?: error("Expected cells")
        val maxY = cells.keys.maxBy { it.y }?.y ?: error("Expected cells")
        for (y in 0..maxY) {
            for (x in 0..maxX) {
                output.append(cells[Coord(x, y)]?.c ?: ' ')
        return output.toString()

class World(val grid: Grid) {
    private val keys: Set<Cell> = grid.cells.values.filter { it.isKey() }.toSet()
    private val doors: Set<Cell> = grid.cells.values.filter { it.isDoor() }.toSet()
    private val entrances: Set<Cell> = grid.cells.values.filter { it.isEntrance() }.toSet()
    val route = mutableMapOf<Cell, MutableMap<Cell, Visit>>()

    init {

    private fun createRoute() {
        val nodes = keys() + entrances()
        nodes.forEach { node ->
            val queue = ArrayDeque(listOf(Route(node, 0)))
            val visited = mutableSetOf(node.pos)
            while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
                val current = queue.pop()
                current.node.pos.surrounds().mapNotNull {
                }.filterNot {
                }.filterNot {
                }.forEach { next ->
                    when {
                        next.isDoor()                       -> {
                            val doors = current.doors.copy(next.toBitSet())
                            queue.add(current.makeCopy(next, current.distance + 1, doors))
                        next.isKey()                        -> {
                            val routeMap = route[node] ?: mutableMapOf()
                            if (routeMap.isEmpty()) {
                                route[node] = routeMap
                            routeMap[next] = Visit(current.distance + 1, current.doors)
                            queue.add(current.makeCopy(next, current.distance + 1))
                        next.isEntrance() || next.isFloor() -> {
                            queue.add(current.makeCopy(next, current.distance + 1))
                        else                                -> error("Unexpected $next")

    fun keys(): Set<Cell> = keys
    fun doors(): Set<Cell> = doors
    fun entrances(): Set<Cell> = entrances

    fun entrance(): Cell = entrances.first()

fun findPath(progress: Boolean, world: World, start: Cell): Int {
    val visited = mutableMapOf<Pair<Cell, BitSet>, Int>()
    val allVisits = BitSet(world.keys().size)
    var visits = 0
    world.keys().forEach { allVisits.or(it.toBitSet()) }
    println("All Visits:$allVisits")
    val combinations = permutations(world.keys().size)
    if (progress) {
        world.route.forEach { route ->
            route.value.forEach { entry ->
    val comparator = compareByDescending<Step> { it.visits.cardinality() }.thenBy { it.distance }
    val queue = PriorityQueue<Step>(world.keys().size * world.doors().size, comparator)
    queue.add(Step(start, 0))
    var best = Int.MAX_VALUE
    while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
        val step = queue.poll()
        if (step.distance >= best) {
        if (progress) println("Checking $step")
        world.route[step.node].orEmpty().asSequence().filterNot { entry ->
            // only those we haven't visited yet
            val key = entry.key
            if (key.isKey()) {
            } else {
            }.also {
                if (progress) println("FilterNot#1:$it = $step -> $entry")
        }.filter { entry ->
            // if door for which we have a key
            if (entry.key.isKey()) {
                val doors = entry.value.doors.copy()
                if (progress) println("Checking Door ${entry.value.doors} for ${step.visits}")
                doors.cardinality() == 0
            } else {
            }.also { if (progress) println("Doors#2:$it = $step -> $entry") }
        }.map { entry ->
            // Create a new Step
            val visits = step.visits.copy(entry.key.toBitSet())
            Step(entry.key, entry.value.distance + step.distance, visits)
                .also { if (progress) println("Next Step#3:$entry -> $it") }
        }.filter { bestStep ->
            // Allow where total distance is better than best
            val result = bestStep.distance < best
            result.also { if (progress) println("Better#4:$it = $step -> $bestStep") }
        }.filter { bestStep ->
            // where visited is better
            val key = Pair(bestStep.node, bestStep.visits)
            val result = bestStep.distance < visited[key] ?: Int.MAX_VALUE
            result.also { if (progress) println("Filter#5:$it = $step -> $bestStep") }
        }.forEach {
            visits += 1
            val key = Pair(it.node, it.visits)
            if (progress) println("Step=$step, Node=$it, Key=$key")
            visited[key] = it.distance // record best visit
            if (it.visits == allVisits) {
                best = minOf(best, it.distance)
                if (progress) println("Best=$it, Queue:$queue")
                queue.removeIf { step -> step.distance >= best }
            } else {
            if (progress) println("Queue:$queue")
    return best

data class MultiRoute(val from: Cell, val route: Cell, val visit: Visit)

fun findPathMultipleEntrances(progress: Boolean, world: World, start: Set<Cell>): Int {
    val visited = mutableMapOf<Pair<Set<Cell>, BitSet>, Int>()
    val allVisits = BitSet(world.keys().size)
    var visits = 0
    world.keys().forEach { allVisits.or(it.toBitSet()) }
    println("All Visits:$allVisits")
    val combinations = permutations(world.keys().size)
    if (progress) {
        world.route.forEach { route ->
            route.value.forEach { entry ->
    val comparator = compareByDescending<MultiStep> { it.visits.cardinality() }.thenBy { it.distance }
    val queue = PriorityQueue<MultiStep>(world.keys().size * world.doors().size, comparator)
    queue.add(MultiStep(start, 0))
    var best = Int.MAX_VALUE
    while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
        val step = queue.poll()
        if (step.distance >= best) {
        if (progress) {
            println("Checking $step")

        step.nodes.flatMap { node ->
            world.route[node].orEmpty().map { MultiRoute(node, it.key, it.value) }
        }.asSequence().filterNot { entry ->
            // only those we haven't visited yet
            val key = entry.route
            val result = if (key.isKey()) step.visits[key.toBit()] else false
            result.also { if (progress) println("FilterNot#1:$it = $step -> $entry") }
        }.filter { entry ->
            // if door for which we have a key
            if (entry.route.isKey()) {
                val doors = entry.visit.doors.copy()
                if (progress) println("Checking Door ${entry.visit.doors} for ${step.visits}")
                doors.cardinality() == 0
            } else {
            }.also { if (progress) println("Doors#2:$it = $step -> $entry") }
        }.map { route ->
            // Create a new Step
            val visits = step.visits.copy(route.route.toBitSet())
            MultiStep(step.nodes - route.from + route.route, route.visit.distance + step.distance, visits).also {
                if (progress) println("Next Step#3:$route -> $it")
        }.filter { bestStep ->
            // Allow where total distance is better than best
            val result = bestStep.distance < best
            result.also { if (progress) println("Better#4:$it = $step -> $bestStep") }
        }.filter { bestStep ->
            // where visited is better
            val key = Pair(bestStep.nodes, bestStep.visits)
            val result = bestStep.distance < visited[key] ?: Int.MAX_VALUE
            result.also { if (progress) println("Filter#5:$it = $step -> $bestStep") }
        }.forEach {
            visits += 1
            val key = Pair(it.nodes, it.visits)
            if (progress) println("Step=$step, Node=$it, Key=$key")

            visited[key] = it.distance // record best visit
            if (it.visits == allVisits) {
                best = minOf(best, it.distance)
                if (progress) {
                queue.removeIf { step -> step.distance >= best }
            } else {
            if (progress) {
    return best

fun findKeys(progress: Boolean, grid: Grid): Int {
    val world = World(grid)
    var start = world.entrance()
    val combinations = permutations(world.keys().size)
    val keys = world.keys()
    println("Keys:${keys.size}:${ { it.c }.joinToString(", ")}")
    val doors = world.doors()
    println("Doors:${doors.size}:${ { it.c }.joinToString(", ")}")
    val result = findPath(progress, world, start)
    return result

fun findKeysMultipleEntrances(progress: Boolean, grid: Grid): Int {
    val world = World(grid)
    var start = world.entrances()
    val combinations = permutations(world.keys().size)
    val keys = world.keys()
    println("Keys:${keys.size}:${ { it.c }.joinToString(", ")}")
    val doors = world.doors()
    println("Doors:${doors.size}:${ { it.c }.joinToString(", ")}")
    val result = findPathMultipleEntrances(progress, world, start)
    return result

fun readGrid(input: String): Grid {
    var loc = Coord(0, 0)
    var cells = mutableMapOf<Coord, Cell>()
    input.forEach { c ->
        if (c == '\n') {
            loc = loc.copy(y = loc.y + 1, x = 0)
        } else {
            cells[loc] = Cell(c, loc)
            loc = loc.copy(x = loc.x + 1)
    return Grid(cells)

fun modifyBots(grid: Grid): Grid {
    val cells = grid.cells.toMap().toMutableMap()
    val entrances = grid.cells.values.filter { it.isEntrance() }.toSet()
    require(entrances.size == 1)
    val entrance = entrances.first()
    cells[entrance.pos] = entrance.copy(c = '#')
    entrance.pos.surrounds().forEach {
        cells[it] = Cell('#', it)
    val replacements = mutableListOf<Cell>()
    replacements.add(entrance.copy(c = '1', pos = Coord(entrance.pos.x - 1, entrance.pos.y - 1)))
    replacements.add(entrance.copy(c = '2', pos = Coord(entrance.pos.x + 1, entrance.pos.y - 1)))
    replacements.add(entrance.copy(c = '3', pos = Coord(entrance.pos.x - 1, entrance.pos.y + 1)))
    replacements.add(entrance.copy(c = '4', pos = Coord(entrance.pos.x + 1, entrance.pos.y + 1)))
    replacements.forEach {
        cells[it.pos] = it
    return Grid(cells)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val progress = args.toSet().contains("-p")
    val input = File("input.txt").readText()
    val grid = readGrid(input)
    val distance = findKeys(progress, grid)
    println("Distance = $distance")
    require(distance == 5068) // ensure refactoring is still working
    val grid2 = modifyBots(grid)
    val distance2 = findKeysMultipleEntrances(progress, grid2)
    println("Distance Multiple = $distance2")
    require(distance2 == 1966)
Test Source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day18

import assertk.assertThat
import assertk.assertions.isEqualTo
import org.junit.Test

class TestMapWalker {
    fun test1() {
        val input = """
        val grid = readGrid(input)

        val distance = findKeys(true, grid)

        println("Steps = $distance")

    fun test2() {
        val input = """
        val grid = readGrid(input)
        val distance = findKeys(true, grid)

    fun test3() {
        val input = """
        val grid = readGrid(input)
        val distance = findKeys(true, grid)

    fun test4() {
        val input = """
        val grid = readGrid(input)
        val distance = findKeys(System.getProperty("print.progress", "false").toBoolean(), grid)

    fun test5() {
        val input = """
        val grid = readGrid(input)
        val distance = findKeys(true, grid)

    fun test6() {
        val input = """
        val grid = readGrid(input)
        val distance = findKeysMultipleEntrances(true, grid)

    fun test7() {
        val input = """
        val grid = modifyBots(readGrid(input))
        val distance = findKeysMultipleEntrances(true, grid)

    fun test8() {
        val input = """
        val map = modifyBots(readGrid(input))
        val distance = findKeysMultipleEntrances(true, map)

    fun test9() {
        val input = """
        val map = modifyBots(readGrid(input))
        val distance = findKeysMultipleEntrances(true, map)

Day 19: kotlin

Tractor Beam

Part 1

First part went quick.

Part 2

If I try my algorithm on the same my answer is out by 2 on x and y. I have counted it by hand and I disagree with the sample explanation. I may be wrong?

Yes, I was a classic off by one error. FacePalm

Solution Source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day19

import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.Program
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.readProgram

data class Coord(val x: Int, val y: Int)

class Grid(val cells: MutableMap<Coord, Char> = mutableMapOf()) {
    fun printToString(): String {
        val sw = StringWriter()
        sw.use {
            PrintWriter(sw).use { pw ->
                val maxY = cells.keys.maxBy { it.y }?.y ?: 0
                val maxX = cells.keys.maxBy { it.x }?.x ?: 0
                for (y in 0..maxY) {
                    pw.print(String.format("%02d ", y))
                    for (x in 0..maxX) {
                        val cell = cells[Coord(x, y)] ?: ' '
        return sw.toString()

    fun tractorActiveLine(y: Int): Pair<Coord, Coord> {
        val line = cells.entries.filter { it.key.y == y }.filter { it.value == '#' }.map { it.key }
        if (line.isEmpty()) {
            return Pair(Coord(0, 0), Coord(0, 0))
        val start = line.minBy { it.x } ?: error("Expected values for $y")
        val end = line.maxBy { it.x } ?: error("Expected values for $y")
        return Pair(start, end)

fun readGrid(input: String): Grid {
    val grid = Grid()
    var x = 0
    var y = 0
    input.forEach { c ->
        when (c) {
            '\n'     -> {
                if (grid.cells.isNotEmpty()) {
                    y += 1
                x = 0
            '.', '#' -> {
                grid.cells[Coord(x, y)] = c
                x += 1
    return grid

fun scanGrid(code: List<Long>, width: Int, height: Int): Grid {
    val grid = Grid()
    scanGrid(code, grid, 0, width - 1, 0, height - 1)
    return grid

fun scanGrid(code: List<Long>, grid: Grid, left: Int, right: Int, top: Int, bottom: Int) {
    for (x in left..right) {
        for (y in top..bottom) {
            scanCoord(code, x, y, grid)

fun scanCoord(code: List<Long>, x: Int, y: Int, grid: Grid): Char {
    val program = Program(code).createProgram()
    val output = program.executeUntilOutput(listOf(x.toLong(), y.toLong()))
    require(output.size == 1)
    val out = output.first()
    val cell = when (out) {
        0L   -> '.'
        1L   -> '#'
        else -> ('0' + out.toInt())
    grid.cells[Coord(x, y)] = cell
    return cell

fun scanStanta(code: List<Long>, size: Int): Long {
    val grid = scanGrid(code, size + 2, size + 2)
    var top = size + 1
    do {
        scanLine(2, code, top, grid)
        val result = checkSolution(grid, size, top)
        if (result != 0L) {
            return result
        top += 1
    } while (true)

fun checkSolution(grid: Grid, size: Int, start: Int = size + 1): Long {
    val exit = Pair(Coord(0, 0), Coord(0, 0))
    var maxY = grid.cells.keys.maxBy { it.y }?.y ?: error("Expected values")
    for (top in (start)..maxY) {
        val last = grid.tractorActiveLine(top)
        if (last == exit) {
            error("No solution")
        val first = grid.tractorActiveLine(top - size + 1)
        if (last.first.x == (first.second.x - size) + 1) {
            println("\nFirst = $first, Last = $last")
            return (last.first.x.toLong() * 10000L) + first.first.y.toLong()
    return 0

fun scanLine(left: Int, code: List<Long>, top: Int, grid: Grid) {
    var x = left - 2
    do {
        val c = scanCoord(code, x, top, grid)
        x += 1
    } while (c == '.')
    do {
        val c = scanCoord(code, x, top, grid)
        x += 1
    } while (c == '#')

fun main() {
    val code = readProgram(File("input.txt"))

    val grid = scanGrid(code, 50, 50)
    val affected = grid.cells.values.count { it == '#' }
    println("Affected = $affected")
    require(affected == 126)
    val loc = scanStanta(code, 100)
    println("Answer = $loc")
    require(loc == 11351625L)
Test Source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day19

import assertk.assertThat
import assertk.assertions.isEqualTo
import org.junit.Test

class TestRobot {
    fun testLoad() {
        val input = """#.........
        val grid = readGrid(input)
        val output = grid.printToString()
        val affected = grid.cells.values.count { it == '#' }

    fun test2() {
        val input = """

        val grid = readGrid(input)
        val exit = Pair(Coord(0, 0), Coord(0, 0))
        val result = checkSolution(grid,10)
        assertThat(result).isEqualTo(250020L) // My view is that is should be 270022

Day 20: kotlin

Donut Maze

Part 1

My previous work on the mazes came in handy for this one. I had to identify the tiles that were portal and add edges to connect them to each other.

Part 2

In this case I would create an inner Grid and connect all the inner portal tiles or the outer grid to the outer portal tiles of the inner grid. If I don’t find a solution then I add another inner grid.

Had to increase the stack size on JVM for the final solution.

Solution source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day20

import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.common.Graph
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.common.Graph.Edge
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.min

data class Coord(val x: Int, val y: Int) : Comparable<Coord> {
    fun left() = copy(x = x - 1)
    fun right() = copy(x = x + 1)
    fun top() = copy(y = y - 1)
    fun bottom() = copy(y = y + 1)
    fun surrounds() = listOf(left(), right(), top(), bottom())
    fun distance(target: Coord): Int = abs(target.x - x) + abs(target.y - y)
    override fun compareTo(other: Coord): Int {
        var result = x.compareTo(other.x)
        if (result == 0) {
            result = y.compareTo(other.y)
        return result

data class Cell(
    val c: Char,
    val pos: Coord,
    val level: Int = 0,
    val portal: Boolean = false,
    val name: String = c.toString(),
    val outer: Boolean = false
) : Comparable<Cell> {

    fun isFloor() = c == '.'
    fun isWall() = c == '#'
    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Cell($name:${pos.x},${pos.y},level=$level)"

    override fun compareTo(other: Cell): Int {
        var result = level.compareTo(other.level)
        if (result == 0) {
            result = pos.compareTo(other.pos)
        return result

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        other as Cell
        if (level != other.level) return false
        if (pos != other.pos) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = pos.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + level
        return result


data class Grid(val cells: MutableMap<Coord, Cell>) {
    fun findByName() = cells.values.filter { !it.isWall() }.groupBy { }
    fun maxY(): Int = cells.keys.maxBy { it.y }?.y ?: 0
    fun maxX(): Int = cells.keys.maxBy { it.x }?.x ?: 0
    fun portals(): Map<String, List<Cell>> = cells.values.filter { it.portal }.groupBy { }
    fun outerPortals(): Map<String, Cell> = cells.values.filter { it.portal && it.outer }.associateBy { }
    fun innerPortals(): Map<String, Cell> = cells.values.filter { it.portal && !it.outer }.associateBy { }
    fun fromEdge(cell: Cell): Int = min(min(cell.pos.x, maxX() - cell.pos.x), min(cell.pos.y, maxY() - cell.pos.y))
    fun printToString(): String {
        val sw = StringWriter()
        sw.use {
            PrintWriter(sw).use { pw ->
                val maxY = maxY()
                val maxX = maxX()
                for (y in 0..maxY) {
                    pw.print(String.format("%02d ", y))
                    for (x in 0..maxX) {
                        val cell = cells[Coord(x, y)]?.c ?: ' '
        return sw.toString()

fun labelPortals(grid: Grid) {
    val portals = mutableMapOf<Coord, Cell>()
    grid.cells.entries.forEach {
        if (it.value.isFloor()) {
            val top = grid.cells[]
            val left = grid.cells[it.key.left()]
            val right = grid.cells[it.key.right()]
            val bottom = grid.cells[it.key.bottom()]
            when {
                top != null && top.c.isLetter()       -> {
                    val next = grid.cells[] ?: error("Expected letter at ${}")
                    val name = "${next.c}${top.c}"
                    portals[it.key] = it.value.copy(portal = true, name = name)
                left != null && left.c.isLetter()     -> {
                    val next = grid.cells[left.pos.left()] ?: error("Expected letter at ${left.pos.left()}")
                    val name = "${next.c}${left.c}"
                    portals[it.key] = it.value.copy(portal = true, name = name)
                right != null && right.c.isLetter()   -> {
                    val next = grid.cells[right.pos.right()] ?: error("Expected letter at ${right.pos.right()}")
                    val name = "${right.c}${next.c}"
                    portals[it.key] = it.value.copy(portal = true, name = name)
                bottom != null && bottom.c.isLetter() -> {
                    val next = grid.cells[bottom.pos.bottom()] ?: error("Expected letter at ${bottom.pos.bottom()}")
                    val name = "${bottom.c}${next.c}"
                    portals[it.key] = it.value.copy(portal = true, name = name)

    val nonPortal = mutableSetOf<Cell>()
    portals.entries.groupBy {
    }.entries.forEach {
        val cells = { it.value }
        if (cells.size == 2) {
            val first = cells.first()
            val last = cells.last()
            if (grid.fromEdge(first) < grid.fromEdge(last)) {
                portals[first.pos] = first.copy(outer = true)
            } else {
                portals[last.pos] = last.copy(outer = true)
        } else {
    nonPortal.forEach {
        grid.cells[it.pos] = it.copy(portal = false)


fun readGrid(input: String): Grid {
    var loc = Coord(0, 0)
    var cells = mutableMapOf<Coord, Cell>()
    input.forEach { c ->
        if (c == '\n') {
            loc = loc.copy(y = loc.y + 1, x = 0)
        } else {
            if (!c.isWhitespace()) {
                cells[loc] = Cell(c, loc)
            loc = loc.copy(x = loc.x + 1)
    val map = Grid(cells)
    return map

fun createEdges(map: Grid): List<Edge<Cell>> {
    val edges = mutableListOf<Edge<Cell>>()
    map.cells.values.forEach { centre ->
        if (!centre.isWall()) {
            centre.pos.surrounds().forEach { neighbour ->
                val cell = map.cells[neighbour]
                if (cell != null && !cell.isWall()) {
                    edges.add(Edge(centre, cell, cell.pos.distance(centre.pos)))

    map.portals().forEach {
        if (it.value.size == 2) {
            edges.add(Edge(it.value[0], it.value[1], 1))
        } else if (it.value.size > 2) {
            error("More than 2 Cells ${it}")
    return edges

fun createEdgesRecursive(outer: Grid, inner: Grid): List<Edge<Cell>> {
    val maxY = outer.maxY()
    val maxX = outer.maxX()
    val edges = mutableListOf<Edge<Cell>>()
    outer.cells.values.forEach { centre ->
        if (!centre.isWall()) {
            centre.pos.surrounds().forEach { neighbour ->
                val cell = outer.cells[neighbour]
                if (cell != null && !cell.isWall() && !cell.outer) {
                    edges.add(Edge(centre, cell, cell.pos.distance(centre.pos)))
    val innerPortals = inner.outerPortals()
    outer.innerPortals().forEach {
        val inner = innerPortals[it.key] ?: error("Expected to find ${it.key}")
        edges.add(Edge(it.value, inner, 1))

    return edges

fun findRouteRecursive(grid: Grid, start: String, end: String): List<Pair<Cell, Int>> {
    val levels = mutableListOf<Grid>()
    val edges = mutableListOf<Edge<Cell>>()
    val named = grid.findByName()
    val startCell = named[start] ?: error("Expected portal named:$start")
    require(startCell.size == 1) { "Expected only one named ${start}" }
    val endCell = named[end] ?: error("Expected portal name:$end")
    require(endCell.size == 1) { "Expected only one name ${end}" }
    do {
        val outer = levels.last()
        val inner =
            Grid( { it.copy(level = it.level + 1) }.map { it.pos to it }.toMap().toMutableMap())
        edges.addAll(createEdgesRecursive(outer, inner))
        println("Levels = ${levels.size}, Edges=${edges.size}")
        val graph = Graph(edges, false)
        val path = graph.findPath(startCell.first(), endCell.first())
        if (path.isNotEmpty()) {
            return path
    } while (true)

fun findRoute(grid: Grid, start: String, end: String): List<Pair<Cell, Int>> {
    val named = grid.findByName()
    val startCell = named[start] ?: error("Expected portal named:$start")
    require(startCell.size == 1) { "Expected only one named ${start}" }
    val endCell = named[end] ?: error("Expected portal name:$end")
    require(endCell.size == 1) { "Expected only one name ${end}" }
    val graph = Graph(createEdges(grid), false)
    val path = graph.findPath(startCell.first(), endCell.first())
    require(path.isNotEmpty()) { "Could not find path from $start to $end" }
    return path

fun main() {
    val grid = readGrid(File("input.txt").readText())
    var prevDistance = 0
    var prevName = "AA:0"
    val route = findRoute(grid, "AA", "ZZ")
    val steps = { }.joinToString(" , ")
    val count = route.last().second
    route.filter { it.first.portal }.forEach {
        val distance = it.second - prevDistance
        prevDistance = it.second
        val name = "${}:${it.first.level}"
        println("$prevName -> $name = $distance")
        prevName = name
    println("$prevName -> ZZ:0 = ${count - prevDistance}")

    require(count == 522)
    println("Recursive Solition")
    val rRoute = findRouteRecursive(grid, "AA", "ZZ")
    val rCount = rRoute.last().second
    prevDistance = 0
    prevName = "AA:0"
    rRoute.filter { it.first.portal }.forEach {
        val distance = it.second - prevDistance
        prevDistance = it.second
        val name = "${}:${it.first.level}"
        println("$prevName -> $name = $distance")
        prevName = name
    println("$prevName -> ZZ:0 = ${rCount - prevDistance}")
    println("Count = $rCount")
    require(rCount == 6300)
Test Source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day20

import assertk.assertThat
import assertk.assertions.isEqualTo
import org.junit.Test

class TestGridWalker {
    fun test1() {
        val input = """
#         A
#         A
#  #######.#########
#  #######.........#
#  #######.#######.#
#  #######.#######.#
#  #######.#######.#
#  #####  B    ###.#
#BC...##  C    ###.#
#  ##.##       ###.#
#  ##...DE  F  ###.#
#  #####    G  ###.#
#  #########.#####.#
#  #.#########.###.#
#  ###########.#####
#             Z
#             Z
        val grid = readGrid(input)
        val route = findRoute(grid, "AA", "ZZ")
        val steps = { }.joinToString(",")
        val count = route.last().second
        println("Steps = $steps")

    fun test2() {
        val input = """
             Z L X W       C
             Z P Q B       K
  #...#.#    F       R I       Z    #.#.#.#
  #.###.#    D       E C       H    #.#.#.#
  #.#...#                           #...#.#
  #.###.#                           #.###.#
  #.#....OA                       WB..#.#..ZH
  #.###.#                           #.#.#.#
CJ......#                           #.....#
  #######                           #######
  #.#....CK                         #......IC
  #.###.#                           #.###.#
  #.....#                           #...#.#
  ###.###                           #.#.#.#
XF....#.#                         RF..#.#.#
  #####.#                           #######
  #......CJ                       NM..#...#
  ###.#.#                           #.###.#
RE....#.#                           #......RF
  ###.###        X   X       L      #.#.#.#
  #.....#        F   Q       P      #.#.#.#
               A O F   N
               A A D   M
        val grid = readGrid(input)
        val innerPortals = grid.innerPortals()
        grid.outerPortals().values.forEach {outer ->
            val inner = innerPortals[] ?: error("Expected to find Inner Portal ${}")
        val route = findRouteRecursive(grid, "AA", "ZZ")
        var prevDistance = 0
        var prevName = "AA:0"
        val count = route.last().second
        route.filter { it.first.portal }.forEach {
            val distance = it.second - prevDistance
            prevDistance = it.second
            val name = "${}:${it.first.level}"
            println("$prevName -> $name = $distance")
            prevName = name
        println("$prevName -> ZZ:0 = ${count - prevDistance}")


Day 21: kotlin

Springdroid Adventure

Thanks for mainframe assembler and boolean logic in 1981!

Solution Source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day21

import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.Program
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.readProgram

fun makeInput(input: String): List<Long> {
    val lines = input.trim().split('\n')
    return { it.trim().map { it.toLong() } + 10L }.flatten()

fun printOutput(output: List<Long>): String {
    return { if (it.toInt() < 256) it.toChar().toString() else it.toString() }.joinToString("")

fun reportHullDamage(code: List<Long>, springCode:String): Int {
    val program = Program(code)
    val state = program.createProgram()
    val input = mutableListOf<Long>()
    var result = 0
    do {
        val output = state.extractOutput()
        result += output.filter { it > 256 }.sum().toInt()
        val str = printOutput(output)

    } while (!state.isHalted())
    return result;

fun main() {
    val code = readProgram(File("input.txt"))
    val springCode1 = """
        NOT A J
        NOT B T
        AND D T
        OR T J
        NOT C T
        OR T J
        AND D J
    val damage1 = reportHullDamage(code, springCode1)
    val springCode2 = """
        NOT A J
        NOT B T
        AND D T
        OR T J
        NOT C T
        OR T J
        NOT A T
        OR T J
        AND H J
        OR E J
        AND D J
    val damage2 = reportHullDamage(code, springCode2)

Day 22: kotlin

Slam Shuffle

Part 1

This was interesting and reasonable.

Part 2

It was obvious that I would need to change the code to calculate the indexes and reverse versions of all the functions.

After implementing functions to calculate the transformations I realized that reverse modulus is problematic.

I am not equipped for Advent of Math.

My first implementation breaks down in some cases and since it is a modular function I don’t know of any solver techniques that would even help.

With the large numbers if Long is going to have potential issues.

So I’m using BigInteger for the parts that may have a problem.

Ouch! This took some time.

I had to update my test cases so the deck size was prime.

Thanks to I found a solution I could understand!

Solution Source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day22

import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day22.Instruction.Cut
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day22.Instruction.Increment
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day22.Instruction.Reverse
import java.math.BigInteger

infix fun BigInteger.`%%`(b: BigInteger): BigInteger {
    val r = this % b
    return if (r < BigInteger.ZERO) r + b else r

infix fun Long.`%%`(b: Long): Long {
    return (this.toBigInteger() `%%` b.toBigInteger()).toLong()

sealed class Instruction {
    data class Increment(val inc: Int) : Instruction()
    data class Cut(val n: Int) : Instruction()
    object Reverse : Instruction()

fun parse(input: String): Instruction {
    val r = mapOf<String, (MatchResult) -> Instruction>(
        "deal into new stack" to { _ -> Reverse },
        "deal with increment (\\d+)" to { s -> Increment(s.groupValues.get(1).toInt()) },
        "cut (-?\\d+)" to { s -> Cut(s.groupValues.get(1).toInt()) }
    return r.entries.find {
    }?.let {
    } ?: error("Could not determine $input")

fun reverseIndex(index: Long, deck: Long, iterations: Long = 1L): Long {
    return if (iterations % 2L == 0L)
        deck - (index + 1)

fun reverse(deck: Array<Int>): Array<Int> {
    println("deal into new stack")
    val result = Array<Int>(deck.size) { -1 }
    for (i in 0 until deck.size) {
        val newIndex = reverseIndex(i.toLong(), deck.size.toLong())
        result[newIndex.toInt()] = deck[i]
    return result


fun cutIndex(index: Long, n: Int, deck: Long, iterations: Long = 1L): Long {
    val i = index.toBigInteger()
    val cn = n.toBigInteger()
    val d = deck.toBigInteger()
    val N = iterations.toBigInteger()
    return ((N * (i - cn)) `%%` d).toLong()

fun cut(deck: Array<Int>, n: Int): Array<Int> {
    println("cut $n")
    val result = Array<Int>(deck.size) { -1 }
    for (i in 0 until deck.size) {
        val newIndex = cutIndex(i.toLong(), n, deck.size.toLong(), 1)
        result[newIndex.toInt()] = deck[i]
    return result

fun incrementIndex(index: Long, inc: Int, deck: Long, iterations: Long = 1L): Long {
    if (index == 0L) {
        return 0L
    val N = iterations.toBigInteger()
    val i = index.toBigInteger()
    val c = inc.toBigInteger()
    val d = deck.toBigInteger()
    return (N * i * c `%%` d).toLong()

fun increment(deck: Array<Int>, inc: Int): Array<Int> {
    println("deal with increment $inc")
    val result = Array<Int>(deck.size) { -1 }
    for (i in 0 until deck.size) {
        val newIndex = incrementIndex(i.toLong(), inc, deck.size.toLong())
        result[newIndex.toInt()] = deck[i]
    return result

fun shuffle(input: String, deck: Array<Int>): Array<Int> {
    val instruction = parse(input)
    return when (instruction) {
        is Instruction.Reverse   -> reverse(deck)
        is Instruction.Increment -> increment(deck,
        is Instruction.Cut       -> cut(deck, instruction.n)
        else                     -> error("Unknown instruction $instruction")

fun shuffleFrom(lines: List<String>, deck: Array<Int>, printIntermediate: Boolean = false): Array<Int> {
    var result = deck
    lines.forEach {
        val before = result.toList().toSet()
        result = shuffle(it, result)
        if (printIntermediate) {
        val after = result.toList().toSet()
        require(before == after) {
            "Cards  missing $before -> $after"
    return result

data class Operation(
    val deck: BigInteger,
    val increment: BigInteger = BigInteger.ONE,
    val offset: BigInteger = BigInteger.ZERO
) {
        deck: Long,
        increment: Long = 1L,
        offset: Long = 0L
    ) : this(deck.toBigInteger(), increment.toBigInteger(), offset.toBigInteger())

    operator fun times(right: Operation): Operation {
        return copy(
            increment = increment * right.increment `%%` deck,
            offset = ((offset * right.increment `%%` deck) + right.offset) `%%` deck

    fun pow(x: Long): Operation {
        require(x >= 0L)
        return when {
            x == 0L      -> Operation(this.deck)
            x % 2L == 0L -> (this * this).pow(x / 2L)
            else         -> this * pow(x - 1L)

fun shuffleOperations(
    lines: List<String>,
    deck: Long
): Operation {
    var r = Operation(deck)
    lines.forEach { line ->
        println("Reversing $line")
        val s = parse(line)
        r = when (s) {
            is Reverse   -> {
                r.copy(increment = -r.increment `%%` r.deck, offset = (-r.offset - BigInteger.ONE) `%%` r.deck)
            is Cut       -> {
                val n = s.n.toBigInteger()
                r.copy(offset = (r.offset - n) `%%` r.deck)
            is Increment -> {
                val inc =
                    offset = r.offset * inc `%%` r.deck,
                    increment = r.increment * inc `%%` r.deck
    return r

fun getIndex(s: Operation, index: Long): Long {
    val x = index.toBigInteger()
    return (((s.increment * x `%%` s.deck) + s.offset) `%%` s.deck).toLong()

fun getReverseIndex(s: Operation, index: Long): Long {
    return getIndex(s.pow(s.deck.toLong() - 2L), index)

fun applyShuffleReverse(lines: List<String>, index: List<Long>, deck: Long, iterations: Long = 1L): List<Long> {
    require(deck > 0L) { "Deck must have a positive length not $deck" }
    require(iterations > 0L) { "Iteration must be positive not $iterations" }
    require(index.all { it >= 0L }) { "Index must be 0 or greater not $index" }

    val s = shuffleOperations(lines, deck)
    val x = s.pow(iterations)

    return {
        getReverseIndex(x, it)

fun applyShuffle(lines: List<String>, index: List<Long>, deck: Long, iterations: Long = 1L): List<Long> {
    require(deck > 0L) { "Deck must have a positive length not $deck" }
    require(iterations > 0L) { "Iteration must be positive not $iterations" }
    require(index.all { it >= 0L }) { "Index must be 0 or greater not $index" }

    val s = shuffleOperations(lines, deck)

    return {
        getIndex(s, it)

fun main() {
    val input = File("input.txt").readLines().map { it.trim() }.filter { it.length > 0 }
    require(input.size == 100) { "Expected 100 lines not ${input.size}" }
    val deck = (0 until 10007).toList().toTypedArray()
    require(deck.indexOf(2019) == 2019)
    val result = shuffleFrom(input, deck)
    val index = result.indexOf(2019)
    val index2 = result.indexOf(2020)
    println("Result[2019] = $index, Result[2020] = $index2")
    require(index == 7545)
    require(index2 == 5078)
    // Testing index calculations on same data
    val index3 = applyShuffle(input, listOf(2019L, 2020L), deck.size.toLong(), 1L)
    require(index3[0] == 7545L) { "Expected ${index3[0]} to be 7545" }
    require(index3[1] == 5078L) { "Expected ${index3[1]} to be 5078" }
    // Testing reverse on same data
    val reverse = applyShuffleReverse(input, listOf(7545L, 5078), deck.size.toLong(), 1L)
    val reverseValue = deck[reverse[0]!!.toInt()]
    val reverseValue2 = deck[reverse[1]!!.toInt()]
    require(reverse.first() == 2019L) { "Expected ${reverse.first()} to be 2019" }

    // Large inputs
    val largeDeck = 119_315_717_514_047L
    val iterations = 101_741_582_076_661L
    val largeIndex = applyShuffleReverse(input, listOf(2020L), largeDeck, iterations)
    println("Large Number = ${largeIndex.first()}")
    require(largeIndex.first() == 12_706_692_375_144L)
Test Source
import assertk.assertThat
import assertk.assertions.isEqualTo
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day22.applyShuffleReverse
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day22.cut
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day22.cutIndex
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day22.increment
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day22.incrementIndex
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day22.reverse
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day22.reverseIndex
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day22.shuffleFrom
import org.junit.Test

class TestShuffle {
    fun test1() {
        val deck = (0..9).toList().toTypedArray()
        val result = reverse(deck)
        val expected = (9 downTo 0).toList().toTypedArray()
        println("Result = ${result.toList()}")
        val check = Array<Int>(deck.size) { -1 }
        for (i in 0 until deck.size) {
            val index = reverseIndex(i.toLong(), deck.size.toLong())
            check[index.toInt()] = deck[i]

    fun test2() {
        val deck = (0..9).toList().toTypedArray()
        val result = cut(deck, 3)
        val expected = arrayOf(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2)
        expected.forEachIndexed { index, i ->
            val reverseIndex = cutIndex(index.toLong(), -3, deck.size.toLong())
            assertThat(deck[reverseIndex.toInt()] == i)
        val check = Array<Int>(deck.size) { -1 }
        for (i in 0 until deck.size) {
            val index = cutIndex(i.toLong(), 3, deck.size.toLong())
            check[index.toInt()] = deck[i]

    fun test2_cut8() {
        val deck = (0..9).toList().toTypedArray()
        val result = cut(deck, 8)
        val expected = arrayOf(8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
        val check = Array<Int>(deck.size) { -1 }
        for (i in 0 until deck.size) {
            val index = cutIndex(i.toLong(), 8, deck.size.toLong())
            check[index.toInt()] = deck[i]

    fun test3() {
        val deck = (0..9).toList().toTypedArray()
        val result = cut(deck, -1)
        val expected = arrayOf(9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
        val check = Array<Int>(deck.size) { -1 }
        for (i in 0 until deck.size) {
            val index = cutIndex(i.toLong(), -1, deck.size.toLong())
            check[index.toInt()] = deck[i]

    fun test4() {
        val deck = (0..9).toList().toTypedArray()
        val result = increment(deck, 3)
        val expected = arrayOf(0, 7, 4, 1, 8, 5, 2, 9, 6, 3)
        val check = Array<Int>(deck.size) { -1 }
        for (i in 0 until deck.size) {
            val index = incrementIndex(i.toLong(), 3, deck.size.toLong())
            check[index.toInt()] = deck[i]

    fun test4inc9() {
        val deck = (0..9).toList().toTypedArray()
        val result = increment(deck, 9)
        val expected = arrayOf(0, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
        val check = Array<Int>(deck.size) { -1 }
        for (i in 0 until deck.size) {
            val index = incrementIndex(i.toLong(), 9, deck.size.toLong())
            check[index.toInt()] = deck[i]

    fun test5() {
        val deck = (0..10).toList().toTypedArray()
        val input = """
            deal with increment 7
            deal into new stack
            deal into new stack
            """.trimIndent().split('\n').map { it.trim() }.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }

        val result = shuffleFrom(input, deck, true)
        val expected = arrayOf(0, 8, 5, 2, 10, 7, 4, 1, 9, 6, 3)
        val check = Array<Int>(deck.size) { -1 }
        applyShuffleReverse(input, (0L until deck.size.toLong()).toList(), deck.size.toLong())
            .forEachIndexed { index, l ->
                check[l.toInt()] = expected[index]

    fun test5_reverse() {
        val deck = (0..10).toList().toTypedArray()
        val input = """
            deal into new stack
            deal into new stack
            """.trimIndent().split('\n').map { it.trim() }.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }

        val result = shuffleFrom(input, deck, true)
        val expected = arrayOf(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
        val check = Array<Int>(deck.size) { -1 }
        applyShuffleReverse(input, (0L until deck.size.toLong()).toList(), deck.size.toLong())
            .forEachIndexed { index, l ->
                check[l.toInt()] = expected[index]

    fun test6() {
        val deck = (0..10).toList().toTypedArray()
        val input = """
            deal with increment 7
            cut -2
            deal with increment 9
        """.trimIndent().split('\n').map { it.trim() }.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
        val result = shuffleFrom(input, deck)
        val expected = arrayOf(6, 2, 9, 5, 1, 8, 4, 0, 7, 3, 10)

        val check = Array<Int>(deck.size) { -1 }

        applyShuffleReverse(input, (0L until deck.size.toLong()).toList(), deck.size.toLong())
            .forEachIndexed { index, l ->
                check[l.toInt()] = expected[index]


    fun test6_inc7_cut2() {
        val deck = (0..10).toList().toTypedArray()
        val input = """
            cut -2
            deal with increment 7
        """.trimIndent().split('\n').map { it.trim() }.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
        val result = shuffleFrom(input, deck)
        val expected = arrayOf(9, 6, 3, 0, 8, 5, 2, 10, 7, 4, 1)

        val check = Array<Int>(deck.size) { -1 }

        applyShuffleReverse(input, (0L until deck.size.toLong()).toList(), deck.size.toLong())
            .forEachIndexed { index, l ->
                check[l.toInt()] = expected[index]


    fun test6_inc7() {
        val deck = (0..10).toList().toTypedArray()
        val input = """
            deal with increment 7
        """.trimIndent().split('\n').map { it.trim() }.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
        val result = shuffleFrom(input, deck)
        val expected = arrayOf(0, 8, 5, 2, 10, 7, 4, 1, 9, 6, 3)

        val check = Array<Int>(deck.size) { -1 }

        applyShuffleReverse(input, (0L until deck.size.toLong()).toList(), deck.size.toLong())
            .forEachIndexed { index, l ->
                check[l.toInt()] = expected[index]


    fun test6_inc9() {
        val deck = (0..10).toList().toTypedArray()
        val input = """
            deal with increment 9
        """.trimIndent().split('\n').map { it.trim() }.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
        val result = shuffleFrom(input, deck)
        val expected = arrayOf(0, 5, 10, 4, 9, 3, 8, 2, 7, 1, 6)

        val check = Array<Int>(deck.size) { -1 }

        applyShuffleReverse(input, (0L until deck.size.toLong()).toList(), deck.size.toLong())
            .forEachIndexed { index, l ->
                check[l.toInt()] = expected[index]


    fun test7() {
        val deck = (0..10).toList().toTypedArray()
        val input = """
            deal into new stack
            cut -2
            deal with increment 7
            cut 8
            cut -4
            deal with increment 7
            cut 3
            deal with increment 9
            deal with increment 3
            cut -1
        """.trimIndent().split('\n').map { it.trim() }.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
        require(input.size == 10)
        val result = shuffleFrom(input, deck, true)
        val expected2 =
            cut(increment(increment(cut(increment(cut(cut(increment(cut(reverse(deck), -2), 7), 8), -4), 7), 3), 9), 3), -1)
        println("Expected 2 = ${expected2.toList()}")
        val expected = arrayOf(1, 8, 4, 0, 7, 3, 10, 6, 2, 9, 5)
        val check = Array<Int>(deck.size) { -1 }
        applyShuffleReverse(input, (0L until deck.size.toLong()).toList(), deck.size.toLong())
            .forEachIndexed { index, l ->
                check[l.toInt()] = expected[index]


    fun testinc_9_reverse() {
        val deck = arrayOf(0, 5, 10, 4, 9, 3, 8, 2, 7, 1, 6)
        val input = """
            deal with increment 9
        """.trimIndent().split('\n').map { it.trim() }.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
        val expected = (0..10).toList().toTypedArray()
        var check = shuffleFrom(input, expected)
        val result = Array<Int>(deck.size) { -1 }
        applyShuffleReverse(input, (0L until deck.size.toLong()).toList(), deck.size.toLong(), 1L)
            .forEachIndexed { index, l ->
                result[l.toInt()] = deck[index]

        if (result.toSet() != expected.toSet()) {
            println("Missing values ${expected.toSet() - result.toSet()}")



Day 23: kotlin

Category Six

Previous work on IntCode paid off!!

Solution Source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day23

import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.Program
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.ProgramState
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.readProgram

data class Packet(val x: Long, val y: Long)

class NetWorkController(val address: Long) {
    val inputQueue: MutableList<Long> = mutableListOf()
    val outputQueue: MutableList<Long> = mutableListOf()
    fun provideInput(): List<Long> {
        return if (inputQueue.isNotEmpty()) {
            val result = inputQueue.toList()
        } else {

    fun hasPacket() = outputQueue.size >= 3
    fun readAddress() = outputQueue.removeAt(0)
    fun readPacket(): Packet {
        val x = outputQueue.removeAt(0)
        val y = outputQueue.removeAt(0)
        return Packet(x, y)

    fun idle() = inputQueue.isEmpty()
    fun send(packet: Packet) {
typealias Network = Map<Long, Pair<NetWorkController, ProgramState>>

fun createComputers(code: List<Long>, addresses: IntRange): Network {
    return {
        val netWorkController = NetWorkController(it.toLong())
        val state = Program(code).createProgram(listOf(it.toLong()))
        Pair(netWorkController, state)
    }.associate { it.first.address to it }

fun runNetwork(network: Network, terminate: (Long, Packet) -> Boolean) {
    var nat: Packet? = null
    do {
        for (item in network.values) {
            val nic = item.first
            val programState = item.second
            while (nic.hasPacket()) {
                val address = nic.readAddress()
                val packet = nic.readPacket()
                if (terminate(address, packet)) {
                if (address == 255L) {
                    nat = packet
                } else {
                    val destination = network[address] ?: error("Cannot find NIC $address")
        if (network.values.all { it.first.idle() }) {
            requireNotNull(nat) { "Expected NAT packet waiting when idle" }
            network[0]?.first?.send(nat) ?: error("Cannot find NIC:0")
            if (terminate(0, nat)) {
    } while (network.values.all { !it.second.isHalted() })

fun main() {
    val code = readProgram(File("input.txt"))
    val a1 = solution1(code)
    println("First Packet Y = $a1")
    require(a1 == 22877L)
    val a2 = solution2(code)
    println("NAT Y twice = $a2")
    require(a2 == 15210L)

fun solution2(code: List<Long>): Long {
    var lastNAT: Packet? = null
    val network = createComputers(code, 0..49)
    var answer = -1L
    runNetwork(network) { address, packet ->
        var terminate = false
        if (address == 0L) {
            if (lastNAT == null) {
                lastNAT = packet
            } else {
                if (packet.y == lastNAT?.y) {
                    answer = packet.y
                    terminate = true
                lastNAT = packet
    return answer

fun solution1(code: List<Long>): Long {
    val network = createComputers(code, 0..49)
    var answer = -1L
    runNetwork(network) { address, packet ->
        var terminate = false
        if (address == 255L) {
            answer = packet.y
            terminate = true
    return answer

Day 24: kotlin

Planet of Discord

Part 1

This one was interesting. I realized from the start that fitting the representation of the grid into a BitSet or even a 32 bit value will be efficient when it needs to scale. Finding the same pattern again was easy.

Part 2

I did some refactoring to provide the grid with the possibility of multiple levels and a derived class that will handle the recursive levels.

Solution Source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day24

import java.util.*

data class Coord(val x: Int, val y: Int, val level: Int = 0) {
    fun left() = copy(x = x - 1)
    fun right() = copy(x = x + 1)
    fun top() = copy(y = y - 1)
    fun bottom() = copy(y = y + 1)
    fun surrounds() = listOf(left(), right(), top(), bottom())
    fun pos(width: Int) = (x + 1) + (y * (width))
    fun inGrid(width: Int, height: Int) = x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height

open class Grid(val width: Int = 5, val height: Int = 5) {
    val levels = mutableMapOf<Int, BitSet>()
    open fun levels(): List<Int> {
        return levels.keys.sorted()

    open fun setBug(coord: Coord, live: Boolean) {
        if (coord.inGrid(width, height)) {
            val pos = coord.pos(width)
            if (pos >= 0) {
                val cells = levels[coord.level]
                if (cells == null) {
                    val newCells = BitSet()
                    newCells[pos] = live
                    levels[coord.level] = newCells
                } else {
                    cells[pos] = live

    open fun getBug(coord: Coord): Boolean {
        return if (coord.inGrid(width, height)) {
            val pos = coord.pos(width)
            val cells = levels[coord.level]
            if (cells != null && pos >= 0) {
            } else false
        } else false

    open fun surrounds(loc: Coord): List<Coord> {
        return loc.surrounds().filter { it.inGrid(width, height) }

    fun totalBugs(): Int {
        return levels().map { countBugs(it) }.sum()

    fun countBugs(level: Int): Int {
        val cells = levels[level] ?: BitSet()
        return (0 until cells.size()).map { cells[it] }.filter { it }.count()

    fun stepLife() {
        val allLevels = levels()
        val bugCount = mutableMapOf<Coord, Int>()
        for (level in allLevels) {
            getBugCount(level, bugCount)
        for (level in allLevels) {
            changeLife(level, bugCount)

    open fun ignore(coord: Coord): Boolean = false
    fun changeLife(level: Int, bugCount: MutableMap<Coord, Int>) {
        for (y in 0 until height) {
            for (x in 0 until width) {
                val pos = Coord(x, y, level)
                if (!ignore(pos)) {
                    val bugs = bugCount[pos] ?: 0
                    if (getBug(pos)) {
                        if (bugs != 1) {
                            setBug(pos, false)
                    } else {
                        if (bugs >= 1 && bugs <= 2) {
                            setBug(pos, true)

    fun getBugCount(level: Int, bugCount: MutableMap<Coord, Int>) {
        for (y in 0 until height) {
            for (x in 0 until width) {
                val loc = Coord(x, y, level)
                if (!ignore(loc)) {
                    bugCount[loc] = surrounds(loc).filter { getBug(it) }.count()

    open fun getSymbol(loc: Coord): Char {
        return if (getBug(loc)) '#' else '.'

    fun printToString(level: Int = 0): String {
        val sw = StringWriter()
        sw.use {
            PrintWriter(sw).use { pw ->
                for (y in 0 until height) {
                    for (x in 0 until width) {
                        val loc = Coord(x, y, level)
                        val cell = getSymbol(loc)
        return sw.toString()

    fun bioDiversity(level: Int = 0): Long {
        var bit = 0
        var bd = 0L
        val cells = levels[level] ?: BitSet()
        do {
            val index = cells.nextSetBit(bit)
            if (index >= 0) {
                bd += 2.toBigInteger().pow(index - 1).toLong()
                bit = index + 1
            } else {
        } while (true)
        return bd

    fun bioDiversity(coord: Coord): Long {
        val pos = coord.pos(width)
        return 2.toBigInteger().pow(pos - 1).toLong()

class RecursiveGrid : Grid() {
    override fun ignore(coord: Coord): Boolean {
        return coord.x == width / 2 && coord.y == height / 2

    override fun surrounds(loc: Coord): List<Coord> {
        val result = mutableListOf<Coord>()
        val cells = loc.surrounds()
        val halfWidth = width / 2
        val halfHeight = height / 2
        cells.forEach { cell ->
            when {
                cell.x < 0                                  -> {
                    result.add(Coord(x = halfWidth - 1, y = halfHeight, level = cell.level - 1))
                cell.x >= width                             -> {
                    result.add(Coord(x = halfWidth + 1, y = halfHeight, level = cell.level - 1))
                cell.y < 0                                  -> {
                    result.add(Coord(x = halfWidth, y = halfHeight - 1, level = cell.level - 1))
                cell.y >= height                            -> {
                    result.add(Coord(x = halfWidth, y = halfHeight + 1, level = cell.level - 1))
                cell.x == halfHeight && cell.y == halfWidth -> {
                    when {
                        loc.left() == cell   -> (0 until height).forEach {
                            result.add(Coord(width - 1, it, cell.level + 1))
                        loc.right() == cell  -> (0 until height).forEach {
                            result.add(Coord(0, it, cell.level + 1))
               == cell    -> (0 until width).forEach {
                            result.add(Coord(it, height - 1, cell.level + 1))
                        loc.bottom() == cell -> (0 until width).forEach {
                            result.add(Coord(it, 0, cell.level + 1))
                        else                 -> error("Expected $cell to be around $loc")
                else                                        -> result.add(cell)
        return result.toList()

    override fun setBug(coord: Coord, live: Boolean) {
        require(coord.inGrid(width, height)) { "setBug invoked with location outside grid $coord" }
        if (!ignore(coord)) {
            super.setBug(coord, live)

    override fun getBug(coord: Coord): Boolean {
        require(coord.inGrid(width, height)) { "getBug invoked with location outside grid $coord" }
        return super.getBug(coord)

    override fun getSymbol(loc: Coord): Char {
        return when {
            loc.x == width / 2 && loc.y == width / 2 -> '?'
            else                                     -> super.getSymbol(loc)

    override fun levels(): List<Int> {
        val allLevels = super.levels().toMutableList()
        val minLevel = allLevels.min()!!
        val maxLevel = allLevels.max()!!
        if (countBugs(minLevel) > 0) {
            allLevels.add(minLevel - 1)
        if (countBugs(maxLevel) > 0) {
            allLevels.add(maxLevel + 1)
        return allLevels.toList().sorted()

fun readGrid(input: String, grid: Grid): Grid {
    val cells = mutableMapOf<Coord, Char>()
    var x = 0
    var y = 0
    input.forEach { c ->
        when (c) {
            '\n' -> {
                y += 1
                x = 0
            '.'  -> {
                x += 1
            '#'  -> {
                val loc = Coord(x, y)
                grid.setBug(loc, true)
                x += 1

    return grid

fun readGrid(input: String) = readGrid(input, Grid())
fun readRecursiveGrid(input: String) = readGrid(input, RecursiveGrid())

fun main() {
    val input = File("input.txt").readText()
    val grid = readGrid(input)
    val bioSet = mutableSetOf<Long>()
    var lastBD = 0L
    do {
        val bd = grid.bioDiversity()
        lastBD = bd
        if (bioSet.contains(bd)) {
        } else {
    } while (true)
    println("BD = $lastBD")
    require(lastBD == 28717468L)
    val recursiveGrid = readRecursiveGrid(input)
    repeat(200) {
    val totalBugs = recursiveGrid.totalBugs()
    println("Total = $totalBugs")
Test Source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day19

import assertk.assertThat
import assertk.assertions.isEqualTo
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day24.Coord
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day24.Grid
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day24.readGrid
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day24.readRecursiveGrid
import org.junit.Test

class TestBugsLife {
    fun testLoad() {
        val grid = Grid(5, 5)
        grid.setBug(Coord(0, 3), true)
        grid.setBug(Coord(1, 4), true)
        val bd1 = grid.bioDiversity(Coord(0, 3))
        val bd2 = grid.bioDiversity(Coord(1, 4))
        val total = grid.bioDiversity()

    fun testStep1() {
        val input = """
        val grid = readGrid(input)
        val result = grid.printToString().trim()
        val expected = readGrid(


    fun testStep4() {
        val input = """
        val grid = readGrid(input)
        repeat(4) {
        val result = grid.printToString().trim()
        val expected = readGrid(


    fun testRepeat() {
        val input = """
        val grid = readGrid(input)
        val bioSet = mutableSetOf<Long>()
        var lastBD = 0L
        do {
            val bd = grid.bioDiversity()
            lastBD = bd
            if (bioSet.contains(bd)) {
            } else {
        } while (true)

    fun testRecursive() {
        val input = """
        val grid = readRecursiveGrid(input)
        val reference = mutableMapOf<String, Coord>()
        for (y in 0 until 5) {
            for (x in 0 until 5) {
                val coord = Coord(x, y, 1)
                val pos = coord.pos(5)
                val level1 = ('A' + pos - 1).toString()
                reference[level1] = coord
                val level0 = pos.toString()
                reference[level0] = coord.copy(level = 0)
        val cellE = Coord(4, 0, 1)
        val surroundsE = grid.surrounds(cellE).toSet()
        println("SurroundsE for $cellE = $surroundsE")
        val expectedE = listOf("8", "D", "14", "J").map { reference[it]!! }.toSet()
        println("Expected $expectedE")
        val cell19 = reference["19"]!!
        assertThat(cell19).isEqualTo(Coord(3, 3, 0))
        val surrounds19 = grid.surrounds(cell19).toSet()
        val expected19 = listOf("14", "18", "20", "24").map { reference[it]!! }.toSet()
        println("Surrounds19 = $surrounds19")
        val cell14 = reference["14"]!!
        assertThat(cell14).isEqualTo(Coord(3, 2, 0))
        val surrounds14 = grid.surrounds(cell14).toSet()
        println("Surrounds14 = $surrounds14")
        val expected14 = listOf("9", "E", "J", "O", "T", "Y", "15", "19").map { reference[it]!! }.toSet()

        repeat(10) {

        for (level in grid.levels()) {
            if (grid.countBugs(level) > 0) {


Day 25: kotlin


Part 1

I built a little program around intcode where I could enter commands like I did with "The Hobbit" on my ZX Spectrum in 1983. The I added code to parse the output and navigate the ship and eventually to drop random items when the pressure plate thinks the droid is too heavy or or collect one random item when it is too light.

Solution Source
package com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day25

import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day25.CollectionStrategy.ALL
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day25.CollectionStrategy.NONE
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.day25.CollectionStrategy.ONE
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.Program
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.ProgramState
import com.github.corneil.aoc2019.intcode.readProgram
import org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.JohnsonShortestPaths
import org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultDirectedGraph
import org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultEdge
import kotlin.random.Random

fun makeInput(input: String): List<Long> {
    val lines = input.trim().split('\n')
    return { it.trim().map { it.toLong() } + 10L }.flatten()

fun printOutput(output: List<Long>): String {
    return { if (it.toInt() < 256) it.toChar().toString() else it.toString() }.joinToString("")

enum class CollectionStrategy {

data class Robot(
    var location: String = "",
    var move: String = "",
    var lastObject: String = "",
    var collectionStrategy: CollectionStrategy = ALL,
    val tried: MutableMap<String, MutableList<String>> = mutableMapOf(),
    val commands: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf(),
    val movements: MutableList<Pair<String, String>> = mutableListOf(),
    val objects: MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf()
) {
    fun addObject(obj: String) {
        lastObject = obj

fun findLocation(input: String): String {
    if (input.contains("== ")) {
        val sub = input.substringAfter("== ")
        return sub.substringBefore(" ==")
    return ""

fun parseList(input: String, start: String): List<String> {
    if (input.contains(start)) {
        val output = mutableListOf<String>()
        val lines = input.substringAfter(start).trim().split('\n')
        for (line in lines) {
            if (line.startsWith("- ")) {
                output.add(line.substringAfter("- "))
            } else {
        return output
    return emptyList()

fun findItems(input: String): List<String> = parseList(input, "Items here:")
fun findDirections(input: String) = parseList(input, "Doors here lead:")
fun findInventory(input: String) = parseList(input, "Items in your inventory:")

fun execute(state: ProgramState, cmd: String): String {

    val output = if (cmd.isNotBlank()) {
        val input = makeInput(cmd)
    } else {
        println("Waiting for output")
    if (output.contains("Unrecognized")) {
    return output

val directions = setOf("north", "south", "east", "west")

class World(code: List<Long>, val ignoreItems: Set<String>) {
    var program = Program(code).createProgram(emptyList())
    val graph = DefaultDirectedGraph<String, DefaultEdge>(
    val links = mutableMapOf<Pair<String, String>, String>()
    val locations = mutableMapOf<String, Set<String>>()
    val locationItems = mutableMapOf<String, MutableSet<String>>()
    val locationEntries = mutableMapOf<String, MutableList<String>>()
    val allItems = mutableSetOf<String>()

    fun processCommands(robot: Robot, commands: MutableList<String>): String {
        var output = ""
        while (commands.isNotEmpty()) {
            val command = commands.removeAt(0)
            if (directions.contains(command)) {
                robot.move = command
                robot.movements.add(Pair(robot.location, command))
                val triedOptions = robot.tried[robot.location] ?: mutableListOf()
                robot.tried[robot.location] = triedOptions
                println("${robot.location} -> ${command}")
            output = execute(program, command)
            if (output.contains("You don't see that item here")) {
                println("Reset the items for ${robot.location}")
                locationItems[robot.location] = mutableSetOf()
            if (output.contains("You take the")) {
                val item = output.substringAfter("You take the").substringBefore(".").trim()
                require(allItems.contains(item)) { "Expected $item to be in $allItems" }
            if (output.contains("You drop the")) {
                val item = output.substringAfter("You drop the").substringBefore(".").trim()
                require(allItems.contains(item)) { "Expected $item to be in $allItems" }
            val loc = findLocation(output)
            if (loc.isNotBlank()) {
                val directions = findDirections(output)
                if (directions.isNotEmpty()) {
                    locations[loc] = directions.toSet()
                if (robot.location.isNotBlank()) {
                    if (!graph.containsVertex(loc)) {
                    if (!graph.containsVertex(robot.location)) {
                    if (graph.getEdge(robot.location, loc) == null) {
                        graph.addEdge(robot.location, loc)
                links[Pair(robot.location, loc)] = robot.move
                robot.location = loc
                val entries = locationEntries[loc] ?: mutableListOf()
                if (robot.move.isNotBlank()) {
                locationEntries[loc] = entries

            val items = findItems(output)
            if (items.isNotEmpty()) {
                val locItems = locationItems[loc] ?: mutableSetOf()
                locationItems[loc] = locItems
            val inventory = findInventory(output)
            if (inventory.isNotEmpty()) {
        return output

fun findUntried(location: String, move: String, world: World, tried: MutableMap<String, MutableList<String>>): String {
    val movementOptions = world.locations[location] ?: mutableSetOf()
    if (movementOptions.isNotEmpty()) {
        val triedOptions = tried[location]?.toList() ?: emptyList()
        val untriedOptions = movementOptions - triedOptions.toSet()
        if (untriedOptions.isNotEmpty()) {
            val attempt = when {
                move.isNotBlank() && untriedOptions.contains(move) -> move
                untriedOptions.size == 1                           -> untriedOptions.first()
                else                                               -> {
            if (attempt.isNotBlank()) {
                return attempt
    return ""

fun opposite(direction: String): String {
    return when (direction) {
        "south" -> "north"
        "north" -> "south"
        "east"  -> "west"
        "west"  -> "east"
        else    -> error("Invalid direction:$direction")

fun findOpposites(entry: Set<String>): Set<String> {
    return { opposite(it) }.toSet()

fun findRoute(start: String, end: String, world: World, robot: Robot): Pair<String, List<String>> {
    val jsp = JohnsonShortestPaths(world.graph)
    val path = jsp.getPath(start, end)
    val route = mutableListOf<String>()
    if (path != null && path.vertexList.isNotEmpty()) {
        val links = mutableListOf<Pair<String, String>>()
        val startIndex = if (path.vertexList.first() == start) {
        } else {
        var prev = start
        for (i in startIndex until path.vertexList.size) {
            val current = path.vertexList[i]
            val link = world.links[Pair(prev, current)]
            if (link != null) {
            } else {
            prev = current
    if (route.isEmpty()) {
        val firstMove = robot.movements.find { it.first == start }
        if (firstMove != null) {
            val remainList = robot.movements.subList(robot.movements.indexOf(firstMove), robot.movements.lastIndex)
            val lastMove = remainList.find { it.first == end }
            if (lastMove != null) {
                val lastIndex = remainList.indexOf(lastMove)
                for (i in 0 until lastIndex) {
    return Pair(end, route)

fun findPassword(code: List<Long>): String {

    var password = ""
    val ignoreItems = mutableSetOf<String>("infinite loop")
    do {
        var commands = mutableListOf<String>("inv")
        var lastTake = ""
        val dropped = mutableSetOf<String>()
        var world = World(code, emptySet())
        val robot = Robot()

        try {
            do {
                if (robot.commands.isNotEmpty()) {
                    val movement = robot.commands.removeAt(0)
                val output = world.processCommands(robot, commands)
                if (robot.commands.isNotEmpty()) {
                if (output.contains("Analysis complete!")) {
                    password = output.substringAfter("get in by typing ").substringBefore(' ').trim()
                if (output.contains("ejected")) {
                    val loc = findLocation(output.substringAfter("ejected"))
                    if (loc.isNotBlank()) {
                        robot.location = loc
                if (output.contains("Alert! Droids on this ship are lighter than the detected value!")) {
                    println("All Items:${world.allItems},Robot:${robot.objects}")
                    if ((robot.objects - dropped).isEmpty()) {
                        println("Clearing Dropped:$dropped")
                    val dropList = (robot.objects - dropped).toList()
                    val drop = dropList.get(Random(System.currentTimeMillis()).nextInt(dropList.size))
                    println("Dropping $drop")
                    robot.collectionStrategy = NONE
                    commands.add("drop $drop")
                } else if (output.contains("Alert!")) {
                    println("All Items:${world.allItems},Robot:${robot.objects}")
                    robot.collectionStrategy = ONE

                val items = world.locationItems[robot.location]?.toSet() ?: emptySet()
                if (items.isNotEmpty()) {
                    val taken = when (robot.collectionStrategy) {
                        ONE  -> {
                            val take = items.toList().get(Random(System.currentTimeMillis()).nextInt(items.size))
                            commands.add("take $take")
                            lastTake = take
                        ALL  -> {
                            var result = false
                            for (item in items) {
                                if (!ignoreItems.contains(item) && !robot.objects.contains(item)) {
                                    commands.add("take $item")
                                    lastTake = item
                                    result = true
                        NONE -> {
                    if (taken) {
                val movement = findUntried(robot.location, robot.move, world, robot.tried)
                if (movement.isNotBlank()) {
                    println("Location:${robot.location}:Untried move:$movement")
                val untriedMovements = {
                    it.key to (it.value - (robot.tried[it.key]?.toSet() ?: emptySet()))
                }.filter {
                val movements = { findRoute(robot.location, it.first, world, robot) }
                    .filter { it.second.isNotEmpty() }
                println("Other Untried:$movements")
                if (movements.isNotEmpty()) {
                    val route =
                        if (Random(System.currentTimeMillis()).nextBoolean()) movements.first() else movements.last()
                if (untriedMovements.isNotEmpty()) {
                    error("Could not find routes!! $untriedMovements")
                val routeToDoor = findRoute(robot.location, "Pressure-Sensitive Floor", world, robot)
                if (routeToDoor.second.isNotEmpty()) {
                val routeToSecurity = findRoute(robot.location, "Security Checkpoint", world, robot)
                if (routeToSecurity.second.isNotEmpty()) {
                } else {
                    println("Cannot find Security Checkpoint!!")
                val str = System.console().readLine().trim()
                if (str.isNotBlank()) {
                    when {
                        str.startsWith("take")   -> {
                            val item = str.substringAfter(' ')
                            println("Taking $item")
                        str.startsWith("drop")   -> {
                            val item = str.substringAfter(' ')
                        str == "inv"             -> {
                        directions.contains(str) -> {
                        else                     -> {
                            println("Invalid $str")
            } while (password.isBlank() && !world.program.isHalted())
        } catch (x: Throwable) {
        if (password.isBlank()) {
            println("Locations Items:${world.locationItems}")
            println( {
                it.key to (it.value - (robot.tried[it.key]?.toSet() ?: emptySet()))
            }.filter {
        } else {
            println("Robot is at ${robot.location} carrying: ${robot.objects}")

    } while (password.isBlank())
    return password

fun main() {
    val code = readProgram(File("input.txt"))
    val password = findPassword(code)