

: subesokun

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Day 01: rust

This solution is written in Rust. It is the solution for the first day of AoC: The Tyranny of the Rocket Equation

Fuel calculation

Simple fuel calculation by creating the sum over all masses with the mapping function floor(mass/3) - 2. For the second star, I needed to add a recursive function.

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufRead;
use std::io::BufReader;
use std::path::Path;

fn read_puzzle_input(path: &Path) -> std::vec::Vec<f64> {
    let file = File::open(path).unwrap();
    let content = BufReader::new(&file);
    let mut vec = Vec::new();
    for line in content.lines() {
        let number: f64 = line.unwrap().parse().unwrap();
    return vec

fn calculate_fuel(mass: f64) -> f64 {
    return (mass / 3.0).floor() - 2.0;

fn calculate_fuel_recursive(mass: f64) -> f64 {
    let fuel: f64 = calculate_fuel(mass);
    if fuel < 0.0 {
        return 0.0
    } else {
        return fuel + calculate_fuel_recursive(fuel)

fn main() {
    let input_path = Path::new("input.txt");
    let puzzle_input = read_puzzle_input(&input_path);

    let solution_part_1: f64 = puzzle_input.iter().map(|&mass| calculate_fuel(mass)).sum();
    println!("Solution to part 1: {}", solution_part_1);

    let solution_part_2: f64 = puzzle_input.iter().map(|&mass| calculate_fuel_recursive(mass)).sum();
    println!("Solution to part 2: {}", solution_part_2);

Run instructions 🧙‍♂️

No need to install and configure Rust on your host, just use VSCode and the remote development extension pack for running the code without polluting your host. It’s magic ✨

code --install-extension ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack

Open folder in VSCode and re-open folder inside of the dev container by running the quick action

Select Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container...

Run the program by executing following command in the integrated VSCode terminal

cargo run

Day 01: python

This solution is written in Python. It is the solution for the first day of AoC: The Tyranny of the Rocket Equation

Fuel calculation

Simple fuel calculation by creating the sum over all masses with the mapping function floor(mass/3) - 2. For the second star, I needed to add a recursive function.

import math

INPUT_FILE_NAME = 'input.txt'

puzzle_input = None
with open(INPUT_FILE_NAME) as input_file:
    puzzle_input = [float(n) for n in input_file.readlines()]

def calculate_fuel(mass):
    return math.floor(mass / 3) - 2

solution_part_1 = sum(map(calculate_fuel, puzzle_input))
print('Solution to part 1: %i' % (solution_part_1,))

def calculate_fuel_recursive(mass):
    fuel = calculate_fuel(mass)
    return 0 if fuel < 0 else fuel + calculate_fuel_recursive(fuel)

solution_part_2 = sum(map(calculate_fuel_recursive, puzzle_input))
print('Solution to part 2: %i' % (solution_part_2,))

Run instructions 🧙‍♂️

No need to install and configure Python on your host, just use VSCode and the remote development extension pack for running the code without polluting your host. It’s magic ✨

code --install-extension ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack

Open folder in VSCode and re-open folder inside of the dev container by running the quick action

Select Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container...

Run the code by hitting the "play" button in the VSCode debugger.

Day 02: python

This solution is written in Python. It is the solution for the first day of AoC: 1202 Program Alarm


INPUT_FILE_NAME = 'input.txt'

puzzle_input = None
with open(INPUT_FILE_NAME) as input_file:
    puzzle_input = list(map(lambda val: int(val), input_file.readline().rstrip('\n').split(',')))

def run_instruction(opcode, param_1, param_2, param_3, memory):
    if opcode == 1:
        memory[param_3] = memory[param_1] + memory[param_2]
    elif opcode == 2:
        memory[param_3] = memory[param_1] * memory[param_2]
        raise Exception('Ooooppps')

def run_program(memory):
    instruction_pointer = 0
    while memory[instruction_pointer] != 99:
        run_instruction(memory[instruction_pointer + 0], memory[instruction_pointer + 1], memory[instruction_pointer + 2], memory[instruction_pointer + 3], memory)
        instruction_pointer += 4
    return memory

memory_solution_part1 = puzzle_input.copy()
memory_solution_part1[1] = 12
memory_solution_part1[2] = 2
solution_part_1 = run_program(memory_solution_part1)
print('Solution to part 1: %i' % (solution_part_1[0],))

def find_noun_verb(output, memory):
    for noun in range(0, 100):
        for verb in range(0, 100):
            memory_copy = memory.copy()
            memory_copy[1] = noun
            memory_copy[2] = verb
            result = run_program(memory_copy)[0]
            if result == output:
                return (noun, verb)

(noun, verb) = find_noun_verb(19690720, puzzle_input)
solution_part_2 = 100 * noun + verb
print('Solution to part 2: %i' % (solution_part_2,))

Run instructions 🧙‍♂️

No need to install and configure Python on your host, just use VSCode and the remote development extension pack for running the code without polluting your host. It’s magic ✨

code --install-extension ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack

Open folder in VSCode and re-open folder inside of the dev container by running the quick action

Select Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container...

Run the code via the integrated VSCode terminal


Day 03: python

This solution is written in Python. It is the solution for the first day of AoC: Crossed Wires


Not best solution, but it works 🙈

import sys

INPUT_FILE_NAME = 'input.txt'

def parse_cable_input(line):
    result = []
    for instruction in line.rstrip('\n').split(','):
        result.append({'op': instruction[0], 'val': int(instruction[1:])})
    return result

def add_cable_position_to_map(grid_map, cable_id, cable_position, cable_steps):
    if cable_position in grid_map:
        for cable in grid_map[cable_position]:
            if cable[0] == cable_id:
                # print('Ignoring cable "%i" as it visited already the grid position' % (cable_id,))
        grid_map[cable_position].append((cable_id, cable_steps))
        grid_map[cable_position] = [(cable_id, cable_steps)]

def create_cable_grid(puzzle_input):
    unique_cable_id = 0
    grid_map = {}
    for cable_instruction_list in puzzle_input:
        current_cable_id = unique_cable_id
        unique_cable_id += 1
        cable_position = (0, 0)
        cable_steps = 1
        # Warning: Ugly code ahead 🙈
        for instruction in cable_instruction_list:
            if instruction['op'] == 'L':
                for i in range(instruction['val']):
                    add_cable_position_to_map(grid_map, current_cable_id, (cable_position[0] - (i + 1), cable_position[1]), cable_steps)
                    cable_steps += 1
                cable_position = (cable_position[0] - instruction['val'], cable_position[1])
            elif instruction['op'] == 'R':
                for i in range(instruction['val']):
                    add_cable_position_to_map(grid_map, current_cable_id, (cable_position[0] + (i + 1), cable_position[1]), cable_steps)
                    cable_steps += 1
                cable_position = (cable_position[0] + instruction['val'], cable_position[1])
            elif instruction['op'] == 'U':
                for i in range(instruction['val']):
                    add_cable_position_to_map(grid_map, current_cable_id, (cable_position[0], cable_position[1] + (i + 1)), cable_steps)
                    cable_steps += 1
                cable_position = (cable_position[0], cable_position[1] + instruction['val'])
            elif instruction['op'] == 'D':
                for i in range(instruction['val']):
                    add_cable_position_to_map(grid_map, current_cable_id, (cable_position[0], cable_position[1] - (i + 1)), cable_steps)
                    cable_steps += 1
                cable_position = (cable_position[0], cable_position[1] - instruction['val'])
    return grid_map

def find_nearest_intersection(grip_map):
    min_distance_val = sys.maxsize
    for position, cables in grip_map.items():
        if len(cables) == 2:
            distance = abs(position[0]) + abs(position[1])
            if distance < min_distance_val:
                min_distance_val = distance
    return min_distance_val

def find_min_steps_intersection(grip_map):
    min_steps = sys.maxsize
    for position, cables in grip_map.items():
        if len(cables) == 2:
            steps = cables[0][1] + cables[1][1]
            if steps < min_steps:
                min_steps = steps
    return min_steps

puzzle_input = None
with open(INPUT_FILE_NAME) as input_file:
    puzzle_input = [parse_cable_input(line) for line in input_file.readlines()]
grid_map = create_cable_grid(puzzle_input)

solution_part_1 = find_nearest_intersection(grid_map)
print('Solution to part 1: %i' % (solution_part_1,))

solution_part_2 = find_min_steps_intersection(grid_map)
print('Solution to part 2: %i' % (solution_part_2,))

Run instructions 🧙‍♂️

No need to install and configure Python on your host, just use VSCode and the remote development extension pack for running the code without polluting your host. It’s magic ✨

code --install-extension ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack

Open folder in VSCode and re-open folder inside of the dev container by running the quick action

Select Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container...

Run the code via the integrated VSCode terminal
