: dfriedenberger
dfriedenberger |
The solutions are written in Typescript. To compile Typescript to Javascript you can use gulp runner. For running you can use node
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Why Typescript?
"TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.""
class Hello
getGreetings(name : string) : string
return "Hello "+name+"!";
let hello : Hello = new Hello();
This solution is written in Typescript. I decided for Typescript because want write better Javascript.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution1.js
Need some classes - Modul - Spacecraft
For each solution implement own calculator service
import { Spacecraft } from "./Spacecraft";
import { Modul } from "./Modul";
class CalculateFuelService {
calculateRequiredFuelForSpacecraft(spacecraft : Spacecraft) : number
let fuel = 0;
for (var modul of spacecraft.getModules())
fuel += this.calculateRequiredFuelForModul(modul);
return fuel;
calculateRequiredFuelForModul(modul : Modul) : number
return Math.floor(modul.getMass() / 3) - 2;
export { CalculateFuelService };
import { Spacecraft } from "./Spacecraft";
import { Modul } from "./Modul";
class CalculateFuelWithFuelService {
calculateRequiredFuelForSpacecraft(spacecraft : Spacecraft) : number
let fuel = 0;
for (var modul of spacecraft.getModules())
fuel += this.calculateRequiredFuelForModul(modul);
return fuel;
calculateRequiredFuelForModul(modul : Modul) : number
var complete = 0;
var currentMass = modul.getMass();
let currentFuel = Math.floor(currentMass / 3) - 2;
if(currentFuel <= 0) break;
complete += currentFuel;
currentMass = currentFuel;
return complete;
export { CalculateFuelWithFuelService };
The solution is quite straight forward.
import { Spacecraft } from "./Spacecraft";
import { CalculateFuelService } from "./CalculateFuelService";
let calculateFuelService = new CalculateFuelService();
let spacecraft = new Spacecraft();
console.log("My puzzle answer is " + calculateFuelService.calculateRequiredFuelForSpacecraft(spacecraft));
import { Spacecraft } from "./Spacecraft";
import { CalculateFuelWithFuelService } from "./CalculateFuelWithFuelService";
let calculateFuelService = new CalculateFuelWithFuelService();
let spacecraft = new Spacecraft();
console.log("My puzzle answer is " + calculateFuelService.calculateRequiredFuelForSpacecraft(spacecraft));
This solution is written in Typescript.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution1.js
Solved solution one by implementing the computer and the rules
import { Program } from "./Program";
class Computer {
run(program : Program) : boolean
case 1:
var input1 = program.getInput1();
var input2 = program.getInput2();
program.setResult(input1 + input2);
case 2:
var input1 = program.getInput1();
var input2 = program.getInput2();
program.setResult(input1 * input2);
case 99:
return false;
throw new Error();
return true;
export { Computer };
Second solution solved through brute force.
import { Computer } from "./Computer";
import { Program } from "./Program";
let computer = new Computer();
for(let noun = 0;noun <= 99;noun++)
for(let verb = 0;verb <= 99;verb++)
let program = new Program([1,0,0,3,1,1,2,3,1,3,4,3,1,5,0,3,2,6,1,19,1,19,10,23,2,13,23,27,1,5,27,31,2,6,31,35,1,6,35,39,2,39,9,43,1,5,43,47,1,13,47,51,1,10,51,55,2,55,10,59,2,10,59,63,1,9,63,67,2,67,13,71,1,71,6,75,2,6,75,79,1,5,79,83,2,83,9,87,1,6,87,91,2,91,6,95,1,95,6,99,2,99,13,103,1,6,103,107,1,2,107,111,1,111,9,0,99,2,14,0,0]);
if(program.get(0) == 19690720)
console.log("My puzzle answer is " + (noun * 100 + verb));
This solution is written in Typescript.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution1.js
First implementing the Wire class. It’s handle convertion from path to x,y-Coordinates in constructor
constructor(pathDefinition : string)
let pathes : Array<string> = pathDefinition.split(",");
let x = 0;
let y = 0;
let l = 0;
for (let path of pathes) {
let direction = path.substr(0,1);
let steps = parseInt(path.substr(1));
let dy = 0;
let dx = 0;
case "R": dx = 1; break;
case "U": dy = 1; break;
case "L": dx = -1; break;
case "D": dy = -1; break;
for(let i = 0;i < steps;i++)
x = x + dx;
y = y + dy;
l = l + 1;
let coordinate = new Coordinate(x,y)
this.coordinates.add(new Coordinate(x,y));
this.distances[coordinate.key()] = l;
and find crosses by comparing the coordinates
cross(wire : Wire) : CoordinateSet
let crosses = new CoordinateSet();
for(let coordinate of this.coordinates)
return crosses;
This was solved by implementing ManhattanDistance (here first time uses interfaces in Typescript)
distance(coordinate: Coordinate): number {
return Math.abs(coordinate.x) + Math.abs(coordinate.y);
and find the minimum of the distances.
import { CoordinateSet } from "./CoordinateSet";
import { Distance } from "./Distance";
class ShortestDistance {
distance : Distance;
constructor(pDistance : Distance)
this.distance = pDistance;
min(coordinates : CoordinateSet) : number
let minDistance = -1;
for(let k in coordinates.map)
let coordinate = coordinates.map[k];
let distance = this.distance.distance(coordinate);
if(minDistance == -1 || distance < minDistance)
minDistance = distance;
return minDistance;
export { ShortestDistance };
Second solution solved by replacing the Implementation of Distance from ManhattanDistance to SignalDelayDistance
let distance = new ShortestDistance(new ManhattanDistance());
let distance = new ShortestDistance(new SignalDelayDistance([wire1.distances,wire2.distances]));
SignalDelayDistance uses map of distances created during Wire construction
import { Coordinate } from "./Coordinate";
import { Distance } from "./Distance";
import { Wire } from "./Wire";
class SignalDelayDistance implements Distance {
wires : any;
constructor(pWires : any)
this.wires = pWires;
distance(coordinate: Coordinate): number {
let d = 0;
for(let map of this.wires)
let k = coordinate.key();
if(k in map)
d += map[''+k];
return d;
export { SignalDelayDistance };
The solutions are written in Typescript. To run them use the following commands.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution2.js
First, I thought about how to solve it mathematically. But it’s a little bit complicated, because the input range.
A few basic considerations:
six-digit number ⇒ 900.000 numbers
353096-843212 ⇒ 490.117 numbers
adjacent digits ⇒ 900.000 - 9 * 8 * 7 * 6 * 5 (possibilities with unique numbers) = 884880
digits never decrease ⇒ ???
But was is the intersection?
I decieded to solve it with brute force. Programmers are the laziest people on the planet. Algorithm only has a runtime complexity of O(n). And N is maximum 1 million.
Solved this by implementing creation of digits and validating the resulting number.
Use recursive function which add a digit an each call. Start with value for next digit which is greater or equals.
digit({ digits, sumprev, pos, start }:
{ digits: any; sumprev: number; pos: number; start: number; }) : void
//Going from left to right, the digits never decrease.
for(let i = start;i <= 9;i++)
digits[pos] = i;
let sum = sumprev * 10 + i;
//start is set to current digit
this.digit({ digits, sumprev: sum, pos: pos + 1, start: i });
To check the input range, validate each number when reach last digit
if(pos == 5) { //The value is within the range given in your puzzle input. if(sum < this.min) continue; if(sum > this.max) continue; if(!this.passwordDigitValidator.validate(digits)) continue; this.cnt++; continue; }
Then start it with first call.
/* It is a six-digit number. => Starts Digit 1 */ this.digit({ digits: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], sumprev: 0, pos: 0, start: 1 });
For checking adjacent digits use own class.
import { PasswordDigitValidator } from "./PasswordDigitValidator"; class PasswordDigitValidatorAdjacentDigits implements PasswordDigitValidator { validate(digits : Array<number>) : boolean { //Two adjacent digits are the same (like 22 in 122345). for(let x = 1;x < 6;x++) { if(digits[x-1] == digits[x]) return true; } return false; } } export { PasswordDigitValidatorAdjacentDigits };
Finally run generator to count the numbers
import { PasswordDigitValidatorAdjacentDigits } from "./PasswordDigitValidatorAdjacentDigits"; import { PasswordDigitGenerator } from "./PasswordDigitGenerator"; let generator = new PasswordDigitGenerator(353096,843212,new PasswordDigitValidatorAdjacentDigits()); generator.gen(); console.log("My puzzle answer is " + generator.getCnt());
Replaced the Validator class.
import { PasswordDigitValidator } from "./PasswordDigitValidator"; class PasswordDigitValidatorAdjacentDigitsInGroup implements PasswordDigitValidator { validate(digits : Array<number>) : boolean { //Two adjacent digits are the same (like 22 in 122345). for(let x = 1;x < 6;x++) { if((x > 1) && (digits[x-2] == digits[x])) continue; if((x < 5) && (digits[x+1] == digits[x])) continue; if(digits[x-1] == digits[x]) return true; } return false; } } export { PasswordDigitValidatorAdjacentDigitsInGroup };
The solutions are written in Typescript. To run them use the following commands.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution2.js
Nothing spectacular. Only extended the classes. It took a little time to find a bug in the jump obcode processing. I did this using the classic way with
. I think I need to start learning how to debug with vs code. But not today. ;-)console.log
Solved both solution by extending the computer and the rules.
import { Program } from "./Program";
class Computer {
output : Array<number> = [];
input : number;
setInput(val : number) : void
this.input = val;
getOutput() : Array<number>
return this.output;
run(program : Program) : boolean
let abcde = '00000' + program.getOpCode();
let l = abcde.length;
let de = parseInt(abcde.substring(l-2,l));
let c = parseInt(abcde.substring(l-3,l-2));
let b = parseInt(abcde.substring(l-4,l-3));
let a = parseInt(abcde.substring(l-5,l-4));
case 1:
var input1 = program.getInput1(c);
var input2 = program.getInput2(b);
program.setResult(a,input1 + input2);
case 2:
var input1 = program.getInput1(c);
var input2 = program.getInput2(b);
program.setResult(a,input1 * input2);
case 3:
case 4:
var input1 = program.getInput1(c);
console.log("Output "+input1);
case 5: //jump-if-true
var input1 = program.getInput1(c);
var input2 = program.getInput2(b);
if(input1 != 0)
case 6: //jump-if-false
var input1 = program.getInput1(c);
var input2 = program.getInput2(b);
if(input1 == 0)
case 7: //less
var input1 = program.getInput1(c);
var input2 = program.getInput2(b);
if(input1 < input2)
case 8: //equals
var input1 = program.getInput1(c);
var input2 = program.getInput2(b);
if(input1 == input2)
case 99:
return false;
throw new Error();
return true;
export { Computer };
The solutions are written in Typescript. To run them use the following commands.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution2.js
First implementing Orbit container class and add each connection to a map with array of his direct adjacents.
add(key : string, adj : string)
if(!(key in this.map))
this.map[key] = [];
Solving counting with recursive function
count(key : string,deep : number) : number { let c = deep; var keyList = this.map[key]; if(keyList) { for(let k of keyList) { c += this.count(k,deep + 1); } } return c; }
Second solution solved through modified recursive function. Searching for the YOU and SAN nodes and the connecting node.
find(key : string,list : any) : number {
let sum = 0;
if(key == "YOU") return 1;
if(key == "SAN") return 1;
var keyList = this.map[key];
let cnt = 0;
for(let k of keyList)
let c = this.find(k,list);
if(c > 0)
sum += c + 1;
case 0: //nothing
return 0;
case 1:
console.log("on the way "+sum);
return sum;
case 2:
console.log("found "+(sum - 4));
return 0;
throw new Error();
The solutions are written in Typescript. To run them use the following commands.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution2.js
Extend the Computer class with state. Stop’s if is in state Done and also if it is waiting for Input. Implement AmplifierSeries which gets output value from one amplifier and put it to next. Can used for both solution
run(inputs: Array<number>) : number { let lastOutput : number= 0 let computers : Array<Computer> = []; for(let inst of inputs) { let program = new Program([...this.code]); let computer = new Computer(program); computer.setInput(inst); computers.push(computer); } while(!computers[4].isDone()) { for(let i = 0;i < 5;i++) { computers[i].setInput(lastOutput); while(computers[i].run()); lastOutput = computers[i].getLastOutput(); } } return lastOutput; }
Difference between solution 1 and 2 is the used permutation.
let permutations : Permutation = new Permutation([5,6,7,8,9]);
for(let permutation of permutations)
let output = series.run(permutation);
if(output > max) max = output;
The solutions are written in Typescript. To run them use the following commands.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution2.js
Create Layers from input data
load(code : string) : void
let size = this.wide * this.tall;
let length = code.length;
for(let i = 0;i < length;i += size)
let layer : Layer = new Layer(this.wide,this.tall);
and select this layer with fewest '0' digets.
selectWithFewestDigits(digit : string) :Layer { let minLayer : Layer = undefined; this.layers.forEach(layer => { if((minLayer == undefined) || (layer.count(digit) < minLayer.count(digit))) { minLayer = layer; } }); return minLayer; }
For solution calculate the product of '1' and '2' digits.
let layer : Layer = layerManager.selectWithFewestDigits('0'); var result = layer.count('1') * layer.count('2');
For second solution joined the layers
joinLayers() : Layer { let code : string = ""; for(let t = 0;t < this.tall;t++) { for(let w = 0;w < this.wide;w++) { //get code for Layer first non 2 wins let c; for(let i = 0;i < this.layers.length;i++) { c = this.layers[i].get(w,t); if(c != '2') break; } code += c; } } let layer : Layer = new Layer(this.wide,this.tall); layer.set(code); return layer; }
and dump it as ASCII image.
let layer : Layer = layerManager.joinLayers();
for(let t = 0;t < 6;t++)
let line = "";
for(let w = 0;w < 25;w++)
let c = layer.get(w,t);
line += (c == '1')?"*":" ";
*** ** *** **** *** * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * *** * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * *** ** * **** ***
The solutions are written in Typescript. To run them use the following commands.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution2.js
Extension of classes was easy, only add relative parameter mode
getIndex(mode : number, parameter : number) { switch(mode) { case 0: //position mode return this.code[this.ix+parameter]; case 1: //immediate mode return this.ix+parameter; case 2: //relative mode return this.code[this.ix+parameter] + this.relativeBase; } throw new Error("Mode "+mode+" is not supported yet"); }
and handling for opcode 9.
case 9: var input1 = this.program.getInput1(c); this.program.incrRelativeBase(input1); this.program.next(2); break;
Extending other capabilities was not necessary. Large numbers are supported from number object in Typescript and array is automaticly extended if write a value to new index. Only return 0 if index not exists was added.
getInput1(mode : number) : number { let i = this.getIndex(mode,1); //check if index in code exists if ( this.code[i] !== void 0 ) return this.code[i]; return 0; }
Furthermore wrote my first static function in TypeScript.
static load(filename : string) : Computer { let data : string = fs.readFileSync(filename).toString('utf-8'); let code : Array<number> = data.split(',').map(c => parseInt(c)); return new Computer(new Program(code)); }
The solutions are written in Typescript. To run them use the following commands.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution2.js
Implement AsteroidMap with document first, so I was thinking implementing the following functions:
add row (calculate width and high)
is an asteroid at x,y
cnt asteroids in diagonal
cnt reachable asteroids from x,y
find best position
for vaporization i would sort arrays by angle and distance.
class AsteroidMap { width: number = 0; height: number = 0; map : any = {}; candidates : any = []; add(x : number,y : number) : void { this.map[x+","+y] = 0; } is(x : number,y : number) : boolean { return ((x+","+y) in this.map); } addRow(line : string) { let c = line.split(''); if(this.height == 0) this.width = c.length; else if(this.width != c.length) throw new Error(this.width +" != "+ c.length); for(let x = 0;x < this.width;x++) { switch(c[x]) { case '#': //asteroid this.add(x,this.height); break; case '.': //space //ignore break; default: throw new Error("Unknown "+ c[x]); } } this.height++; } count() : number { return Object.keys(this.map).length; } diagonale(x0 : number,y0 : number,xoff : number,yoff : number) : number { let c = 0; let x = x0; let y = y0; while(true) { x += xoff; y += yoff; if(x < 0) break; if(x >= this.width) break; if(y < 0) break; if(y >= this.height) break; if(this.is(x,y)) c+= 1; } return c; } createCandidates() : void { if(this.candidates.length > 0) return; let deep = this.width > this.height ? this.width : this.height; //console.log("deep = "+deep); for(let j = deep * -1; j <= deep;j++) for(let i = deep * -1; i <= deep;i++) { if(i == 0 && j == 0) continue; //is vielfaches let ignore = false; for(let f = 2;f <= deep;f++) { if(i % f == 0 && j % f == 0) ignore = true; } if(ignore) continue; this.candidates.push([j,i]); } } countxy(x : number,y : number) : number { this.createCandidates(); let s = this.count() -1; //myself for(let i = 0;i < this.candidates.length;i++) { let candidate = this.candidates[i]; let c = this.diagonale(x,y,candidate[0],candidate[1]); if(c > 1) s -= c - 1; } return s; } findmaxcountxy() : object { let found = { max : 0, x : -1, y : -2 }; for(let x = 0;x < this.width;x++) for(let y = 0;y < this.height;y++) { if(!this.is(x,y)) continue; let c = this.countxy(x,y); if(c > found.max) { found.max = c; found.x = x; found.y = y; } } return found; } angle(v1 : any , v2 : any) { //cos y = v1 * v2 / |v1| * |v2| let a = Math.sqrt(v1[0] * v1[0] + v1[1] * v1[1]); let b = Math.sqrt(v2[0] * v2[0] + v2[1] * v2[1]); let c = (v1[0] * v2[0] + v1[1] * v2[1]); let d= c / (a * b); let w = Math.acos(d); if(v2[0] < 0) return 6.3 - w; return w; } distance(x : any , y : any) : number { return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); } factor(x : any , y : any) :number { let factor = 1; for(let f = 2;f <= Math.max(x,y);f++) { if(x % f == 0 && y % f == 0) factor = f; } return factor; } vaporizationOrder(xl : number,yl :number) : any { let list : any = []; for(let x = 0;x < this.width;x++) for(let y = 0;y < this.height;y++) { if(x == xl && y == yl) continue; if(!this.is(x,y)) continue; var xr = x -xl; var yr = y -yl; let f = this.factor(xr,yr); list.push({ x : x, y : y, a : this.angle([0,-1], [xr/f,yr/f]), d : this.distance(x - xl,y - yl), k : x * 100 + y }); } let list2 : any = []; var sorted = list.sort(function(a :any , b : any) { if(a.a == b.a) return (a.d - b.d); return a.a - b.a; }); while(sorted.length > 0) { var last = -1; var rest = []; while(sorted.length > 0) { var e = sorted[0]; sorted.splice(0,1); if(e.a == last) { rest.push(e); } else { last = e.a; list2.push(e); } } sorted = rest; } return list2; } } export { AsteroidMap };
var find : any = map.findmaxcountxy();
console.log("My puzzle answer is " + find.max);
var find : any = map.findmaxcountxy();
let a = map.vaporizationOrder(find.x,find.y);
console.log("My puzzle answer is " + a[199].k);
The solutions are written in Typescript. To run them use the following commands.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution2.js
Implement Panel class and reused unmodified Computer.
class Panel { x : number = 0; y : number = 0; degree : number = 0; colors : any = {}; minx : number = 0; maxx : number = 0; miny : number = 0; maxy : number = 0; getColor() : number { let k = this.x+","+this.y; if(k in this.colors) return this.colors[k]; return 0; } getColorXY(x : number,y : number) : number { let k = x+","+y; if(k in this.colors) return this.colors[k]; return 0; } setColor(c : number) : void { let k = this.x+","+this.y; this.colors[k] = c; } turn(dir : number) : void { //0 means it should turn left 90 degrees, and 1 means it should turn right 90 degrees. if(dir == 0) this.degree = (this.degree + 270)%360; else this.degree = (this.degree + 90)%360; } moveForward() :void { switch(this.degree) { case 0: this.y--; break; case 90: this.x++; break; case 180: this.y++; break; case 270: this.x--; break; } this.minx = Math.min(this.minx,this.x); this.maxx = Math.max(this.maxx,this.x); this.miny = Math.min(this.miny,this.y); this.maxy = Math.max(this.maxy,this.y); } countPanels() : number { return Object.keys(this.colors).length; } dump() : void { for(let y = this.miny;y <= this.maxy;y++) { let line = ""; for(let x = this.minx;x <= this.maxx;x++) { line += this.getColorXY(x,y) == 0? ".":"#"; } console.log(line); } } } export { Panel }
import { Computer } from "./Computer";
import { Panel } from "./Panel";
let computer = Computer.load("input.txt");
let panel = new Panel();
let x = 0;
let c = panel.getColor();
let output = computer.getOutput();
console.log("My puzzle answer is "+panel.countPanels());
import { Computer } from "./Computer";
import { Panel } from "./Panel";
let computer = Computer.load("input.txt");
let panel = new Panel();
let x = 0;
let c = panel.getColor();
let output = computer.getOutput();
console.log("My puzzle answer is (see image)");
The solutions are written in Typescript. To run them use the following commands.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution2.js
Solved solution one by implementing Space and Moon.
class Moon
x : Array<number> = [];
v : Array<number> = [0,0,0];
constructor({ x, y, z }: { x: number; y: number; z: number; })
this.x[0] = x;
this.x[1] = y;
this.x[2] = z;
private caclulateEnergy(a : Array<number>) : number {
let e = 0;
for(let i = 0;i < 3;i++)
e += Math.abs(a[i]);
return e;
getPotentialEnergy() : number {
return this.caclulateEnergy(this.x);
getKineticEnergy() : number {
return this.caclulateEnergy(this.v);
export { Moon }
import { Moon } from './Moon'; class Space { moons : Array<Moon> = []; add(moon : Moon) { this.moons.push(moon); } timeStep() : void { //update velocity by gravity let l = this.moons.length; let velocityChange = (x: number, y: number): number => { if(x == y) return 0; return (x < y) ? 1 : -1; } for(let i = 0;i < l;i++) for(let j = i+1;j < l;j++) { let m1 : Moon = this.moons[i]; let m2 : Moon = this.moons[j]; //foreach Coordinate for(let k = 0;k < 3;k++) { m1.v[k] += velocityChange(m1.x[k],m2.x[k]); m2.v[k] += velocityChange(m2.x[k],m1.x[k]); } } //update position for(let i = 0;i < l;i++) { let m : Moon = this.moons[i]; for(let k = 0;k < 3;k++) { m.x[k] += m.v[k]; } } } getEnergy() :number { let energy = 0; let l = this.moons.length; for(let i = 0;i < l;i++) { let m1 : Moon = this.moons[i]; energy += m1.getPotentialEnergy() * m1.getKineticEnergy(); } return energy; } getDataSet(x : number) : Array<number> { let a = []; let l = this.moons.length; for(let i = 0;i < l;i++) { let m : Moon = this.moons[i]; a.push(m.x[x]); a.push(m.v[x]); } return a; } } export {Space }
Then run 1000 time steps
let space : Space = new Space(); space.add(new Moon({ x: 3, y: 3, z: 0 })); space.add(new Moon({ x: 4, y: -16, z: 2 })); space.add(new Moon({ x: -10, y: -6, z: 5 })); space.add(new Moon({ x: -3, y: 0, z: -13 })); for(let i = 0;i < 1000;i++) space.timeStep(); console.log("My puzzle answer is " + space.getEnergy());
Second solution tried by brute force. As expected would need very long time before repeating. So I tried with success calculating cycle for each index (because indexes are independent)
let ds0 : any = [];
for(let x = 0;x < 3;x++)
ds0[x] = space.getDataSet(x);
let i = 0;
let f = 0;
let cycle : Array<number> = [];
while(f < 3)
for(let x = 0;x < 3;x++)
let ds = space.getDataSet(x);
//compare Arrays in JS simply with JSON.stringify
if(JSON.stringify(ds) == JSON.stringify(ds0[x]))
console.log("found cycle for "+x+" = "+i);
cycle[x] = i;
ds0[x] = []; //clear
Furthermore hat to take the divisors into consideration, so I calculated ggt (copied from internet)
/* calculate ggt */ function ggt(a : number,b : number) : number { var r : number; do { r = a % b; a=b; b=r; } while (r>0); return a; } console.log("ggt("+cycle[0]+","+cycle[1]+") = "+ggt(cycle[0],cycle[1])); console.log("ggt("+cycle[0]+","+cycle[2]+") = "+ggt(cycle[0],cycle[2])); console.log("ggt("+cycle[2]+","+cycle[1]+") = "+ggt(cycle[2],cycle[1]));
The result I calculated with calctool.de
The solutions are written in Typescript. To run them use the following commands.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution2.js
Solved by creating game from IntCode and count the blocks.
import { Computer } from "./Computer";
import { Panel } from "./Panel";
let computer = Computer.load("input.txt");
let panel = new Panel();
let output = computer.getOutput();
console.log("My puzzle answer is "+panel.count(2));
Solved by playing the game. Moving the panel synchron to the ball.
import { Computer } from "./Computer";
import { Panel } from "./Panel";
let computer = Computer.load("input.txt");
let panel = new Panel();
let output = computer.getOutput();
console.log("blocks "+panel.count(2));
for(let x = 0;x < 10000;x++)
let b = panel.getBallPosition();
let j = panel.getPadlePosition();
let d = 0;
if(b.x < j.x)
d = -1;
if(b.x > j.x)
d = 1;
let output2 = computer.getOutput();
console.log("blocks "+panel.count(2));
console.log("Score "+panel.score);
if(panel.count(2) == 0)
console.log("My puzzle answer is "+panel.score);
The solutions are written in Typescript. To run them use the following commands.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution2.js
The core algorithm is recursice function wich calculate the consumed ore. Furthermore has a set of leftover chemicals which can used by the following reactions.
calculateOre(cnt : number,chemical : string,rest : ChemicalSet) : number
let minore : number = -1;
for(let r of this.reactions[chemical])
let ore = 0;
var produce = r.result.cnt;
var factor = 1;
while(produce < cnt)
produce += r.result.cnt;
for(let c of r.inputs)
var needCnt = factor * c.cnt;
if(c.name == "ORE")
ore += needCnt;
let re : number = rest.getCnt(c.name);
if(re >= needCnt)
ore += this.calculateOre(needCnt - re,c.name,rest);
if((produce - cnt) > 0)
rest.add(produce -cnt,chemical);
if(minore == -1 || ore < minore)
minore = ore;
//console.log(minore +" ore produce "+cnt+" "+chemical+" zuviel: "+JSON.stringify(rest.count));
return minore;
Solved by calling calculateOre
import { NanoFactory} from './NanoFactory';
import { ChemicalSet} from './ChemicalSet';
let factory : NanoFactory = NanoFactory.load("input.txt");
console.log("My puzzle answer is " + factory.calculateOre(1,"FUEL",new ChemicalSet()));
Second solution solved through finding how much FUEL consumes maximal 1 trillion ORE. Searched with binary search.
import { NanoFactory} from './NanoFactory';
import { ChemicalSet} from './ChemicalSet';
let factory : NanoFactory = NanoFactory.load("input.txt");
let min = 2690379; //Math.round(1000000000000 / 371695);
let max = 5525109;
while(min <= max)
let cnt = Math.round((min + max) / 2);
let ore = factory.calculateOre(cnt,"FUEL",new ChemicalSet());
console.log(cnt + " needs "+ore);
console.log(" min "+min);
console.log(" max "+max);
if(ore > 1000000000000)
max = cnt - 1;
min = cnt + 1;
console.log("My puzzle answer is last result");
The solutions are written in Typescript. To run them use the following commands.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution2.js
The core Algorithmus is starting from given position and get candidates which are not visited
getCandidates(x : number, y : number,way : Array<number>,visited : any) : Array<any>
let candidates : Array<any> = [];
for(let i = 0;i < 4;i++)
let direction = this.directions[i];
let xn = x + direction.x;
let yn = y + direction.y;
let k = xn+","+yn;
if(k in visited) continue;
visited[k] = true;
let t = this.getXY(xn,yn);
x: xn,
y: yn,
w: way.concat([direction.d]),
d: xn * xn + yn * yn,
t : t
//console.log("get "+x+","+y+" => "+JSON.stringify(candidates));
return candidates;
With candidates that are not walls search for next candidates.
coordinates = candidates
.filter(item => item.t == 1)
.map((o : any ) => {return { x : o.x, y : o.y , w : o.w }});
Solved by finding nearest (from 0,0) unvisited field und tile computer return 2. Then get length of shortest path from this point to 0,0
Solved by create map until no "no visited" filed exists. Then calculate maximal length from oxygen system to each point in the map.
The solutions are written in Typescript. To run them use the following commands.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution2.js
Implementing algorithm for calulate next sequence straight forward.
next(sequence: number[]) {
let l = sequence.length;
let next: number[] = new Array<number>(sequence.length);
for(let i = 0;i < l;i++)
let pattern: Pattern = new Pattern(i+1);
let sum = 0;
let x = 0;
while(x < l)
var cmd = pattern.next();
case 0:
x += cmd.length;
if(x >= l) x = l;
case 1:
for(let j = 0;j < cmd.length && x < l;j++)
sum += sequence[x++];
case -1:
for(let j = 0;j < cmd.length && x < l;j++)
sum -= sequence[x++];
let n = Math.abs(sum) % 10;
next[i] = n;
return next;
And run it 100 times for given input data.
var fs = require('fs');
import { Calculator } from './Calculator';
let data : string = fs.readFileSync("input.txt").toString('utf-8');
var sequence = data.split("").map(i => parseInt(i));
let calculator : Calculator = new Calculator();
for(let i = 0;i < 100;i++)
sequence = calculator.next(sequence);
console.log("My puzzle answer is " + sequence.join('').substr(0,8));
When I started algorithm with input repeated 10000 times I quickly realized that the runtime complexity is O(n2) with a real runtime over an hour only called once. Found out that the last numbers only are sum of successors. So implemented optimized algorithm with runtime complexity O(n)
nextOptimized(sequence: number[],offset : number) {
let l = sequence.length;
let next: number[] = new Array<number>(sequence.length);
let sum = 0;
for(let i = l - 1;i >= offset;i--)
sum += sequence[i];
let n = Math.abs(sum) % 10;
next[i] = n;
return next;
This I could run 100 times in short time. A good example for showing difference between runtime complexity O(n) and O(n2)
var fs = require('fs');
import { Pattern } from './Pattern';
import { Calculator } from './Calculator';
let data : string = fs.readFileSync("input.txt").toString('utf-8');
var presequence = data.split("").map(i => parseInt(i));
let l = presequence.length;
var sequence = new Array<number>(l * 10000);
for(let i = 0;i < l * 10000;i++)
sequence[i] = presequence[i % l];
let calculator : Calculator = new Calculator();
for(let i = 0;i < 100;i++)
sequence = calculator.nextOptimized(sequence,5977269);
console.log("My puzzle answer is " + sequence.slice(5977269,5977300).join('').substr(0,8));
The solutions are written in Typescript. To run them use the following commands.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution1find.js node dist/solution2.js
Implement Panel class for load output to x-y-field data structure and calulate alignment.
load(input: number[]) {
let x = 0;
let y = 0;
for(let c of input)
if(c == 10)
this.width = Math.max(x,this.width);
x = 0;
if(c != 35 && c != 46)
console.log(x+","+y+" = "+c);
this.height = y;
getIntersectionAlignmentSum() {
let sum = 0;
for(let y = 0;y <= this.height;y++)
for(let x = 0;x <= this.width;x++)
sum += x * y;
return sum;
First resolved path along the scaffold under the assumption, the robot would always run straight on for as long as possible.
getPath(): string {
let cmd :string = "L";
let d = { x : -1, y : 0 }
let x = 46;
let y = 50;
//go forward
let l = 0;
while(this.is(x + d.x, y +d.y,35))
x += d.x;
y += d.y;
cmd += ","+l;
//get possible direction from this position
let vd = [];
if(this.is(x + 1,y,35))
vd.push({ x : 1, y : 0 });
if(this.is(x - 1,y,35))
vd.push({ x : -1, y : 0 });
vd.push( {x : 0, y : 1 });
vd.push({ x : 0, y : -1 });
if(vd.length == 1)
console.log("End found");
if(vd.length != 2)
throw Error(JSON.stringify(vd));
vd = vd.filter(i => Math.abs(d.x + i.x) == 1 && Math.abs(d.y + i.y) == 1);
if(vd.length != 1)
throw Error(JSON.stringify(vd));
let nd = vd[0];
if(d.x == -1 && nd.y == -1) cmd +=",R";
if(d.x == -1 && nd.y == 1) cmd +=",L";
if(d.x == 1 && nd.y == -1) cmd +=",L";
if(d.x == 1 && nd.y == 1) cmd +=",R";
if(d.y == -1 && nd.x == -1) cmd +=",L";
if(d.y == -1 && nd.x == 1) cmd +=",R";
if(d.y == 1 && nd.x == -1) cmd +=",R";
if(d.y == 1 && nd.x == 1) cmd +=",L";
d = nd;
return cmd;
Result tested manually for pattern and noticed that’a a possible solution.
L,8,R,10,L,8,R,8, L,12,R,8,R,8, L,8,R,10,L,8,R,8, L,8,R,6,R,6,R,10,L,8, L,8,R,6,R,6,R,10,L,8,L,8,R,10,L,8,R,8, L,12,R,8,R,8, L,8,R,6,R,6,R,10,L,8, L,12,R,8,R,8, L,12,R,8,R,8
which could be split into submodules
This used for computer input
let computer = Computer.load("input.txt");
let command = "A,B,A,C,C,A,B,C,B,B\n";
command += "L,8,R,10,L,8,R,8\n";
command += "L,12,R,8,R,8\n";
command += "L,8,R,6,R,6,R,10,L,8\n";
command += "n\n"; //y/n
for(let i = 0;i < command.length;i++)
console.log("My puzzle answer is "+computer.getLastOutput());
The solutions are written in Typescript. To run them use the following commands.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution2.js
I found an approach to search shortest path from start position, by iterate over each reachable key from a node. But this approach has runtime of O(n!). So had to cheat a little bit and found optimation with cache.
The combinations after passing through the three nodes a,b,c and from node c are the same
@ → a → b → c
@ → b → a → c
let cacheK = n + "-" +visited.sort().join(",");
if(cacheK in this.cache)
return this.cache[cacheK];
With this approach found solution within seconds.
Solved by searching shortest path with all nodes.
Second solution solved by search for path in each separate sections assuming that the missing keys for doors collected by the others robots.
The solutions are written in Typescript. To run them use the following commands.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution2.js
Simple run for the 50x50 grid and count the digits "1".
import { Computer } from "./Computer";
import { Panel } from "./Panel";
let panel = new Panel();
let one = 0;
let zeros = 0;
for(let y = 0;y < 50;y++)
for(let x = 0;x < 50;x++)
let computer = Computer.load("input.txt");
let output = computer.getLastOutput();
if(output == 1)
console.log("My puzzle answer is "+one);
Scanned for each line the width of tractor and the x Positions. Then check if square fits.
import { Computer } from "./Computer";
import { Panel } from "./Panel";
import { SIGUSR1 } from "constants";
let panel = new Panel();
function scan(x : number,y : number) : number {
let computer = Computer.load("input.txt");
return computer.getLastOutput();
function scanWidth(x : number,y : number) : any {
let x0 : number = x;
let x1 : number = x;
while(scan(x0 -1,y) == 1) x0--;
while(scan(x1 +1,y) == 1) x1++;
//0123456 x0 = 2 , x1 = 4
return {
x0 : x0,
x1 : x1,
w: x1 - x0 + 1,
let y = 1700;
y+= 1;
let x = Math.round(y/100 * 61);
let o = scan(x,y);
if(o != 1)
throw new Error("out of tractor");
let s = scanWidth(x,y);
let x2 = Math.round((y+99)/100 * 61);
let s2 = scanWidth(x2,y+99);
let w = s.x1 - s2.x0 + 1;
console.log(x+","+y+" "+x2+","+(y+99)+" w:"+w+" h:"+(y +99 -y +1)+" "+JSON.stringify(s)+"/"+JSON.stringify(s2));
if(w >= 100)
console.log("My puzzle answer is "+(s2.x0 * 10000 + y));
The solutions are written in Typescript. To run them use the following commands.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution2.js
Created Maze and searched shortest path with BFS. Created function getNext for next reachable filed with distance 1.
getNext(u: { x: number; y: number; }): { x: number; y: number; }[] {
let next : { x: number; y: number; }[] = [];
for(let d of [{ x : 0, y: 1} , { x : 0, y: -1},{ x : 1, y: 0},{ x : -1, y: 0}])
let v = { x: u.x + d.x , y: u.y + d.y};
let vk = v.x +","+ v.y;
let vp = this.portals[vk];
//Partner - Portal
let p2 : any = Object.values(this.portals)
.filter((p : any) => p.portal == vp.portal
&& ((p.coords[0].x != vp.coords[0].x) || (p.coords[0].y != vp.coords[0].y)))[0];
//hat ein Partner Portal
console.log(JSON.stringify(vp) +" => "+JSON.stringify(p2));
for(let coords of p2.coords)
let c = { x: coords.x , y: coords.y };
for(let d2 of [{ x : 0, y: 1} , { x : 0, y: -1},{ x : 1, y: 0},{ x : -1, y: 0}])
let v2 = { x: c.x + d2.x , y: c.y + d2.y};
let v2k = v2.x +","+ v2.y;
let v2p = this.portals[v2k];
if(v2p) continue;
//ignore ist schon erreicht
return next;
Created recursive Maze and searched shortest path with BFS. Changed getNext for this Maze.
getNext(u: { x: number; y: number; l:number;}): {x: number; y: number; l:number;}[] {
let next : { x: number; y: number;l:number; }[] = [];
for(let d of [{ x : 0, y: 1} , { x : 0, y: -1},{ x : 1, y: 0},{ x : -1, y: 0}])
let v = { x: u.x + d.x , y: u.y + d.y, l: u.l};
let vk = v.x +","+ v.y;
let vp = this.portals[vk];
let nextLevel = vp.inside ? u.l + 1 : u.l - 1;
//Partner - Portal
let p2 : any = Object.values(this.portals)
.filter((p : any) => p.portal == vp.portal
&& ((p.coords[0].x != vp.coords[0].x) || (p.coords[0].y != vp.coords[0].y)))[0];
//hat ein Partner Portal
//console.log(JSON.stringify(vp) +" => "+JSON.stringify(p2));
for(let coords of p2.coords)
let c = { x: coords.x , y: coords.y };
for(let d2 of [{ x : 0, y: 1} , { x : 0, y: -1},{ x : 1, y: 0},{ x : -1, y: 0}])
let v2 = { x: c.x + d2.x , y: c.y + d2.y, l: nextLevel };
let v2k = v2.x +","+ v2.y;
let v2p = this.portals[v2k];
if(v2p) continue;
//ignore ist schon erreicht
return next;
The solutions are written in Typescript. To run them use the following commands.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution1find.js node dist/solution2.js
First I programmed the Aft Scaffolding Control and Information Interface, hoping that it might be used again
import { Computer } from "./Computer"; class ASCII { computer: Computer; constructor(computer : Computer) { this.computer = computer; } sendCommand(command: string) { for(let i = 0;i < command.length;i++) { this.computer.setInput(command.charCodeAt(i)); } this.computer.setInput(10); // \n } step() { while(this.computer.run()); let output = this.computer.getOutput(); //Print let line : string = ""; for(let c of output) { if(c > 256) { console.log("Big number "+c); } if(c == 10) { console.log(line); line = ""; continue; } line += String.fromCharCode(c); } } } export { ASCII }
I thought about the solution theoretically on the drive to IKEA. After returning home, it also worked.
import { Computer } from "./Computer";
import { ASCII } from "./ASCII";
let computer = Computer.load("input.txt");
let ascii = new ASCII(computer);
T, the temporary value register
J, the jump register
one tile away (A)
two tiles away (B)
three tiles away (C)
four tiles away (D)
#xxx# (jump if D == 1 and A or B or C == 0)
(!A || !B || !C) && D
// !A || !B
ascii.sendCommand("NOT A J");
ascii.sendCommand("NOT B T");
ascii.sendCommand("OR T J");
// !C || J
ascii.sendCommand("NOT C T");
ascii.sendCommand("OR T J");
// !!D && J
ascii.sendCommand("NOT D T");
ascii.sendCommand("NOT T T");
ascii.sendCommand("AND T J");
console.log("My puzzle answer is the big number");
Same approach as solution one. I tried a bit to find the cases and derived the logical form. I had to shorten this one a little bit because there was not enough memory.
import { Computer } from "./Computer";
import { ASCII } from "./ASCII";
let computer = Computer.load("input.txt");
let ascii = new ASCII(computer);
T, the temporary value register
J, the jump register
one tile to nine tiles away (A) -> (I)
(!A || !B || !C) && D && (H || (E && I) || (E && F)) => To long
(!A || !B || !C) && D && (H || (E && (I || F))
// !A || !B
ascii.sendCommand("NOT A J");
ascii.sendCommand("NOT B T");
ascii.sendCommand("OR T J");
// !C || J
ascii.sendCommand("NOT C T");
ascii.sendCommand("OR T J");
// !!D && J
ascii.sendCommand("NOT D T");
ascii.sendCommand("NOT T T");
ascii.sendCommand("AND T J");
//(I || F)
ascii.sendCommand("NOT I T");
ascii.sendCommand("NOT T T");
ascii.sendCommand("OR F T");
// && E
ascii.sendCommand("AND E T");
// || H
ascii.sendCommand("OR H T");
ascii.sendCommand("AND T J");
console.log("My puzzle answer is the big number");
The solutions are written in Typescript. To run them use the following commands.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution2.js
Solved by implementing the shuffle service and searching for 2019.
import { SpaceCards } from './SpaceCards';
class ShuffleService
newStack(cards: SpaceCards): SpaceCards {
let ncards: SpaceCards = new SpaceCards(cards.size);
for(let i = 0;i < cards.size;i++)
ncards.cards[cards.size -1 - i] = cards.cards[i];
return ncards;
cut(cards: SpaceCards, n: number) : SpaceCards {
//console.log("cut "+n);
let ncards: SpaceCards = new SpaceCards(cards.size);
for(let i = 0;i < cards.size;i++)
ncards.cards[(cards.size - n + i) % cards.size] = cards.cards[i];
return ncards;
increment(cards: SpaceCards, incr: number): SpaceCards {
//console.log("deal with increment "+incr);
let ncards: SpaceCards = new SpaceCards(cards.size);
for(let i = 0;i < cards.size;i++)
ncards.cards[(i * incr) % cards.size] = cards.cards[i];
return ncards;
shuffle(cards: SpaceCards, commands: string[]): SpaceCards {
for(let cmd of commands)
let p : string[] = cmd.split(" ");
if(p[3] == "stack")
cards = this.newStack(cards);
if(p[0] == "cut")
cards = this.cut(cards,parseInt(p[1]));
if(p[2] == "increment")
cards = this.increment(cards,parseInt(p[3]));
return cards;
export { ShuffleService }
I knew that 119315717514047 space cards shuffling 101741582076661 times is not solvable with the solution for star 1. I realized that the transformation of one shuffling process could used for for each loop. Furthermore, it is not necessary to calculate the whole array to determine the position. But I not found an approach for reduce loop count. So I had to cheat again. I’ve found an approch and will explain it here.
All three transformations are invertible and composition of all inverted transformation is posible. We calculate the mapping for one inverted shuffle process.
let a : number = 1;
let b : number = 0;
for(let i = input.length - 1;i >= 0;i--)
let p : string[] = input[i].split(" ");
if(p[3] == "stack")
// pos = N - pos
a = (N - a) % N;
b = (N + N - b - 1) % N;
if(p[0] == "cut")
let cut = parseInt(p[1]);
b = ((b + cut) %N + N )% N;
if(p[2] == "increment")
let incr = parseInt(p[3]);
a = modDiv(a, incr, N);
b = modDiv(b, incr, N);
Than calculate result with fast exponentiation.
while (rep) {
if (rep % 2) x = (mulMod(x,a,N) + b) % N;
let a1 = mulMod(a,a,N);
b = (mulMod(a,b,N) + b) % N;
a = a1;
rep = Math.floor(rep / 2);
return x;
The solutions are written in Typescript. To run them use the following commands.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution2.js
Straight forward programming of Network.
import { Computer } from "./Computer";
//init computers and queues
let queues : any = {};
let computers = [];
for(let c = 0;c < 50;c++)
computers[c] = Computer.load("input.txt");
computers[c].setInput(c); //Set network adresee
queues[c] = [[c, -1,-1]];
queues[255] = [];
for(let c = 0;c < 50;c++)
let computer = computers[c];
//Send packets or -1
if(queues[c].length > 0)
let p = queues[c].shift();
//Receive packets
let output = computer.getOutput();
for(let x = 0;x < output.length;x+=3)
let p = [ output[x] , output[x+1],output[x+2]];
let a = p[0];
if(queues[255].length > 0)
console.log("My puzzle answer is "+queues[255][0][2]);
“What is the first Y value delivered by the NAT to the computer at address 0 twice in a row?”
After I understood that it is about the sent and not received packets, the solution was also simple. :-)
import { Computer } from "./Computer";
let queues : any = {};
let computers = [];
for(let c = 0;c < 50;c++)
computers[c] = Computer.load("input.txt");
computers[c].setInput(c); //Set network adresee
queues[c] = [[c, -1,-1]];
queues[255] = [];
let lastNaty = -1;
for(let c = 0;c < 50;c++)
let computer = computers[c];
if(queues[c].length > 0)
let p = queues[c].shift();
let output = computer.getOutput();
for(let x = 0;x < output.length;x+=3)
let p = [ output[x] , output[x+1],output[x+2]];
let a = p[0];
let packets = 0;
for(let k of Object.keys(queues))
if(k == '255') continue;
packets += queues[k].length;
if(packets == 0)
let i = queues[255].length - 1;
if(queues[255][i][2] == lastNaty)
console.log("My puzzle answer is "+lastNaty);
queues[0].push([ 0 , queues[255][i][1],queues[255][i][2]]);
lastNaty = queues[255][i][2];
The solutions are written in Typescript. To run them use the following commands.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js node dist/solution2.js
Implemented Eris.
class Eris {
height: number;
width: number;
grid: any = {};
load(rows : string[]) : void
this.height = rows.length;
this.width = rows[0].length;
for(let y = 0;y < this.height;y++)
let cells : string[] = rows[y].split('');
for(let x = 0;x < this.width;x++)
set(x: number, y: number, t: string) {
this.grid[x+","+y] = t;
next(): Eris {
let next : Eris = new Eris();
next.width = this.width;
next.height = this.height;
for(let y = 0;y < this.height;y++)
for(let x = 0;x < this.width;x++)
let bugs : number = this.countBugs(x,y);
if(bugs != 1) //bug dies
if(bugs == 1 || bugs == 2) //becomes infested
return next;
isBug(x: number, y: number) : boolean {
let k : string = x+","+y;
return ((k in this.grid) && (this.grid[k] == '#'));
countBugs(x: number, y: number): number {
let bugs = 0;
for(let d of [{ x: 1, y : 0 },{ x: -1, y : 0 },{ x: 0, y : 1 },{ x: 0, y : -1 }])
if(this.isBug(x + d.x,y + d.y))
return bugs;
biodiversity(): number {
let b = 0;
let i = 0;
for(let y = 0;y < this.height;y++)
for(let x = 0;x < this.width;x++)
b += Math.pow(2,i);
return b;
dump() : void
for(let y = 0;y < this.height;y++)
let line = "";
for(let x = 0;x < this.width;x++)
line += this.grid[x+","+y];
export {Eris }
For finding first layout that appears twice used biodiversity rating because is unique for each layout.
import { Eris } from './Eris'; let eris : Eris = new Eris(); eris.load([ "#.###", ".....", "#..#.", "##.##", "..#.#"]); let cache : any = {}; while(true) { let b : number = eris.biodiversity(); if(b in cache) { eris.dump(); console.log("My puzzle answer is " + b); break; } cache[b] = true; eris = eris.next(); }
Implemented RecursiveEris.
class Eris {
height: number;
width: number;
grid: any = {};
load(rows : string[]) : void
this.height = rows.length;
this.width = rows[0].length;
for(let y = 0;y < this.height;y++)
let cells : string[] = rows[y].split('');
for(let x = 0;x < this.width;x++)
set(x: number, y: number, t: string) {
this.grid[x+","+y] = t;
next(): Eris {
let next : Eris = new Eris();
next.width = this.width;
next.height = this.height;
for(let y = 0;y < this.height;y++)
for(let x = 0;x < this.width;x++)
let bugs : number = this.countBugs(x,y);
if(bugs != 1) //bug dies
if(bugs == 1 || bugs == 2) //becomes infested
return next;
isBug(x: number, y: number) : boolean {
let k : string = x+","+y;
return ((k in this.grid) && (this.grid[k] == '#'));
countBugs(x: number, y: number): number {
let bugs = 0;
for(let d of [{ x: 1, y : 0 },{ x: -1, y : 0 },{ x: 0, y : 1 },{ x: 0, y : -1 }])
if(this.isBug(x + d.x,y + d.y))
return bugs;
biodiversity(): number {
let b = 0;
let i = 0;
for(let y = 0;y < this.height;y++)
for(let x = 0;x < this.width;x++)
b += Math.pow(2,i);
return b;
dump() : void
for(let y = 0;y < this.height;y++)
let line = "";
for(let x = 0;x < this.width;x++)
line += this.grid[x+","+y];
export {Eris }
Run it 200 times and count bugs.
import { RecursiveEris } from './RecursiveEris';
let eris : RecursiveEris = new RecursiveEris();
for(let i = 0;i < 200;i++)
eris = eris.next();
console.log("My puzzle answer is " + eris.countAllBugs());
The solutions are written in Typescript. To run them use the following commands.
npm install gulp node dist/solution1.js
First I explored the ship and take the items. Don’t take all, especially not the infinity loop.
for(let xx = 0;xx < 100;xx++)
let explore : any[] = ascii.step();
for(let item of map.getItems())
if(item == "infinite loop") continue;
if(item == "giant electromagnet") continue;
if(item == "escape pod") continue;
if(item == "photons") continue;
if(item == "molten lava") continue;
ascii.sendCommand("take "+item);
let explore : any[] = ascii.step();
console.log("take "+item+" "+JSON.stringify(explore));
let direction = map.nextUnexplored();
console.log("go to "+direction);
if(direction == undefined)
Than go to the "Security Checkpoint".
let path = map.getPathTo("Security Checkpoint");
for(let dir of path)
let explore : any[] = ascii.step();
And test all combinations of items to pass.
let items = ["pointer" ,"hypercube","cake","tambourine","monolith","mouse","coin","mug" ];
//drop all items
for(let i = 0;i < items.length;i++)
ascii.sendCommand("drop "+items[i]);
let l = Math.pow(2,items.length);
for(let c = 0;c < l;c++)
let testitems = [];
for (var j=0;j<items.length;j++) {
if ((c & Math.pow(2,j))){
console.log(c+" test with "+testitems);
for(let i = 0;i < testitems.length;i++)
ascii.sendCommand("take "+testitems[i]);
let explore : any[] = ascii.step();
if(map.room != "Security Checkpoint") break;
for(let i = 0;i < testitems.length;i++)
ascii.sendCommand("drop "+testitems[i]);
Nothing to do. :-)